A greeting from an old friend (Ink bendy x scared reader)

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(Hello! This is a request by @flrtylildemon and I hope you like it!)
(Bendy's POV)
       I sat upon my throne watching the old cartoons that played on the old TV screens. I rested my face against my hand with a bored expression on my face. 'Oh gee, I am so bored out of my mind, I wish something exciting would happen!' I pondered to myself as I let out a deep sigh. I closed my eyes as silence seemed to be my only friend st the moment.
        Suddenly, the sound of footsteps snapped me out of my daze. I quickly sat up as one of my minions silently limped into my throne room. It was one of the butcher gang members. The minion seemed to have gotten itself into some sort of fight.
      I straighten my posture as I glanced down at it. The butcher gang member was staring at me, before it quickly looked at the ground as a sign of respect. A few seconds ticked by and I felt my patience growing thin. I was known to have a short temper, some say I was a walking firecracker and at any moment I would explode with anger.
      "Why are you here?" I said in an icy tone. It looked up at me with a blank expression. I tapped my fingers loudly on the arm rest of the chair. I heard it clear it's throat as it shook like a leaf.
      "Sir, the one you call Henry has made it to the region of Alice Angel," a high pitched voice came from the inkling. "And Henry is accompany with another person!" I felt myself cringe at the mention of Alice Angel. She used to be a good friend of mine, but not anymore that so called Angel became a cruel she-beast with the desire of being beautiful.
        I also felt my fury bubble up at the mention of Henry's name. He was one of the creators, who brought this pain and suffering to the studio! I thought I would never see the day that justice would be served, but my foe walked into the studio. This was my domain and Henry was like a fly heading straight to a spider web.
       I must have zoned out as I heard the sound of coughing. I glared down at the pitiful thing that stood before my noble throne. It nervously glanced at the ground. I could sence the fear radiating off the creature like a bad oder.
      "Thanks for the report inkling, you may go" I said with a wave of my hand.
      "Sir, what are we going to do about Henry and the other person?" They asked nervously. I felt a little bit of ink drip down from my head as I wiped it away with my gloved hand. I closed my eyes as I could sence where Henry was,but there was another lifeform near him. My eyes flew wide open as I stared at the trembling butcher gang member.
       "You are right about the other lifeform, describe what you saw" I hissed. The minion began to talk in that annoying high pitched voice as if the inkling had gotten a hold of a balloon and drained all the helium from it. As I listened to them describe the person, a image of a familiar face began to form in my mind.
       Realization hit me across the face as I felt my inky heart softly thumped in my chest. The description fit exactly with the picture in my mind. A young child with a sweet smile and brilliant  (e/c) eyes was holding the hand of Henry. My best friend has returned.
(Your POV)
       My palms felt sweaty as I gripped the handle of the axe  tightly. Next to me was my father who was hunched over breathing heavily. He and I had just got into a tense battle against a mob of inky monstrous things. Let's just say that I was mentally freaking out about the whole thing!
     "Dad.." I whispered as I bent down to meet my father's level. He peered up me with a slight smile.
     "I am okay (Y/n)" my dad reassured me. I grabbed his hand and helped him get onto his feet. I pulled the items from my bag that annoying Alice Angel told us to get. My dad gave me a slight nod as we headed off back into the liar of the she-beast.
      We entered the elevator where Boris waited patiently. I stood next to him as I lifted my head to face the tall inky wolf. I held his gloved hand as I did when I was little. Boris looked at me curiously, but that familiar twinkle in his coal colored eyes sparkled like a star in an empty night sky. The elevator descended up until we reached the floor where Alice was.
      We dropped the junk off as Alice Angel began to rant on and the slot flipped over revealing an inky rifle. My dad reached out for it as the rifle dissolved like snow in a hot summer day. I heard him grunt as Alice Angel let out a cackle. The slot flipped again as it provided an old looking pipe.
     Still having the axe with me I transfered it over to my dad and grabbed the rusty pipe. He gave me a look that read, 'Are you sure?' I nod my head and I tensed up when I heard the sound of moans coming from the entrance way.
      Dozens of butcher gang members appeared letting out loud groans and they sped towards us like speeding bullets. I clutched the pipe in my hand feeling quite fearful. I mustered my courage as these ink freaks came sprinting at me.
(Henry's POV)
     Those ink blobs ran at me as I charged with the axe raised. I swiped the axe at them as the ink things let out agonizing cries. I heard the familiar sounding footsteps and out of the corner of my eye there was the Ink demon himself.
       Bendy was observing the battle that was taking place. Instead, of focusing on the overall brawl, Bendy was staring straight at (Y/n). I glanced over to see my kid who I remember being a small little cub who depended on me for everything. But, now my little cub was a full grown grizzly and  was bashing the pipe into one of the heads of the ink monsters.
      I quickly snapped out my daydream as I heard (Y/n)'s voice holler "Look out!" I whirled around as there was serval butcher gang members right on my tail.
      "I might be old fellas, but I sure know how to weild an axe!" I laughed a little. "Let's dance you whippersnappers!" I got into a dance like movement bonking these scoundrels' with my handy dandy axe. My focus was only on fighting these ink blobs, that I didn't hear the distress cry of (Y/n).
     "Dad!" (Y/n)'s voice sliced through my thoughts. I craned my head to see that Bendy had gotten a hold of (Y/n). My fatherly instincts kicked in as I harshly shoved the ink blobs aside as I made a mad dash over to save my kid from the clutches of that ink demon.
        I was tackled by the butcher gang as I watched with watery eyes as Bendy disappeared with (Y/n). As Bendy telephoned away, I could see fear in the eyes of my precious little cub. 'That kid of mine had the same eye color as their mother..' I thought feeling something wet trickle down my face.
      A single tear had fell down from my cheek and hit the hardwood floor. I felt my strength wither away like a flower in a scorching heat of the sun. My vision grew hazy, but I could make out a tall figure with the axe in hand slicing away at the butcher gang. I let out a soft cough reaching out. "(Y/n).." I said before everything went dark.
(Bum, Bum bum!!! It's a cliff hanger lol:) (oof! This was 1335 words long!) (Probably won't do a part 2 sorryxD)

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