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Eijirou ran off while Katsuki was still in shock. The blond didn't even get a chance to run after him. He was running way too fast.
Katsuki lost him when he ducked into a crowd.
He wandered the streets for a good few hours, looking for that familiar red hair. He needed an explanation. Why had he kissed Katsuki? What did it mean? Was he just playing around? Teasing Katsuki?
It was evening when he decided to head back, hoping that Eijirou had gone back home. If not, he could wait for him there. Dragons never left their horde for long.
As he was on his way to the tavern, he passed a small potions shop with the light still on. Maybe he could pick up something as an apology to Eijirou. A good luck potion? Nah, those were way more than he could afford. Something to make his skin glow? But it already glowed so much.
Maybe something to help him sleep...or keep him warm. Warmth seemed like a nice gift considering the fact that Ei always seemed to be cold.
He stepped into the shop and a pair of familiar red eyes greeted him.
"Eijirou! I've been looking everywhere for you! What are you doing here?" Katsuki rushed over to where his friend was sitting.
Eijirou's eyes were sad and Katsuki wanted to hug him, go tell him it was going to be alright. But what if the kiss had been a joke? What if hugging Eijirou would cause him to be laughed at?
"I'm getting a potion to fix me." He stated, voice wobbling.
"Fix you? There's nothing wrong with you...except maybe your hair...please tell me you're getting something for your hair."
"I'm getting a potion to turn me into a full human."
"What? Why? You're a much better dragon than a human. We're all warm and squishy and...what would happen to your teeth? I like your teeth. What if they went all short and stubby?"
"You like my teeth?"
"Forget I said that. Just stay the way you are."
" like me better as a human."
"When did I ever say that, shitty hair? You're fine the way you are. Don't get down on yourself like that."
Eijirou swallowed, wiping at his eyes. "Maybe I overreacted..."
"You're fine. Just come home and forget about the potion."
"I was just...I like you. You're one of my best friends. I was afraid that you would abandon me."
"I'm sorry. I just...I don't want to get too close." Katsuki admitted. The flavour of the words was sour in his mouth.
"I'm not going to hurt you."
"I was more worried about the other way around."
"Why would you hurt me, Katsuki? I know you're kinda rough, but-"
"I'm a dragon slayer." Katsuki swallowed. "I slay dragons for money."
Eijirou blinked, taking a while to respond, as if he was waiting for the punchline. But no punchline came.
"It's just what I grew up on. My parents were dragon slayers so it's the only thing I know."
"That the mountains...when my mother died...that was your family, wasn't it?"
"Yes." He wanted to lie about it, to say he was innocent, but that would only make things worse.
Eijirou stood, swallowing hard. Katsuki could tell he was trying to choke down tears.
"Were you there...when she died?"
"I...I was the one...who dealt the final blow..."
"You killed my mother?"
"I hesitated...if that makes it any better."
"Of course that doesn't make it any better!" Eijirou croaked. "You killed my mom!"
"See, this is why I didn't want to get close to you! Because you'd get mad at me when I told you!"
"Oh, yeah, because it's ALL ABOUT YOU, ISN'T IT?" Tears built up in Eijirou's eyes. His hands shook. "YOU JUST DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO DISLIKE YOU!"
"Just shut up! I'm done talking to you!" Eijirou got up, running out of the shop.
"Another customer backing out? Why does this always happen?!" The brown haired potions master girl poked her head out of her lab, glaring at Katsuki for losing her customer.
But Eijirou was gone again.
And the sound of wings just outside told him that he wasn't coming back any time soon.

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