Chapter Thirty-Three

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I don't know how Hermione acquired a strand of Bellatrix's hair, but as she walks towards us up the sand dunes, her now messy, matted black hair swirling around her face, there is no doubt that she did. She wears a gothic, black dress with a tight bodice and scowls at herself as she reaches the group. Ron walks behind her, disguised as another Death Eater, dressed in black.

I had volunteered to transform into Bellatrix, but Hermione took my place, arguing that after my ordeal at Malfoy Manor, I shouldn't. I reluctantly agreed. I know she's right. I glance at my plain, dark clothes, my jeans, a black duffel coat over a moss green shirt. My worn boots. I look quite ordinary compared to her.

Griphook stands beside me, and he glances at me, amused by our efforts. I hold my hand out, motioning for him to hand me the sword. He sighs, placing it in my hand. I nod to Hermione to open her beaded bag and as she does I lower the heavy weapon into it. The ocean wind whips at my face and fills the air with a loud roar.

Harry holds out his hand, and I take it wordlessly, followed by Hermione and then Ron. I nod to Griphook.

"We're relying on you, Griphook. If you get us past the guards and into the vault, the sword's yours." I say,

The Goblin places his hand atop Ron's and the cold, bright sunlight disappears, the roaring of the ocean is snatched from us, and we stumble into a dark, dusty alleyway. Scraps of paper rustle at my feet as a cool breeze lifts strands of my hair from my shoulders. I glance around, recognising Diagon Alley. 

Harry raises his hand, pressing my back against one of the dark stone walls as someone passes the alleyway, recognising Hermione and greeting her. I try and sink into the stone as she stutters a response, 

"Good morning." 

As the man continues, I let out a breath.

"Good morning? You're Bellatrix Lestrange, not some dewy-eyed school girl!" Hisses Griphook as Hermione hurries down the stone stairs that lead back towards the small street we stand on, her eyes wide. 

"Ay, easy," Ron says in a rough voice, and Hermione shakes her head,

"No, he's right, I was being stupid."

I pull the Invisibility cloak from Hermione's bag, nodding at Harry. Harry kneels, and Griphook, rather reluctantly, gets onto his back. As Harry stands, I toss the Invisibility Cloak over them and then slip under myself. I loop an arm around Harry's, glancing at him as we start to slowly follow Ron and Hermione towards the bank.

As we step inside the large front doors, silence falls on us. The air in here is thick. A thousand people are listening to every move we make. Hermione takes a breath and then continues towards the main desk, farthest from the door. Ron follows her, slowly, and Harry, Griphook and I, shuffle after them. 

Hermione reaches the desk, eyeing the Goblin and standing up straight, raising her chin. She clears her throat, but despite how loud it sounds in the silence, he doesn't notice. She takes a shaky breath.

"I wish to enter my vault." She manages, crossing her arms. 

The Goblin doesn't look up, "Identification."

"I hardly think that will be necessary," Hermione answers quickly, and I let out a breath, that at least was slightly convincing. 

He looks up, eyes wide, "Madame Lestrange-"

He pauses, eyeing her for a moment, and then turns and walks away. I glance at Harry, and he shakes his head. This isn't good.

"I don't like to be kept waiting," Hermione stutters. Jesus Christ. I should've taken the Pollyjuice potion.

I glance behind us to see a Ministry guard in his blue uniform start to walk towards us. I can suddenly hear the sound of quills scratching parchment.

"They know," I whisper, "They know she's an imposter."

Harry glances at me, "They've been warned," He whispers to Ron. Ron blinks, 

"Harry, what do we do Harry."

The guard is getting closer. 

Two Goblins return to the desk, and one of them, the more senior of the two, I'm assuming, steps forward.

"Madame Lestrange," he says in a light voice, "Would you mind presenting me with your wand."

Harry motions forward and we start slowly walking towards the desk, 

"I hardly think that would be necessary," Hermione says quickly,

"It's the bank's policy, I'm sure you understand given the current climate."

As we reach the desk, Harry mutters the name of a spell under his breath and I nod, raising my wand timidly, 

"No, I certainly do not understand," Hermione says, her voice becoming desperate,

The Goblin sits forward, "I'm afraid I must insist."

I take a breath, "Imperio,"

A small cloud of yellow wafts across the Goblins face and sinks into him and he takes a deep, long breath. His mouth bends into a relaxed smile,

"Very well Madame Lestrange, if you would follow me."

I glance back at Harry, and we begin to follow the Goblin through the metal gates behind the desk, my heart still in my throat.


We all climb onto a small rickety cart, with a large light in the front, that sits on a set of rusting rails. Griphook climbs into the driver's seat and I find my place between Hermione and the Goblin I cursed. I take one final look at the dimly lit platform we stepped off and the machine takes off, flying down the tracks, away from the warm light of the platform and into cold, damp caves. 

I watch as we enter tunnel system after tunnel system, twisting through ravines and vast chambers, breaking through waterfalls until my bones are shaking and it feels as though my wet clothing is frozen to me. I can barely breathe. We hit another wall of water and I choke. Harry yells something but I don't hear him.

Suddenly, we crash to a halt, and I glance at Griphook who tries the controls and then stops. A small, dull red light starts jolting up from the front of the machine, accompanied by the loud, shrieking alarm. 

The seat below me drops away.

I scream, falling through the darkness towards stone and squeezing my eyes closed as I plummet downwards.

We stop, my eyes focus on stone a metre below me and then I fall, hitting my face on the damp, muddy ground.

I try to catch my breath, staggering to my feet and reaching for Harry who has mud smeared down the side of his face. I pull him into a hug. 

"Thank you, Hermione," I mutter, pulling away from Harry to see Hermione's disguise has melted away. "You look like you again,"

Griphook sighs, "Thieves downfall, removes all enchantments. It can be deadly."

Ron scoffs, "You don't say."

I smile slightly, biting my lip and frowning at the other Goblin.  

"What the devil are all you doing down here? Thieves!"

"Imperio!" Ron murmurs, and once again the Goblin is gassed with the curse, falling silent.

A loud, low, rumbling roar erupts somewhere in the cave ahead of us, echoing through the air and ripping through the silence that had settled around us. Ron and I glance at each other.

"That doesn't sound good."

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