8 🤟🏾

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Janaya | Nay 🤙🏾

Infatuation x Takeoff, Dayytona Fox blared from my phone alarm, letting me know it was time for
Bee and I to get up and get ready to make our way to Richmond International Airport. It was 5am and our plane would be leaving at 8am, so we needed to get a move on.

I slightly shook Bee, trying to get her to get up. "Bee, we gotta get ready boo. We gon miss our flight." I couldn't worry too much with her. I had to get myself ready.

I went to take my shower and do my morning hygiene routine. Getting up in the morning, getting fresh and clean, always woke me up. After I finished doing all of that, I dried off, taking my hair down from its wrap and started getting dressed. I just put on some leggings and a t-shirt because I was gonna wear something more revealing once we got to BR and got to the quiet mixtape listening party.

Once I got done getting dressed, it was 7am and I saw Bee still sleeping. I walked up to her, smacking her on her booty cheek that was hanging out. She jumped up with a mug on her face. "If you ain't my nigga, you'on needa be smackin my ass like one, miss lady," she said, sitting up on the side of the bed.

"Well you need to get up cuz we really need to have been out here an hour ago to get to the airport. You wanna oversleep and stuff," I said shrugging.

"AN HOUR?! How you let me oversleep, Nay?"

"In all honesty, I shook you to wake you up before I went to take care of my morning routine," I said.

"That baby ass shake? You gotta shake me with some aggression. Now I'm not gonna have time to wash my ass. Ugh," she whined.

"Go brush your teeth and wash your face, at least. Then when we get there and settled in, you can take a shower," I said, checking my phone for the Lyft that I called for both of us to get to the airport. "The Lyft here anyways, so come on. And hm, take these. Take some of the yuck off your mouth," I said, handing her some Mentos spearmint gum.

"Hee hee, you real funny," she laughed, rolling her eyes.

Once we got out the door, I locked it behind us and we took our bags to the trunk of our Lyft. Once we got those in, we got in the backseat and greeted our driver. "To the airport we go," she said, pulling off, heading in that direction.


We had finally gotten to the airport in BR, and I saw KD sitting in the terminal, waiting on us, practically sleep. I snuck up on him, playfully slapping him in his face. "Wake up nigga," I said, in my deepest voice.

He woke up with a mug on his face and rolled his eyes. "You lucky you is who you is, ah else I woulda up da tool on yo ass," he got up, hugging me.

"Yeah okay, whatever. And you betta neva roll yo eyes again. They gonna get stuck like that one day," I laughed, getting Bee to introduce them to each other.

"KD, this is Brandyn, but I call her Bee. Bee, this is Mir's daddy and my bestest friend in the whole wide world, KD," I said, and she waved, while he gave her a head nod.


"Nothin much. I do know I need to wash my ass and brush my teeth. Ms. Fast Ass here ain't let me know that we was running late, so I had to tuck and run," she nudged my shoulder.

"Well, it's all good. We goin to be staying at my condo so once we get there, you can get in the shower and handle all your hygiene business and get fresh," he said, picking up our suitcases from baggage claim while we carried our carry on luggage.

Once we got settled in his car, he took us to McDonald's and I ordered me two bacon, egg, and cheese McGriddles and a Mocha Frappe; Bee ordered the hotcakes platter with a Sweet Tea and he ordered him the same thing I did, only his drinks were two orange juices.

He placed the order, rolled around to pay the total and got our food, heading off to his place.

When we got there, I got the food and my carry on luggage and he got mine and Bee's suitcases, carrying them up to the door, and slid his access card to get him in the building.

We walked in to the elevator and he pressed the up button. It took no time for the doors to open up and he got.in, pressing the number "6" to get to his floor.

We got off, going to his condo door, and he scanned his key card like the hotel's. "Ugh yes, I can finally get in the shower," Bee said, letting her hair down from its puffy ponytail.

"Up the stairs and ta yo immediate left. You can take that room as the guest room," he said, letting her go off on her own.

"Ya food gon be on the kitchen counter once you're done, Bee," I called out to her.

"Okay, thank you."

I got my food out of the bag and sat at the island in his kitchen, eating and drinking. It was like heaven because I hadn't had a Frappe in so long. "Thank you, if I havent already thanked you. My stomach was touching my back," I laughed.

"No need to thank me. You're my best friend. I gotta look out for you, girl," he said, starting to unwrap one of his McGriddles and open one of his orange juices.

"Bruh, if I'd have known you was living like this, I would have been down here when I had my breaks. This is beautiful," I said, admiring the parts I could see.

"Thank you. I've only had this place for bout a month, but I hardly ever be here, ya know, with travelling for music and all. So is it good enough for Mir to come down sometimes," he asked.

I knew there was a reason why we were here instead of the hotel, like originally planned. "I don't see why not. He is your son too, KD. I have never been that petty of a soul to keep you away from him. You just be trippin sometimes."

"I know, and imma get myself together. I just gotta keep pushing," he said, twisting his hair.

"And you gotta keep doing that. Push and grind harder than you've ever done before. We will always be here for you, I promise," I said, smiling and lacing our fingers together.

After I finished one of my McGriddles, I put the other one in the bag and fridge for later. I went into the family room and sat on the sofa, Indian styled, while scrolling through the Fire Stick. I settled on this new series called "Light As A Feather" I had heard about.

He sat down beside me, sneaking off guards of him holding my hands and stuff. It was kinda cute, but I was just happy that I was getting to spend the time with him. He was still my best friend, after all.

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