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The cobbled steps were huge.

     Seamus, Ivan, Mark, and Hartog headed up to the old stone house. Oil lamps illumed the gothic front entrance.

      Huge stone columns supported the house.

     Two Assassin guards were guarding the entrance. They wore black hoods. And were wearing a black cloak, brown breeches, and black boots.

      And large swords in their right hand.

     "Password" One guard said.

     "Death" Seamus said.

     The guards smiled.

     "You may pass" they said.

    The four rogues then went inside without any futher delay, as the guards closed the door behind them, then resumed their post.


Inside, there Seamus saw more lights.

       Four black stools were to the left of a room. Black curtains were closed-letting some light in-but too much light.

        A rogues' table, (the color of black). was in the middle. To the right was a secret passage that led to the sleeping chambers.

        The room had black colored carpet.

        "So, what business are we going to do tonight?", Seamus asked his friends.

        "Kill someone" Ivan answered.

        "Who?", asked Mark.

         "Any of the Lords" Hartog said.

          "Risky. Besides, assassinations are messy things" Seamus said.

          On the table there were several wines and teas. Near the chambers was a kitchen. Noone was in there-it was still early in the night.

           "I can make some stew and herb bread" Seamus said.

           "Fine, then we agree: we kill a Lord" Mark said.

            "Agreed" Seamus said.

           As he headed to the kitchen to cook their dinner, the other rogues smiled, knowing that they had had a new job to do.


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