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All his life, Katsuki had been told that dragons were foul beasts. From the moment he was born, he had been taught to fight them, to end the tyranny they caused, to steal their hordes and rescue their hostages.
But for the first time in his eighteen years of living, he was starting to question himself.
He had only known Eijirou for a day, but the boy had been the only person he had ever considered a friend...the only person he hadn't felt looked down on him for not being a lord or for being too loud, too messy, to barbaric.
And now that he knew the boy was a dragon...
"H-how did this happen? You weren't a dragon when we met..."
"You didn't notice? I couldn't even hide my horns back then..." Eijirou laughed, causing Katsuki to feel something he couldn't place. Maybe he was mad that the dragon could laugh at a time like this.
"My mother was a dragon and my father was a knight."
Katsuki blinked. "And know..."
"Ew! I don't want to think about my parents doing it! That's nasty!"
"I mean...I don't either, but my parents are both human."
"What are you doing here? Did you come to rescue me?"
"Rescue you? I..." Katsuki swallowed. He had come here to KILL Eijirou. But now that he knew who he was... "Yeah. But they think I'm a dragon slayer, so you'll have to play the part, okay?"
"Got it!"
This was going to be a huge mistake.


"So, you'll take the job?"
"Yeah. The pathetic thing will do better in death. But I'm taking it out of the castle in case it transforms back in death."
"It's a deal. We will give you the creature's things now and the money after you bring back proof." Prince Shouto explained.
Yikes. The proof was going to be the hard part.
And Katsuki could really use the cash.
"Should I bring the creature out, or will it be brought to me?"
"Yes, sire."
The knight took off, returning later with a chained up Eijirou.
The dragon looked defeated, dead.
Katsuki had never known a dragon to give up, but once again remembered that this guy wasn't quite a dragon.
Momo handed the chains to Katsuki. The blond pulled them roughly to prove his dominance. Eijirou choked, fire spewing from his maw.
Katsuki would be lying if he had said he doubted Eijirou's half dragon thing up until now. But that fire proved it. The kid he had met on the mountain that day, this kid who he had given his favourite slingshot to, was indeed a mighty beast made to destroy villages and cause terror wherever he went.
"Here's his things." Momo tossed a tattered bag into Katsuki's free arm.
"Thanks. I'll be back for the rest of the payment as soon as I get rid of the creature."
They were sent through the underground escape tunnels of the castle as to not disturb those living within the kingdom.
The moment the two of them had moved out of sight and hearing of Momo, Katsuki pulled Eijirou into a thicket and undid his chains.
"Do you have anything on you I could use as proof that you're dead?" He asked.
" baby teeth?"
"Why are you carrying your baby teeth around?"
"Plot convenience."
"Whatever. Hand them over."
"They're in my bag." Eijirou pulled his cloak tighter around him. Was he naked under that thing?
Why the fuck did Katsuki care?
"Right..." The blond handed the bag to Eijirou, who dug to the bottom until he found a tiny gold box he opened it and dropped a handful of pointy teeth in Katsuki's Palm.
"Take these." He stated.
"Thanks. I'll be right back. Stay here and don't make a sound."
"Got it. Good luck."
Katsuki looked at the teeth in his hand once again. They were so tiny.
"I'm gonna need it."

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