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When Eijirou finally woke up, he was sore and stiff from not moving for so long. He sat up, stretching to realign his body. Switching into his dragon form always messed him up a little but he rarely got a chance to practise.
Katsuki was beside him, still sleeping. He looked a lot less angry than he had when he was awake, the tightness in his brow was gone, as was the scowl on his lips.
The blond moved so often that Eijirou hadn't gotten a chance to REALLY look at him. His facial structure was pretty manly when he wasn't scowling all the time.
He shifted, eyes opening.
"You're up?" He asked, voice sleepy.
"Yeah. Just got up."
"I'll make food. Do you eat?"
"Of course I do." Eijirou laughed. "What makes you think I don't?"
"You're not human, so I figured..."
"That I don't eat? Did you think dragons don't eat?" Eijirou giggled.
"No! I just figured you didn't eat people food..."
"I eat a lot of things."
"Like what?"
"Pretty much everything...but mostly small animals and bugs..."
"Bugs? That's disgusting."
"Well, they're great in a pinch. Eijirou shrugged.
"Can I ask you something?" Katsuki sat up, turning toward the dying fire.
"Yeah, sure."
"How did it happen? You, I mean. How did you end up existing?"
"My mom was a dragon and my dad was a knight. They fell in love. But then my father was called away before I was born. I've never met him."
"Do you know who he is?"
"Yeah. A knight that wears all red armour and goes by the name of Crimson Riot."
"I think I've heard of him..."
"He's legendary. But because he's legendary, he hides out. I haven't been able to find him." Eijirou sighed, looking at the cave wall.
"How long have you been looking?"
"Since mom died."
"'re all alone...?"
"Most of the time, yeah. I have some friends who know my secret, but other than that...I'm alone..."
"You too, huh?"
"Where are you headed after this?" It was Eijirou's turn to ask questions. And, boy, did he have some.
"Dunno. I usually just go where I'm needed."
"Wanna come with me? I'm going to look for my dad."
Katsuki looked caught off guard.
"I usually travel alone..."
"Me too...but it's lonely on your own, ya know?" Eijirou heard a clank and looked up to see Katsuki starting to work the coals into life again. He threw some spare wood onto it.
"Think you could go catch something for breakfast?"
"Probably." Eijirou shrugged. There might be a rabbit he could sniff out around here.
"You go do that. I'll keep the fire going." Katsuki scowled at the flames. His face was so sturdy when he was focused like that. He had a jawline stronger than the force of a hundred armies and a look on his face that seemed rough and angry, but was actually soft and inquisitive once you looked in his eyes.
"Are you going, or not?"
"Oh! Yeah! Sorry!" Eijirou stood, rubbing at his strangely warm face. "I'll be right back."

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