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11 years later...

"A HALF dragon? Like, somebody went and did THAT with a gigantic scaly beast?" Katsuki gagged at the thought. Dragons were disgusting, hideous creatures. He couldn't imagine somebody wanting to be with one.
"Yes. They have it tied up in the dungeon of the castle, but Prince Shouto is worried that he might be a danger." The knight stated.
"How did you fit a dragon in those dungeons? They're tiny."
"It's quite small...human shaped currently, but were worried it might transform."
"What's the bounty for it?"
"Four thousand and you get to keep whatever he had on him."
"Make it forty five hundred and I'm in."
"I'll talk to the prince about that. In the meantime, you can scope out the prey."
Katsuki nodded. He wanted to see this abomination for himself. He could imagine it a little bit...
The knight had said it was human shaped, but she hadn't explained HOW human shaped. Momo probably meant two arms and two legs plus a head, human sized and human faced, but Katsuki wondered if it had scales. Did it have a tail? Horns? Wings?
Could it fly on out of that cell if he misstepped? Did it have horrible, sharp teeth? Claws?
"It's right this way." Momo walked off, not even waiting for him to follow.
He didn't, however, eager to see what this creature looked like.
The dungeons were deep. Every time Katsuki thought they were on their last set of stairs, another arrived. They must have gone down six of these before they finally reached a long hallway.
"He's at the end. Please come back to the throne room when you're finished scoping it out so we can discuss your payment."
"Got it." Katsuki walked to the end of the hallway. It was dark and damn and smelled of rot. The last cell had a sad sight inside, a crumpled heap of a man, chained at every possible limp. If it weren't for Momo telling him that this man was half dragon, Katsuki would have never known. He looked pretty normal, filthy and thin, but normal. His hair was bright red and spiked up, eyes lowered to the ground, and tattered black cloak over his body. He looked up slowly, frightened. Katsuki hadn't known dragons to show fear.
Then again...this wasn't a full dragon. It was an abomination...a halfbreed.
He was curious about the guy. How had he come to be. He looked about Katsuki's age, which meant he had spent eighteen years like this. How had nobody noticed him before?
Well...he didn't exactly look like a dragon. He could have gotten by as a human.
He wondered if the guy could talk. Should he try getting a word out of him, interrogating him? Would he be able to?
He blinked at Katsuki, eyes filled with surprise.
The blond furrowed his brow.
"How do you know my-" but then he looked at the dragon's face; REALLY looked at it.
The red eyes...the sharp teeth.
The scar on his eyelid was new and his hair was red instead of black, but this was, without a doubt, the same guy.
"Eijirou? You're...a dragon?"

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