6 🤟🏾

152 12 1

Janaya | Nay 💋

"Where Mir at? I was so hoping that I would get to see him," Bee asked me.

"He said he ain't wanna go to the mall with me today. He wanted to go see my momma and daddy, so I got him together and dropped him off before coming up here. That's why I drove, having Nova ride with me," I looked through the rack at Macy's.

I needed to start getting out more, so I needed to get me some cute outfits and soon.

KD had mentioned to me that he was having a small album release party and I was gonna show up and show out. Regardless of what we were going through, I was gonna show up and show the fuck out. Maybe even be a little childish, as he called it, along the way.

"Say Bee, you wanna go somewhere with me and Nova this weekend? It's not harmful, just a lil party or whatever."

"And who's throwing this party? Cuz I don't show up at everyone's events," she said.

"Okay, it's Mir's daddy's album release party. Except it's not really an album. More like a mixtape. So a mixtape jam, I guess" I said questionably, explaining with my hands.

"I can do that, yes. But what's the dress code? You know I like to walk on the haters," she pushed her hair over her shoulder.

"Just get cute, cuz I definitely will be stuntin on these hoes," I said, slapping hands and fist bumping Bee and Nova twice.

We went back to shopping and I got me a couple choices for what I was gonna wear.

"I know one thing, I'm hungry as the fuck. We done shopping cuz I can basically taste the Panda Express right now," Nova said, licking her lips.

"Girl, we bout done. You ain't get you nothing to wear tho," I looked around for her bags.

"Cuz I got all my shit at tha house. I ain't tryna stunt on no one. I have no vendettas with any of the guys," she did her arms in an "X" motion.

"Well, we finna go pay for this stuff and then we can go to the food court. I'm slick hungry too," I said, as me and Bee went to go pay for our stuff.


"So how did you and KD meet, cousin," Bee asked, sipping on her vanilla bean milkshake with chocolate and strawberry swirls.

"This li baby right here," I pointed to Nova. "She told me to either shoot my shot or she was done talking to me," I said, laughing.

"Yesss, cuz you were really aggy about that big eared, long head ass nigga," she rolled her eyes, forking some of shrimps onto her plastic fork.

"Leave me alone. He was just interesting to me. I had to see what he was about," I said, as I dipped my chicken tenders in some honey.

(AN: Dont knock it till you try it...🤷🏾‍♀️)

"Yeah and you got a relationship gone wrong and enough feelings to last a lifetime. But the best thing that came from that is Son-Son," she said, smiling.

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