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Major Trigger Warning, Over Thirteen Years or Older.

You know how difficult it is to leave your past behind? Run away from all the violence, the pain, the drugs, and most of all, the people who were there for you? Trying to have a normal life, after moving across the country wasn't really a good idea, my past just followed me. When people say "You can't run from your demons/past/ghosts" you should believe them.

My name is Jean Kirschtein, and this is my story of how something bad turned into the greatest thing in my entire life. When I met the boy named Marco Bodt.



Jean ran down the alleyways of The Bronx, his backpack hitting his back hard. The small bags of Cocaine, the needles, and the glass pipe moving around with the two pairs of clothes that he had. Sirens could be heard all around him, screams of terror, and gunshots. He was used to hearing those types of things at night. He lived in the bad part of New York, and the things that he constantly heard was the norm.


His parents died years ago, when he was at the young age of 9 years old. He's been alone for the past 7 years. No one to go home to, only the crappy apartment he stayed in. He was in a foster home for a while, but that was worse than being on his own. He was abused Physically, Mentally, Verbally, and Sexually. The people said that he deserved it for being bisexual, so he ran away. He stayed in an abandoned apartment building. He got into drugs, and fights as a way to deal with everything. When that wasn't working, he turned to self harm... His arms were covered in cuts and old scars, his thighs were the better of the two.

He was so sick and tired of it all so he moved to Los Angeles California. Where he stayed in a pretty decent motel for the first week, while trying to find a job. He started working at a Diner, where he met a really nice girl who he worked with. Her name was Mikasa, and she took him in. She lived with her brother, and her brother's boyfriend. The two were so nice, although the boyfriend seemed done with everybody and everything.

He started going to a local high school, but didn't really fit in. His rough past caught up with him, and he tried to commit. He was found in his new room, hanging from the ceiling, and was put in the Psych Ward.

Eren, Mikasa, and surprisingly Levi came to see him from time to time. But one day he met the most beautiful person he'd ever seen. His freckled cheeks, his warm smile, the kindness radiating off of him. His eyes were so beautiful, the chocolate brown color that glowed with happiness. He said that he visits all the patients here, he said that I am still a great person even with my scars. But most importantly, he said "What's beautiful about you is that You're Still Standing." And he practically fell for him right there. But we'll start at the beginning, where it all started getting good. We'll skip the drugs, tragic backstory, and the plane ride for your sanity.

But this story is a rocky ride, of tears,, pain, happiness, and love. So sit back, and enjoy the ride.

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