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When Eijirou woke up the next morning, he was cold. He had forgotten to warm his bricks before going to sleep because Katsuki's body heat was so much better, but it was gone now. He opened his eyes, hoping that the other had just gotten up to pee, but then why would his bed be so cold?
Katsuki wasn't in the room and his bag was gone from its spot next to the bed.
"Shit." Eijirou cursed. He couldn't be gone! Not without saying goodbye!
The redhead didn't even bother putting on shoes as he rocketed out of his room and down the stairs. Kyouka looked up from the bar, confused.
"Have you seen Katsuki?"
"No. Why?"
"Ah shit." He panicked. Kyouka usually took over the bar in the morning, which meant Katsuki had been gone for a few hours.
"What's wrong?" Kyouka asked.
"I'm going out for a while. Be back later." Eijirou ran out of the tavern, walking along the streets without aim. He had no idea which route Katsuki would have taken and was sure this endeavour would be fruitless, but he had to try. He needed to at least say goodbye to Katsuki.
He considered going into dragon form, taking a look from the sky, but he remembered how sick he always got after he did that. Would Katsuki be worth it?
Of course he was, Eijirou decided. Katsuki was worth the world.
He was about to let the transformation take over his body, when he halted, noticing a familiar head of spiky ash blond hair. Was that...?
He ran closer, recognizing that cloak with the fur collar.
It was!
"What the fuck?" Katsuki yelled as Eijirou launched himself into his best friend's arms.
"I thought you left! I was so worried!" Ei could feel tears burning his eyes and he let them. He was just so relieved that Katsuki wasn't gone.
"I was leaving, but not before getting you a gift or something."
"For what?"
"Letting me stay at your place...and the knife...I don't like owing people."
"You saved my life. If anything, I still owe YOU."
"I just happened to be in the right place at the right time..." Katsuki looked down at the ground. "I have to go soon, Ei. You know that don't you?"
"Why can't you stay? What do you have to do that's so important?"
"What do I have to do HERE that's so important?"
"Well, I'll come with you, then. We can go on adventures, maybe find my dad on the way..."
"No, Ei. You can't come with me."
"Why not."
"You just can't."
"Is it because I'm a dragon?"
"Is it because I'm a dragon? A big scary monster that destroys villages and kidnaps princesses?"
"I know you're not like that, Eijirou."
"So why can't I come with you?"
"You just can't."
"I want a reason, Katsuki."
"You don't NEED a reason, Eijirou. This is something I have to do on my own."
"Enough. This is goodbye, Eijirou."
"You're never coming back, are you? I'm never gonna see you again...?"
"Who knows."
"Then I want to give you something before you leave."
"You've already given me too M-" Katsuki stopped talking in the middle of his sentence. The reason was because his lips were taken over by Eijirou's.
The redhead was nervous, so the kiss didn't last long. When he pulled away, Katsuki looked pissed.
This was a bad idea.

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