Chapter Thirty-Eight

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I run through the corridors towards the dungeons, and as I do the empty corridors come to life, flooding with panicked students running in every direction, some wanting to fight, some trying to find somewhere to hide. I push through a crowd of Ravenclaws, down another staircase, take a right and then left through the dimly lit passages, and the walls turn to metal bars. I walk through the maze of cells until I hear a voice, 

"Listen, you dim old fleabag, we're going to go to our common room,"

That's Pansy's voice.

"Don't make me curse you," I hear her growl, and I take a right, stopping and staring with wide eyes.

Filch is marching away from three locked cells filled with Slytherin students, keys in hand. He seems proud of himself. I pull out my wand, and when he looks up to see me, he freezes. 

"Give me the keys," I snap, and he shakes his head. 

I walk towards him, "Now, Filch or I'll knock your lights out,"

The keys clatter to the floor and he shakes his head, walking around me and muttering under his breath to his cat. I scoop up the keys, fumbling with them and then unlocking each cell. Pansy is looking at me now, she seems grateful. In the dim light, I can see a scar that runs down the side of her face, and how she's tried to cover up a dark bruise with makeup. She eyes me as I unlock her cell.

"Thanks," She manages, and I nod, tossing her the keys. 

I realise they're all staring at me, waiting. I frown at the group, which now seems half the size of the one that was in the hall.

"Where did half of you go?" I ask slowly, turning on my heels, I glance back at Pansy, who motions for us to walk on, 

"Scurried off, filthy bastards, either scared or angry, they're using the secret passage from the room of requirement to get out," She sounds defeated, bitter, "They're joining him."

As we walk, I can tell they're watching me, waiting for me to explain some sort of plan or idea. I have none. I need one, I suppose since I don't have long. We reach the common room, and as I step over the threshold I take a breath. The smell is so nostalgic it makes my knees weak. I smile, and when I turn I see Pansy is eyeing me.

"So what's the plan, Potter?"

I swallow, "Er, okay-" I glance around at the small group, unsure as to what to say, "We protect each other, or you do, protect the younger ones, they need to be kept safe,"

"Obviously, what do you think we've been doing all year? I'll take care of that, I mean why are you here," Pansy says impatiently, 

"We think there's something hidden in the castle that could help us defeat him but Pansy, forgive me, I'm not saying any more than that,"

Pansy sneers, "Why? You think we'll take the information right to the Dark Lord?"

Part of me wants to say yes because that is part of it, but it's more than that, "No, Pansy, actually it's because you need to focus on keeping yourselves alive, not on whatever I have to do,"

Pansy goes to argue, but sighs, nodding slowly. I walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her stiff shoulders and hugging her. 

"I don't know what sort of hell you've gone through this year," I murmur, "I can't, but I missed you."

She pulls away, her eyes flickering from mine to the ground. She swallows, and I see her blink away a few tears. She looks up, nodding. "I've missed you too- Now listen up, this is it, dimwits, half of us may not be alive by morning but in order to keep of many of us alive as possible you will do as I say," 

I glance at Blaise and raise my eyebrows. She's terrifying. Blaise smiles slightly, nodding.

"I know some of you want to fight, but we can't leave the younger ones unprotected. First to third years, you need to-"

A low, loud rumble echoes from above. I glance at a chandelier that swings slightly. I can't stay much longer.

Pansy closes her eyes, taking a deep breath, "Find somewhere defensible, fourth to seventh years, half of you can leave, but the rest, we- I, need you here, please," 

There is silence, then some shuffling, some deciding to stay, while others moving towards the door. Another loud crashing noise shakes the room. Blaise walks over to Pansy, with a rather dazed looking Goyle follows. They speak quietly with her, and she argues, but then seems to understand. I feel someone tap my shoulder, and turn to see Millie. She smiles,

"Long time no see, halfwit," 

"Good to see you too, Millie," I pull her into a loose hug, and she smiles, I step back, 

"Are you staying or are you-"

"Staying, Pansy needs all the help she can get," Millie shrugs, "And anyway, the kids seem to like me."

Dust falls from the stone above us as a loud rumbling fills the room. I can hear someone crying.

"Right! If you're leaving- leave," Pansy yells, her voice croaky, tired. Daphne wraps an arm around her shoulders, resting her forehead against Pansy's temple and closing her eyes. I walk over to the pair slowly, unsure as to whether I should interupt their peace or not,

"Clara," Blaise calls from behind me, and I turn to see him walking over, Goyle by his side. From across the room, Millie pulls Theodore towards us, and I swallow the lump in my throat. Our group forms a circle, it feels empty, though. 

"Where's Crabbe?" I ask,

Goyle sighs, "He left, with the others,"

I can see he's hurt, they're best friends, "I'm sorry, Goyle,"

"Call me Greg, please, Clara," He looks up, smiling softly, "I've known you long enough,"

I nod, taking a shaky breath that makes my throat ache, "I may never see any of you again," I say, my voice cracking, Daphne goes to speak but I cut her off, "No, it's true, and I wanted to thank you, without you I wouldn't be here and I-"

"Oh shut up," Pansy scoffs, "Blubber at us after this is over,"

I sniff, "Alright, just be careful, please, and if- If you see Draco, can you tell him I'm looking for him?"

Blaise glances at Millie with a knowing smile as if he won a bet, and I roll my eyes.

"I need to speak to him, just do this? Please?"

They all nod, hiding smiles, and then Daphne leads in pulling us into a hug as the room around us shakes. I step back, wiping tears from under my eyes and saluting them with a half smile, I turn towards the doors and start towards them when someone grabs my sleeve. I turn to see Rosie.

"Be careful, okay?" Her high voice whispers, and I nod,

"Okay, now you stay safe, and do what Pansy says, you promise?"

She nods, "Pinky swear,"

I hook pinky fingers with her and shake, smiling through tears, and then turn away from them all. I walk, slowly, out the doors as the room around me shudders. 

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