Chapter 20

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Bayley was bored. Sasha, Carmella, and Alexa were all working, so she had nobody to watch horror movies with. On Halloween of all days! She decided to call Finn.

The phone rang, and just as it was about to go to voicemail, he picked up.

"Hello?" Finn asked into the phone.

"Hey Finn. Can you come over? I'm bored," Bayley told him.

"I'll be over there as soon as I can," he said.

"Thanks, love you, bye," Bayley said before hanging up.

Five minutes later, he was at her house.

"Happy Halloween Bay!" he exclaimed, holding up some horror movie cases. Bayley squealed, took the cases and invited him inside.

He had brought three movies: It, Halloween, and The Purge. They decided to watch It.

Bayley made some popcorn as Finn put the DVD in the DVD player. She came back with the popcorn and the movie started.

At the scary parts, she would bury her head into Finn's shoulder, and at the funny parts, she would giggle. Both of three actions caused Finn to smile.

Once the movie was over, it was 6:00. Bayley looked at Finn and smiled. "Wanna go trick or treating?" she asked him. He smiled. "Sure," he told her.

They got some hilarious costumes. Finn was Damien from Mean Girls. He wore a blue hoodie and there was a sign on his hoodie that said, "She doesn't even go here!"

Bayley taped a cereal box to her body and stabbed it with forks and said she was a "cereal killer."

They went trick or treating and had a blast. When they got to Bayley's apartment, they ate all their candy and fell asleep due to their sugar rushes.

Happy Halloween everyone!
Until next time!

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