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Janaya | Nay 💕

Quick Flashback...

"I know these past couple of years together have been rocky and uncertain between us, but you proved your loyalty, your commitment, and your realness to me, and for that, I will be forever thankful. I don't wanna go any further without doin this with you. I guess what I'm tryna say is," he got down on one knee and pulled a little black box out his pants pocket, "will you marry me?"

Everyone in the crowd gasped and I was shocked, to say the least. "KD, I don't know what to say right now." Tears were just rolling from my eyes.

"Say yes. Fuck is you sayin," he mugged me.

"My answer is..."

Flashback Over...

I take it you want to know the answer I gave KD to this question?

Well it was "yes" of course. But it was a very short lived engagement because he went right back on his bullshit, ignoring me and even lacking being a daddy to Aamir.

I could take all of it, except that. He wasn't doing it at first, so why was he starting?

There were days that I wore my ring and days that I didn't. I just couldn't understand where his head was at. I never asked him or begged him to propose to me, he just did it, and then just dropped me like a bad habit.

All of his actions eventually pushed me out the way towards Armoni, but I wasn't complaining, not one bit.

After the fact, Armoni and I started dating and made our relationship official on my 32nd birthday. No sex or anything, just him promising to always be there for me and Mir.

He hadn't proven to me otherwise, so we were still rocking heavy.

Nova and Ben, well they were a different story all together. They were expecting soon, and I was gonna be an auntie to another little boy. I was hype cuz Mir would have another play cousin.

My cousin Lei and I fell off, yet again, but I wasn't stunting it. It was only after my "engagement" that she started acting funny and distancing herself from me. I had got it in my head that she was jealous again and just moved around.

And finally, my Mir baby had started in Daycare and was learning a whole lot. He could say his ABCs, count, and his speech had gotten a lot better. I just found out he talks with a lisp, like me, so I was pressed.

They say, "Nothing good ever lasts forever." I had just hoped that saying wasn't true on my end, because who really had time for any of that?

Okay, so this is really eh... first chapter short asl, but they'll get longer. I promise 🤞🏾

💥 Welcome to Jus Right Too💥

Enjoy reading 😘

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