Halloween Love Story (Werewolf Boris x Witch Fem Reader)

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(Howdy! It's been a while since I have last updated this book! Well, here's a special one shot for ya'll! Happy spookiest day of the year! (Side note: Sorry about selling the Grammer mistakes!)
(Your POV)
      Hello there young one, welcome to my little house of spooks! My name is  (Y/n), and I am a witch! Yes, you hear me young one, I am a witch! Now, there is no need to be scared of me, I am way different than those storybook witches!
     I am not some gross looking wart covered green faced spell caster! I actually spend most of my time sitting in my soft (f/c) chair with my nose in a spell book. My lovely black cat Jackie who always curls up in my lap while I read!
      Oh, I love to craft potions! It's always fun to mix and match different ingredients and see what the reaction would be. I have so much fun! I make all sorts of potions from love to posion!
      Oh? Am I rambling? You looked bored out of your mind young one! I guess my life is pretty uneventful and would bore any soul into a deep sleep. But, I sense why you came here, you likely heard the story before.
     The one about the witch and the werewolf who fell in love! Well, I know that story very well! Heck, I have a primary account of it as well! Now settle down young one! It's story time!!
○○○○○○○○○(Flashback) ○○○○○○○○
      A young witch was out watering her Venus Flytraps. She was happily minding her business when suddenly the bushes nearby began to russel and the young witch felt her heart leap up in her throat.
     She whipped out her magic wand and pointed in the direction of the bushes. The bushes shook for a bit before she noticed a little ball of black fluff came racing up toward her. It was her beloved cat! Though, why was the little feline all fluffed up and shaking?
      "Awh, my sweet little cat, why are you trembling? Did you see something scary in the woods?" She cooed at her frighten feline. Suddenly, the Witch noticed a pair of white glowing eyes staring straight at her. She felt her heart leap in her throat as she clutched her magic wand.
      "W-who goes there!?" She called out trying to sound brave, but honestly her voiced cracked a bit. At first, the Witch was answered by silence. Then, a loud low growl shook the bushes as a large mass sprang out.
     It happened so fast, whatever this creature was, it wasn't nice at all! The creature was in the air for a few seconds as the witch waved her wand in the air, "The thing that took flight, Magic grant me a shed of light!"
     The creature was about to tackle the poor girl, but she was smart. The spell has summoned a large metal sheild! The monster smacked right into it causing the whole sheild to tremble! The witch blinked slightly stunned abut the whole event.
     Keeping her wand close and her new summoned sheild, she moved it slightly to get a peek at whatever this creature was. To her surprise, she was met with a tall furry humanoid that was black and white sort of like a panda. 'Is this..a werewolf!?' Her eyes went wide.
     The werewolf was whimpering in pain as it held its massive paws to its nose. The witch guessed the impact from the shield might have broken a few bones inside the were wolf's nose. Her eyes swept across the landscape and then skyward. To her surprise, there was no full moon, just a dimly lit sliver.
      Not wanting to appear weak in front of this werewolf. She pointed her wand merely inches away from its face. The witch put on a brave scowl. The werewolf still held onto its muzzle, but it's charcoal eyes looked straight at her. The witch could sense that he was scared of her.
     "Alright, you furry four legged scoundrel! If you take another step, I will transform you into at warty toad!" The witch said sternly. This caused the werewolf to shiver a bit and quake.
     "I-i'm sorry miss, p-please don't see your magical twig to turn me into a t-toad!" The werewolf stammered.
     "Well then, if you don't wish to become a toad, you better start yapping, because I got a lot of questions for you!" The witch said in a snappy tone. She felt a little bad about appearing be the rudest spell user in the whole kingdom, but she needed to be assertive! She kept her wand pointed at him and began to question him.
     The witch learned the were wolf's name was Boris. He was a striving young actor who worked for Joey drew's studio. The witch was mildly impressed as Boris began to preform some actor crazy of his. She soon found herself sitting on the ground next to him with her wand in her lap.
     Boris told her about the tragic tale of him becoming a successful actor and how much his boss adored him, because Boris was raking in the money. When Boris was given a better job with better pay, he decided to redesign from the studio.
     This apparently angered Joey, who no one knew at the moment, that their boss was a blood thirsty werewolf! Joey chomped down on Boris's arm and nearly tore the poor thing to shreds. Boris escaped and went straight to the hopstial.
     That's where he first transformed into away werewolf and resulted in causing mass hysteria to everyone. His beloved town since childhood sent him away with pitchforks and torches. Now, Boris who permemntaly stuck and a werewolf had to survive out in the wilderness.
     The whole tale caused the witch to feel sympathy for Boris. He was a homeless nomad who tried his best to catch any sort of moving thing because he never knew when his next meal would be. The witch felt terribly awful for breaking Boris' nose.
     Then again, Boris did confess he tried to eat her pet cat. So, she wasn't nearly as sorry. The witch decided to help Boris. She took him into her cottage and patched him up. She offered him bread and cheese which he hungrily devored.
      The witch gave him her couch to sleep on which Boris happily accepted. And as time passed, love is a funny thing! The two of them fell head over heels in love. The two started to date and then got married! Hard to believe from that faithful Halloween night that happened 10 years ago blossomed into a beautiful romance.
○○○○○○○(End of flashback)○○○○○○
       Wasn't that a wonderful story young one? I always love telling that story? What? Are you telling me that I have told you this story over a thousand times!? I can't help sharing this story with you young one, after all it's the story about how I met your dad!
     Your dad is the most wonderful werewolf I have ever met! Well, you can keep making that silly face of yours my young one, but when you grow up into an adult. You will find your special someone!
    Now, let's go get your ghost costume on! We have some trick or treating to do! Hey, don't mess with Jackie! Young one! Come one! Boris! I need you honey!
○○○○○○○○○○(The end)○○○○○○○○○

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