Chapter 28

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Finn took a deep breath. He was very nervous. It was such a big step in his and Bayley's relationship.

He was going to ask her to move in with him.

They had stayed at each other's a lot: when they had friends over, when his parents stayed there, and when they were hanging out and they would fall asleep.

Finn hates that Bayley had to go back and forth between apartments. So, he decided to let Bayley move into his.


Finn had texted her to meet him at her house. She didn't know what to think. She hoped he wasn't asking her to marry him just yet, because they had barely been dating for half a year.

She nervously walked to his apartment, instead of driving, to try and get all of the nerves out of her mind. She was wondering what he would ask from her besides marriage. Not too many things cane to mind.

When she got to his apartment, she knocked on the door. He happily opened it, and told her to sit on the couch.

She was getting more nervous as he sat down, but all of her nerves faded away when he asked, "Will you move in with me?"

She smiled as he continued, "I mean, I feel bad that you're always over here but you have another apartment, so why don't you move in with me?"

Bayley nodded and he handed her the spare key, and then she asked, "Do you think you're ready to live with a girl?"

He nodded. "Absolutely. I have a sister, you know. And I want to live with a girl that I love, and that's you."

Bayley smiled, leaned in and kissed her boyfriend. She was excited to be able to take this new step with the man of her dreams.

So, guys, I was rewatching Finn's Facebook Live with Bayley where they build Legos, and he confirmed that, when he was partnered with Sasha for Season 1 of MMC, it felt pretty forced for him and he felt like it was a bad choice. Now, he is happy that he is partnered with his "best friend." That's the confirmation we need that Finn is much happier around Bayley!
Until next time, and Happy New Year's Eve/New Year, wherever you're from!

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