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Two Days Later...

Janaya | Nay 💕

Bee and I were getting ready to leave KD's place to catch our flight back to Virginia. I was not ready to go back, but I knew it was time.

To be honest, I felt really bad for how his whole release party fell through. I did, however, apologize about that night, but what I wasn't gonna do was apologize for standing up for myself. That was an "L" I was absolutely not going to take.

"Bee, you all ready to go," I asked, going to check on her and see where she was in packing.

"Yeah, I am. I just wanted to say later to Baby Joe before we left," she said, clicking on her phone.

"Well, I mean I would have to push our flight back to the next available time, which is about 5 hours from now, but it's okay, cuz I did kind of need to talk to KD before we left," I said, keying in the ticket info change on the Travelocity app. "Done, we leave at 7pm, so we need to be outchea by 6. Its 2pm now, so be mindful, please."

"I got it. I'll be on time this time," she said, laughing, causing me to as well.

I turned around and walked out of the room she was in and made my way into KD's room. He was laying in the bed, watching something on TV, and I sat down beside him, rubbing on his back, as he was laid on his stomach. "Hey best friend," I nudged him in his side.

"Wassam witchu," he continued looking at the TV, not paying attention to me.

I definitely sensed the tension and decided it was time to address it. "Best friend, you not still mad about the other night, are you?"

"Whatchu thank Nay? I thought we was finna have a smoove release and then hea come Tayjah wit all da fuck shit, and you added into it by giving her exactly what she wanted. Nie, I got negative press surrounding my album. Thanks," he looked at me, waving me off.

I backed up, putting my hand on my chest. I was shocked, to say the least. Here he was blaming the fight on me, when clearly, he didn't know the half of what happened to make it escalate to where it did. "Really KD? This where your mind is at right now?"

"Yes Nay! YOU FOUGHT A PREGNANT GIRL! Regardless whether or not that's my baby in there, she's pregnant. You can't go out sad like that, luh," he said, now looking me in my eyes.

I put my hands up in a surrender motion. I got up, about to leave, but turned around and let him have it. "Truth of the matter is that SHE popped of at me first. From the time we got to the party, to the time we got in a fight, even when it ended as she was talkin bout some 'on sight' shit. I held my own the entire time. I don't give a damn that she's pregnant. If she didn't want confrontation, she would have moved on when I gave her a chance at first," I said, unbothered.

"You so fuckin ruthless, Nay. Ion have nothin else to say ta you. You can go catch ya li flight nie or whateva," he said.

"I cant believe you sittin in my face, right now, taking up for her. It's okay tho. I know you just holding on to a glimpse of hope that her baby is yours. Just remember that you do still have Mir, your first born, and 9 out of 10, your only. But I'll take my 'ruthless' ass on. Just pathetic," I said, scoffing and shaking my head.

"You say that like I don't take care of him," he hopped out of bed, as I put my hand up in his face.

"I'm not about to do this with you, Kelldrick. I pushed my incoming flight out so that I could spend some time with you and so that Bee could spend her time with Baby Joe. So I'm just gon a walk off, count to 10, and recollect myself," I walked out.

I was trying everything in my power not to spazz on him, but it was becoming harder and harder by the minute. "Oh so you juh gon walk off from me in da middle ah our conversation Nay," he asked sounding mad.

I just stopped in the middle of the guest room Bee and I had shared, turned around, and mugged him. I didn't even bother to argue back with him. I just got my bags and headed towards the door. "So you juh not gon talk to me at all?"

"I'm good love, enjoy," was all I said, before going out the door.

"Nay," he said, sternly, before pulling me back by my arm.

I looked him up and down like he had lost his mind. I moved his hand from my arm and began to walk away.

"Man fuck it. Can I at least take you and Bee to the airport?"

"Nah, we good. I just called a Lyft. They like 15 minutes away, so we gon get going. Stay cool, KD," I chucked up the deuces and walked off to where Bee was.

She had already had her bags with her so I assumed she was ready to go. "You ready to get back to VA," I said, nudging her arm.

"Yeah. I enjoyed it out here with Baby Joe, but I'm homesick. But, what happened between you and KD? I heard y'all li argument," she said, eyebrows raised.

"I don't even wanna tall about it, sis. But he is officially at baby daddy status," I shrugged.

"Damn, like that? You still love him tho," she stated, matter-of-factly.

"I do, I just need to be away from him this time. I'm just ready to get back to Aamir and enjoy my baby," I said, wiping forming tears away.

"Oh, don't you cry over that nigga. When we get home, I'll cook for you and we can binge watch 'Riverdale' and 'OITNB'," she said, sticking her tongue out and doing a dance.

"Yeah, we can do that," I said, getting my bags together because the Lyft was approaching.

I let Bee get in first and looked at my surroundings then KD's balcony. I just shook my head and got in the car.

I would not miss Baton Rouge at all...

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