Chapter 29

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Finn helped Bayley unpack her apartment so she could move into his. He smiled to himself as he realized that this would be the girl he would live with for the rest of his life.

As soon as Bayley unpacked all of her things, she had to say goodbye to her apartment. She hugged every wall, cabinet, door, you name it, she hugged it.

They got back to his apartment and she unpacked her things. However, she sat him down on the couch first.

"I'm just warning you, I have a lot of clothes, so there won't be a lot of room for yours in that closet. I also have a lot of makeup, so it's going in a bag in the bathroom."

He chuckled and helped her unpack. While they were unpacking, AJ came over.

"Hey guys. Whoa, why are there so many suitcases?" he asked. Finn smiled, looked at AJ and said, "Bayley's moving in with me."

AJ smiled and hugged the two. "Congratulations, you guys! That's so awesome!"

Bayley smiled and said, "I just don't see how he's going to survive living with me."

AJ chuckled and said, "Well, I know you'll make it."

He sat on the couch and turned on the TV. As soon as they finished packing, Bayley and Finn joined him on the couch.

Finn put his arm around Bayley and smiled. This is the girl I'm spending the rest of my life with, he thought. She's the perfect person for me.

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