Chapter Ten

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It's my leg.

I try to breathe and end up biting down and clawing at the air, trying not to scream. Tears start to blur my vision as I try to focus my eyes on the trees above me, anything to keep my mind off the burning in my leg. 

"Clara, Clara-" Harry says frantically, putting his on my shoulders as he looks back at my leg. 

I shake my head, "My leg I can't-"

"She's been splinched, so has Ron-" Hermione manages from somewhere behind Harry. I gulp, clearing my mind and pushing the pain from the middle of my skull, where it's screaming at me, and to the back, looking straight at Harry's panicky eyes. 

"Harry-" I croak, trying to level my voice, "In Hermione's bag there will be Essence of Dittany, get it out, now." My voice cracks as I speak, and he stops, then gets up, going over to where I assume Hermione left her bag, and starts rummaging through it. 

I try to steady my breathing, listening for Ron, who I know is lying to my right. I can hear Hermione shushing him, and my own whimpers and choked breathing muddles with his. 

"Give it here, Harry," Hermione says, and I close my eyes, listening as Ron cusses and squirms against the dry ground, Hermione's gentle voice calming him as she begins to heal his wound. 

The burning in my leg arches up again and I flinch, digging my fingernails into my palm as my breath hitches. I hear footsteps beside me, and Hermione pauses, my eyes flicker open but I can barely see her through my tears. She kneels down, and I whimper as she rips the thin fabric of Mrs Cattermole's stockings, peeling it off my leg as I cry out. Everything is blurry, and she mutters a word of kindness before an intense searing pain scrapes along my leg, and I scream, squeezing my eyes closed as my skin begins to stitch back together.

"There, okay, you're okay now," Hermione murmurs, and I open my eyes shakily, looking up at her. She sits back on her heels, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, smearing blood across an eyebrow. 

She nods to herself, getting up. "Harry, you set up the tent while I put up protective enchantments."

I close my eyes, the burning pain melting into an ache, throbbing down the side of my leg. He was there, at the ministry. His father too. Draco was right there, metres from me. I should've called out, made him see me, but I suppose, I mean, I know that would've been stupid. His father was right there. My hand shakily reaches up to where his ring still hangs around my neck and I squeeze it. I still love him. I know that, and maybe one day I'll see him again. 

I realise my tears aren't because of my leg anymore, and I blink them away. 


Harry helps me into the tent and as I bandaged Ron's arm Hermione bandaged my leg, which had a large gash running down the side. Apparently, when we apparated from the ministry to Grimmauld Place, we took that man who was chasing us too, so Hermione brought us here, the middle of nowhere. In the process, however, both Ron and I got caught between these two places and ripped slightly. 

I change into some slightly more comfortable clothes, settling down on the lower bunk at one end of the tent. The boy's bunk is adjacent to this one, and opposite that, around the corner, is a table with a few chairs. Ron lies on his bunk with the radio crackling beside him, listening for news of recent disappearances or deaths. Harry and Hermione are outside. 


I prop myself up on my elbows, looking over at him. "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry, about your leg... I guess it was my fault."

I frown, "What on earth are you on about, Ron? How is it your fault?"

"You tried to push him off me, that's why you got splinched." He answers, looking away from me and back at the radio. 

I nod slowly, laying myself back down. I swallow, wriggling down into the bed and playing with Draco's ring. He was there. He didn't see me, but he was there. Metres from me. I should've said something. I should've-

"Why can't you let him go?" 

I turn to Ron, "What?"

"Why don't you just move on? I just don't see how it'll work so-" He starts, stuttering slightly and I know he can see the anger in my eyes.

Ronald Weasley, in love with Hermione Granger for years but doesn't make a move or even try to move on. He goes around with Lavander but if anything it's to make Hermione jealous, and he tells me to move on from a boy I was with for years, my closest friend. 

Seething, I grit my teeth, "That's rich coming from you,"

He scoffs, "What are you on about?"

"Why don't you just move on from Hermione? Why don't you find someone else, if you think she doesn't like you then-" I snap,

"I don't like Hermione!" He growls, "At least I don't endanger my friends because I thought I saw my ex-boyfriend. At least I don't have to be dragged away." 

Ex-boyfriend, "At least I'm not a virgin!" I hiss. Ron looks at me in disbelief. I know that was a low blow, but Ron cares about that stuff, I know he does. 

"What gives you that idea?" He says quietly, 

"What? Did you fuck Lavander in a janitors closet?" I snap, and seeing Ron falter I realise how much that actually hurt him.

"See, I'd call you a slut, Clara, but that'd be a lie," Ron says cooly, "You aren't, but you and I both know that Draco has moved on and slept with other girls that are on his side, and he isn't still clinging to a pathetic childhood romance that got thrown off the Astronomy tower." 

He gets up, storming across the tent and outside. I take a shaky breath, rolling onto my side, facing away from the door and letting out a croaky sob. I know Ron only said that in the heat of the argument, I know he did, but as his words start to sink in, digging into my gut and poking at me, I realise that they hold some truth. Draco might have moved on, and I will have to live with that. 


If I'm honest I don't know how I feel about this chapter, I have mixed feelings. 

Also yeah if you're subscribed to my youtube you already know this BUT


Taylor is my second name my first name is Ailish, but I want to remain Taylor on here so keep calling me that fam

Yeah anyway just in case some of yall were confused

Lots of love,

Taylor xx

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