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Marco P.O.V

It's been a couple of days since Jean and I kissed, he left the hotel and started staying with me. He went back to work at the diner, started a band with Armin and I, and he is currently clean.

We were currently cuddling on the couch, my parents gone for another 4 weeks on a business trip. Flashbacks of the sleepover Jean and I had when he was still in the hospital.


Jean was thrashing on the bed, which woke me up in the bed next to him. I got up and tried to wake him up. "Jean, Jean, you're ok." He whimpered, "No please, don't do this Sophia, please. I don't want to do this." He cried out, clutching his stomach. I shook him, he shot up, cowering away from me. "Jean, it's me. It's just me, Marco." He pulled me into a tight hug, catching me off guard. I pulled him into my lap and ran a hand through his hair. "I got you Jean, no ones going to hurt you." I continued to run a hand through his hair, "Your hair is really soft." It just slipped out, I blushed a bright red. Jean pulled away, a small smirk on his face, "What?" I hid my face in my hands, "You heard me..." He laughed a little, "No, I didn't." I sighed, "I said, Your hair is soft. Are you happy?" I pulled my hands away from my face and saw Jean grin. Damn his smile is so mesmerizing.

I smiled back at him, his taupe eyes shining in the moon light. I just had the urge to kiss him, but I didn't. I laid back down in the bed, on my side. Jean cuddled up in my arms, his nose against my chest. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer, running a hand through his hair again. He let out a content sigh. Sleep overtaking the both of us.

Flashback End

Jean walked out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. "Hey Love, how was your shower?" He smiled at me a little, "It was alright, was thinking of you and got a hard on." He winked at me, and I turned bright red. "Jean!" He laughed, "I'm just kidding..." He was getting clean clothes, "Or am I?" I scowled at him, my cheeks still heated up. "I'm getting changed, then I have a therapy session with Ms.Hange." I nodded, "Do I need to drop you off?" Jean shook his head. I nodded again, "Don't take too long, I need to go pee." He gave me a small smirk, "I'll take forever then." I shook my head with a sigh.


Jean and I were sitting at a table at the diner, discussing the school dance coming up for juniors and seniors. "Well, I don't really want to go either. Way too many people in a crowded gym, my senses would be on overdrive. I'd get overwhelmed and cry in a corner." Jean looked thoughtful, "Marco, it sounds like you have Social Anxiety." I gave him a confused look, "What?" He was about to explain, "Hey Horseface, we are close to closing, we need you to get off your ass and help clean up." Jean growled at Eren and gave me an apologetic look. I smiled at him, he visibly relaxed a little. "Go clean up, I got to get groceries anyways." Jean smiled at me and kissed my cheek. I'm pretty sure my cheeks went pink, I giggled and walked away.

I was driving, I got a call. I picked it up and drove with only one hand on the steering wheel. "Hello?" I heard some distant chatter, "Hey Mar-Mar. Your father and I won't be able to make it home next week. I'm sorry sweetie. The weather is really bad here, it's not safe to fly with all the rain and wind." I sighed, kind of bummed out, "It's ok Mama. I just want you and Dad to be safe." She laughed a little, "We will be, I want you to be safe as we-" Her voice was cut off, I accidentally hung up on her. "CRAP!" I called her back, kind of scared. "Did you hang up on me?" I frantically tried to tell her that it was an accident. "I understand, I was just worried that something happened to you." I sighed, "Mom, I have something to tell you..." She made a noise of acknowledgement. "Mom, I'm seeing someone." I heard a squeal of excitement, "WHO'S THE LUCKY GUY IN YOUR LIFE!" I laughed, "His name is Jean, he's amazing. Mom, ever since I met him... I fell for him." She squealed again, "I'm so happy for you Marco! When your father and I come home, we want to meet him." I chuckled, "Yes mama, you'll be able to meet him. Now I got to go, I love you." She sighed happily, "I love you too." I hung up and walked into the grocery store.

I looked around the store, I was in the candy isle, I shouldn't be here. I grabbed some sour patch kids and headed for the till. I heard screaming, then a gunshot. I felt pain throughout my abdomen, I clutched my left side. I fell to the ground and removed my hand, it was covered in blood. I heard someone call 9-1-1, I felt someone grab my shoulder. "Marco! It's Armin, I'm going to need you to keep pressure on the wound. It'll hurt, but it will slow down the bleeding. Can you do that for me?" I nodded, and did what he said. "Where's your phone?" I gestured to my pocket, "I-it's in m-my pocket. C-call Je-ean." Armin nodded, tears welled up. I clenched my eyes shut, I hissed in pain as I held my side. "Jean, it's Armin... He's at the grocery store, he got shot in the side... Breathe Jean, breathe. An ambulance is on it's way to us." He sighed, "He'll meet us here, he wouldn't listen." I nodded, feeling nauseous, my eyes growing heavy. "Ma-marco, I need you to stay awake for me. You need to keep pressure on the wound." He placed his hand over mine, keeping the pressure on the gunshot. I heard sirens blaring, 2 people rushed in with a gurney, I blacked out.


I felt someone squeezing my hand, heard small sobs from the person next to me. I knew it was Jean, the way his hand felt against mine, the tingling sensation from every point of contact. I squeezed his hand weakly and coughed. "MARCO!" He pulled me into a tight hug, I whimpered. "S-sorry." He gave me a sheepish smile. I laughed a little, pain shot through me. "W-what happened?" He let out a shaky breath, "There was a guy trying to rob the store, he tried to shoot the guy at the cash register, but he moved out of the way and you ended up getting shot." Tears welled up in his eyes, I squeezed his hand again. "Jean, I'm still alive. I wouldn't leave you." He let out a small sob, I pulled him into a hug. "I-i thought I l-lost you." I rubbed his back, "Having you with me, it makes me so fucking happy. Marco, I don't think you fully understand how much you mean to me. I'd be dead if it wasn't for you." I kissed his forehead and held his face. "I'm never going to leave you Jean, I wouldn't even think about it." I pulled him into a slow and loving kiss.

The kiss had so many emotions put into it. So much love, and happiness, but pain and fear was present. The fear of losing someone, the pain of knowing that one of them was badly hurt. But the love was overpowering, it made everything diminish. Two heartbeats turned to one, souls melding, the feeling of it all was amazing. My heart was ablaze, so much love was felt from Jean. We pulled away breathless.

"I-i love you M-marco. I can't live without you." "I love you too Jean. I'll always be here for you."

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