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Jean P.O.V

It's been a couple of months, I was so happy. Marco and I were really serious. I was at the diner, working a shift when Armin came up to me all frantic, "Jean! Eren needs help with the Pies!" I chuckled and walked into the kitchen. Eren covered in pie filling, the pies were a disaster. I tried suppressing my laughter, with minimal results. "Oh my Maria Eren." I walked over and threw out the destroyed pie shells, pushing Eren out of the way. "Watch it Horse-Face." I shook my head, grabbing the bucket of Cherry Pie filling and the new Pie Shells. I started putting the filling in the shells and flinched when I felt Eren put a hand on my shoulder. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but..." He paused, the air around us becoming awkward.

I cleared my throat, continuing the prep-work. Everything started going fuzzy, bad memories resurfacing. I shook my head, trying to clear the thoughts. Thoughts swarming my head, drowning out all of the good thoughts. I had to call Marco, I had to hear his voice. I dialed his number, after 2 rings he picked up. Sounding out of breath, "Marco Bodt, may I ask who's speaking?" I chuckled a little, "Hey Baby Cakes." I heard him giggle, "Hello Love. Sorry, I was just working out." I made a hum of acknowledgement, "I just wanted to hear your voice, it was getting really bad today." He sighed a little, "Jean, you know I'm here for you. Do you want me just to do the thing?" I nodded even though he couldn't see it. "Yes Please Marco." He giggled, and started talking about everything that he did during the day. Just rambling as much as he could about anything and everything. This boy was talking and talking, just so I could feel better, I truly love him so much. "How's your side while working out?" He huffed, "It sucked! I had to take 10 minute breaks between each session. People kept on giving me weird looks, and I haven't worked out since before the accident, so I kind of became slightly out of shape." I laughed a little, I could tell that he pouting. I laughed more and he let out a small chuckle.

We talked for a little while longer, I finished up the pies and put them in the oven. We agreed to eat here and then just head back home. I was really excited, I just want to be held in his arms.


"I'm going to wrap my arms around your waist." I giggled and felt Marco wrap his arms around me. He kissed my neck gently, "Hey Love, how are you?" I sighed contently, "I'm better now that you're here." He chuckled, "That's good. I had a shower after working out and feel super clean." I had a mischievous smile on my face, "Why do that when I want you to fuck me afterwards." I'm pretty sure his entire body flushed a bright red, he groaned and shook his head. "Jeeeeeaaaaannnn!" He whined out, "Really?" I laughed, "Yes really. We've only done it once, and that's not enough for me. I want you Marco." I turned around in his grip, smiling softly at him. He sighed, "How come you only want sex when you feel bad? It feels like you are just using it for your own needs." I paled, "I don't want you to feel that way Marco. I'd never use you, never ever never." He nuzzled his face into my neck and I felt a few tears land on my shoulder. He started shaking, small whimpers escaped his lips. "Marco..." I pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back.

I brought him to the back and he curled up into me. Sobs slowly racking his body, I tried to comfort him. "Marco, what's wrong?" He shook his head, "I-I'm Fine Je-Jean." He pulled away and wiped at his eyes. "I-it's just be-e-en a long da-day." I didn't really believe him, but I nodded anyways. "I'm sorry to hear that Babe." He chuckled, "It's not like you can do anything about it. I just have to work through it on my own." He sighed, "Like I always do..." he muttered under his breath. I didn't hear it, so I sighed as well. "I'm here for you Marco. As much as you are there for me. Now tell me what's wrong." He gave me a bored expression, "Nothing is wrong so just drop it!" He raised his voice, I flinched at the tone and I saw guilt flash in his eyes. He stormed off, "I'll see you at home." And just like that he walked out. I was utterly confused.

Marco P.O.V

I was sitting on my bed, crying. I made Jean flinch. I Made Jean FLINCH! Is this the start of an abusive relationship? Would I start hitting him? Oh my god, what if I do? "SNAP OUT OF IT!" I slapped my own cheek lightly, "You would never hit Jean. This relationship wouldn't ever turn abusive. You are way too nice and caring to even think that." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Oh dang it's getting long, I might start styling it differently. "Oof" came from my cellphone, Eren texted.

AlwaysAngry: Hey Marco. I don't know what happened between you and Horseface and I don't really care. But he's looked confused and had a frown ever since you left.

FreckledJesus: I feel so bad! I accidentally raised my voice at him causing him to flinch. I felt so ashamed that I just walked out. I actually cried when I got home about it.

AlwaysAngry: Aw Marco... He honestly looks fine. Besides mass confusion, he seems to be ok.

FreckledJesus: Thank Maria. But I still feel really bad.

AlwaysAngry: No need to feel bad. Just tell him you're sorry when he comes back home. He's almost done anyways. Just needs to clock out, then Mikasa said she'd drive him home. She's gonna visit her girlfriend anyways.

FreckledJesus: Okie dokie. Who's her girlfriend?

AlwaysAngry: Her name is Annie Leonhart. She seems cold but actually cares about things. She works for Suicide Prevention.

FreckledJesus: OH I KNOW HER! When Jean was really suicidal, she'd always answer his calls. They talked like 24 times together.

AlwaysAngry: Oh cool! Small world. Lol

FreckledJesus: True True. I got to get going. I need to clean my face and change into some pjs.

AlwaysAngry: No worries. Night Marco!

Read 7:37pm

I got off my phone and went to the bathroom, to clean my face. I heard the front door opening, and I jumped. "Marco! I'm home!" I ran to Jean and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. "Woah, Marco. What's wrong?" I sighed, "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry for raising my voice at you!" He chuckled, "It's fine Marco. I kept pushing you and I shouldn't have pushed you." I almost started crying, "Don't you dare blame yourself. Jean Kirschtein, you better not blame yourself." Jean laughed, "Ok, ok." I straightened up, looking down at him slightly. "I love you Jean." He grinned, "I love you too Marco." I kissed him, a long and slow passionate kiss.

"Let's go watch some more Supernatural and cuddle." Jean nodded, "Come on Love." I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the living room.

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