Chapter Twenty Eight

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Draco starts cooking some pasta and I put on some more clothes. I watch him, scrambling around the kitchen, messy hair, his face still slightly blushed from our activities earlier. I get a sense of the future we always wanted, where we aren't trapped or hurt or breaking or on the run, where we're together and safe. Where we can be seen together and it isn't controversy. Where our relationship doesn't endanger anyone. 

I smile, "We're ridiculous," 

"How so?" He asks, not looking up from the tin he's reading, 

I walk towards him, "We haven't spoken in months, and the first thing we do is have sex."

"Priorities," He shrugs, and I wrap my arms around him from behind, forcing him to stop his hurried movement and he sighs, placing an arm on top of mine, "How did you end up in London?"

I sigh, remembering the forest, the ground falling from beneath my feet, Harry and the others, "We were getting chased by some snatchers," I say, and he slips from my grasp, tending to a pot overflowing with boiling water, "And we got separated, Hermione and I, from the boys. I couldn't run, and she knew if they found out who I was- I guess they'd know it was Harry."

Draco nods, taking the pasta off the heat and pouring it through a strainer and sending steam towards the ceiling. 

"So Hermione told me to apparate away. I can't apparate properly, and I guess part of her expected it not to work, but I tried it and I... I guess I came to you." 

He smiles to himself, "Do you know where they are?"

"Either caught by the snatchers or god knows where," I say slowly, watching as Draco puts the pasta into two white bowls and mixing in some tomato and herb sauce from a can. He passes some to me, smiling, 

"What have you been up to, then?"

He leads me over to the couch and I sit down next to him, eating a mouthful of pasta and savouring how normal it is. 

He swallows, "Grieving, mostly." 

I lean on him more, "Have you been to Hogwarts?"

"No, but I've spoken to the others, Blaise and Pansy and that lot-" He winces, "It's bad, Clara."

I turn to him, "What kind of bad?"

"There are death eaters working there, they torture students, they say at least five kids have died-"

I swallow hard, "Jesus..."

"I know, Pansy's had her hands full with the first years. Keeping them equally quiet and hidden, but it's not easy." He takes a deep breath, shaking his head. "It's disgusting."

I don't have anything to say, I don't know what to say. I press my face into him, savouring his smell, mint and salt, warmth, wine. I press a kiss into his shoulder, blinking tears from my eyes. As we finish our meal, I tell him about how I spent a few weeks alone with Ron, and about the Horcruxes. I tell him about how stupid Hermione and Ron have been acting, and about the Deathly Hallows. 

We wash up, slightly wine drunk, but more intoxicated by each other's company. Talking quietly with each other and joking about the good times we have had. There is this feeling in the air, a childish fear, the type you feel when a sleepover is coming to an end, the dread for when they'll leave and you'll have to clean up and all the night will be is a memory. We are scared to let go of each other, as though we'll be whisked away and never seen again. I don't want to lose him again. 

He gives me the second Lord of The Rings book taking the first and tucking the Two Towers with the invisibility cloak. 

I dry my hands, turning away from the sink and laughing as the water makes a horrific sucking noise as it disappears down the drain. Draco, red-faced, walks over to me and presses his hands on the sides of my head, holding my forehead against mine. We kiss, warm, deep, I can taste wine on his breath and I chuckle as his hands slip down to my butt, up my back, feeling every inch of me. 

"Are we doing this again?" I chuckle, pulling away and biting my lip,

He grins, "If you want."

I kiss him again, and he scoops me, up, carrying me into the bedroom. 

After, I stand in front of the bathroom mirror, frowning at my appearance and biting my lip. All I can hear is the toilet flushing. I spy one of the unused toothbrushes by the sink, suddenly very aware of how gross my teeth feel, I pick it up, applying toothpaste and brush them feverishly. I haven't had toothpaste in months.

I creep back into the bedroom, past the dresser by the door and around the right side of the double bed, seeing Draco lying on his back, arms up, smiling softly at me. I sink into the bed next to him. I nuzzle into him, smiling when I recognise that he redressed himself. Draco refuses to sleep without pants on. He wraps his arms firmly around me and I close my eyes, letting sleep encapsulate me. 


There is a knock at the door.

It takes less than a second for Draco to slip out of bed, pick up a pyjama top and start buttoning it. I get up, jumping as the knocking becomes louder, feverish. He motions to the bed and I slip onto the floor, sliding under and as far back as I can. I watch Draco walk over to the bedroom door opposite the foot of the bed, stepping outside and opening the front door. 

"You are needed at home," 

The voice cuts through the air and I flinch. Narcissa. Fuck. 

"Why on earth, mother-"

"We need you to identify Harry Potter. We believe it is him, but we cannot know for sure and we dare not summon the Dark Lord unless-"

I can't breathe.



"I'll see you there in a few minutes, get dressed."

and with that, the front door closes. A silence hangs in the air and we let out a breath. I get up, staring at Draco, who doesn't seem to know what to do.

"Stay here-" He murmurs, "I'll go, and I- I don't know what I'll do, but-"

"No, Harry- I have to help Harry," I say quickly, disregarding Draco immediately, pushing past him and hurrying across the living space to where my clothes sit, clean and dry. 

"No." Draco shakes his head, "I will go, you stay here." 

"No way." I snap, pulling on my jeans, "He's my brother-"

"They'll kill you!"

"They're going to kill him!"

"I'm not going to let you do something so stupid-"

"And I'm not going to just let him die." I croak, pulling off my shirt and doing up my bra. Draco sighs, 

"And how do you expect we'll get you in without them knowing you were here?" He says with a condescending tone. 

"We'll be using the floor network, won't we? Just take me to an upstairs fireplace, drag me down, realistically, mind you, and say you found me snooping around." I say matter of factly, and he sighs, seeing the seriousness in my face,

"I can't keep you safe there, darling." 

I force a smile, walking over to him and kissing his cheek, "You don't have to."


I finished my last exam ysterday i am DONE with year 11 fuck yes

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