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"Holy FUCK!" Bakugou had never moved this fast in his life. The wind whipped through his hair, his heart danced in his stomach, and he struggled to keep a grip on Eijirou's scaly back.
He was ACTUALLY riding a dragon.
He was ACTUALLY flying.
Katsuki gripped onto Eijirou tightly, pressing his entire body against his back. He was surprised at how cold he was. Did Eijirou not have body heat?
"Slow the hell down, moron!" He shouted. If Bakugou planned on staying with him past ditching him at the first sign of safety, he would have gotten a harness for this guy. It was hard to hold onto him without one.
Suddenly, Eijirou jerked downward, making it even harder to hold on.
Katsuki felt his body parting from the dragon and struggled to keep his grasp.
"Hey!" He yelled, hands slipping and sliding.
Eijirou dove, scenery flew past, and suddenly Katsuki was falling, falling, rolling. He stopped when he hit some kind of hard wall.
"Ungh..." He groaned. What had happened?
He opened his eyes, looking around. He was in a cave, Eijirou's crumpled, human form lying next to him.
Katsuki pulled himself over, nudging the dragon. He moaned in pain, not opening his eyes.
"Cave?" He asked.
"You okay?"
"Weak..." He seemed so drained. What was going on? Had he hit his head?
"How weak? What happened?"
"Out...of power..." Eijirou took a long, slow breath. "Need rest..."
"That's all you need?"
"Mhm..." Eijirou relaxed into a sleep, cutting the conversation short.
Katsuki could have left Eijirou here, but he was concerned about him being found. He decided that now was as good a time to set up camp for the night as any.
He built a small fire inside the cave, cooking up a bit of the food he had on him.
As he cooked, he peeked across the fire at Eijirou. The redhead was still deep in sleep, body curled into a tiny ball. He still had his horns from the switch. Maybe it took energy to change. Back or something? Maybe the horns. We're normally part of his human form.
He had a pretty nasty looking cut on his cheek...
Katsuki, for some reason he couldn't fathom, made his way around the fire, dabbing the blood away with the edge of his cape. Eijirou didn't react apart from offering a faint smirk.
He was such a delicate sleeper, breath moving in a steady rhythm, body moving every once in a while. Katsuki wondered what he was dreaming of. Dragon stuff? Human stuff?
Did dragons dream?
Did Eijirou dream?
Katsuki settled himself down on his side, resting his head on his arm. He continued watching Eijirou, the way he shifted, the way his eyes fluttered, and the way the shadows flickered across his skin from the flames.
He admitted, flying had been fun before they had fallen. He wouldn't oppose to trying it again. Maybe he could ask Ei for a ride when he woke up.
He could cover more ground that way, at least.
Even though Eijirou was still just a stupid dragon.

My iPod is back up and running so I'm back in my groove.

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