Chapter Five

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The world snaps back into place and my ears are blasted with the sound of traffic as Harry drags me sideways and out of the path of a red double-decker bus. We press up against a metal fence used to keep pedestrians on the sidewalk. I blink, taking in the smell of smog and the bright cityscape around us. I glance at Hermione, then Harry, slipping my arms from their hands and pressing my palms together.

Hermione hunches her head down, motioning for Ron to start towards the footpath. We keep our heads down, weaving between the crowd of people that all somehow seem to be walking in the opposite direction.

"Where are we?" I croak, and Hermione glances back at me,

"Shaftesbury Avenue. I used to come here to the theater with my mum and dad. Just popped into my head. I don't know why..." She mumbles, looking up to figure out where we are, and then grabbing Ron and me by the arm, dragging us down an alley and out of the glow of the obnoxious streetlights.

We press up against the wall, and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I glance back at the street we were walking along, a blur of people and colour, then turn back to Hermione.

"We need to change." She says, briefly glancing at my dress and then back at her own. She pulls out a small purple beaded bag, reaching her hand in, and then impossibly her arm fits into the bag in its entirety, so her entire arm is burying in the bag.

"How did you-"

"Undetectable extension charm," I say quickly, smiling as Hermione passes me a shirt and some jeans.

"Amazing you are," Ron says, staring wide-eyed at Hermione's bag as she passes him some jeans.

Hermione smiles, looking up at him, "Always the tone of surprise."

We change quickly, and Hermione puts our clothes back into her bag and we start towards a cafe Hermione mentioned. It's empty, with the walls painted a blue-green and the trimmings painted a bright red. We take a table pressed against the wall and sit in silence for a moment as the reality of our situation sits in. We can't go back. I wonder if he was there. I told him not to. I told him not to fight in this war. Maybe he wasn't there, maybe he said no, but if he was...

"They were after you. We'd just put everyone in danger going back." Ron says, and I blink, looking up.

Hermione nods, "Ron's right, I-"

The waitress walks up to our table, one headphone in and stops, sticking her hip out and looking at us expectantly. Hermione glances at us,

"Cappuccino please," Hermione says.

Eventually, we all order the same thing, though I don't actually know what a cappuccino is.

"So where do we go from here? The Leaky Cauldron?" Ron asks, and I shake my head.

"Too dangerous, If Voldemort's taken over the Ministry, none of the old places are safe," I say, and Hermione nods in agreement.

Two men enter and the bell above the door rings. Harry groans, "My rucksack with all my things... I left it at the burrow."

Hermione and I glance at each other. She looks down at the beaded bag and then back at Harry.

"You're joking." Harry says, and I shake my head,

"We've had the essentials packed for days after when you tried to run off alone, we thought we'd better be ready," I say, and he shakes his head, thankful.

Harry frowns, looking over my shoulder. His eyes widen.

"Get down!"

I jump from my seat as I hear the sound of glass smashing. I pull out my wand, standing and throwing a spell towards the counter where two men in uniform are standing. I duck out of the way of the cruciartus curse, swearing under my breath as the table in front of me is blown towards me, slamming into my side. Hermione stands and throws another curse, and I pause, listening to the sound of glass cracking underfoot before I stand, throwing the second man backwards and into the door to the kitchen.

The room falls silent. I look across the room to Harry and Ron, who are crouched behind an upturned table like myself. Shakily, I stand, reaching a hand up and brushing my fingers across my forehead and when I pull my hand back I see blood. I bite my lip, wiping my hand on my jeans as the door opens and the waitress freezes, seemingly caught between one breath and the next as she stares at the upturned tables and broken glass.

"Go home." I say loudly, looking at her square in the eye, "Now."

She jumps backwards, closing the door and scrambling through the kitchen and out the back door. I take a breath, glancing at Harry and then back to the door. Harry stands,

"Get the lights," He mumbles, starting towards where one of the men lay unconscious. Ron gets out his deluminator and starts dimming the lights. Hermione walks to the window and closes the blinds.

I follow Harry towards the first man, staring at his empty eyes. His chest moves slightly underneath his blue uniform. I recognise his face, and I glance at Harry.

"This one's name is Rowle. He was on the Astronomy Tower the night Snape killed Dumbledore." Harry murmurs, more for Ron and Hermione's benefit than mine.

I pass him and walk behind the counter. I stare at the second man, frowning at his face. I don't recognise him, at least, not really.

"So what do we do with you, huh? Kill us if it was turned round, wouldn't you?" Ron spits, and I look up at him, wide-eyed.

"Ron," I mumble,

"Suppose it's him that did Mad-Eye. How would you feel then?"

I shake my head, I've never seen Ron so angry. I've never seen him like this. "It's better we wipe there memories, if we kill them they'll know we were here."



I'm about to head off to a full day rehearsal yeet but also argh

Do any of you guys do musical theatre? I'm in a production of Beauty and the Beast (just ensemble) rn

I value each and every one of you,

Taylor xxx

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