The Courage

39 2 14

Jean P.O.V

Marco has been in the hospital for about a week now. He's being let out today and I'm super excited. I tried to stay with him as much as I could, but I was preparing a surprise for him at our ho-I mean his house. I was setting up the streamers, Armin was making the punch, Levi was organizing the table with the gifts for the second time, and Eren was sitting on his ass. I sighed, "Is someone here tall enough to help me?" Armin laughed, "Levi can." I laughed as well, "That shorty can't help me. He's like 5'3", how's he supposed to do it? Stand on my shoulders?" Armin and I laughed even harder. Levi walked over to me, an eerily calm expression on his face. "I will happily stand on your shoulders to help with the streamers." I chuckled and bent down, "There you go Heichou." He made a Tch sound and sat on my shoulders. "I just can't get the last 4 up." He sighed, "It's fine. Anything for the boy you love Jean." I blushed a deep red, "W-who tol-told you?" He laughed a little, "No one did, I can just tell." I nodded my head, "It's true. I do love him." He patted my head, "Now don't drop me, I might die." I laughed and held his legs, "Now hurry up, he's gonna be here soon." The front door opened... SHIT!

Levi quickly set up the last streamer and I let him down. "Hey Love, I'm home... Where are you?" I quickly ran to the living room door and greeted him, "Hey Baby-cakes..." I gave him a peck on the lips, while sneakily giving a thumbs up through the door to the gang. "I've got a surprise for you Marco." He smiled at me, his chocolate brown orbs shining with wonder, "Oh yeah?" I nodded, a grin taking over my face. I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the entrance, flicking on the lights. Everyone popped out of hiding and yelled "Surprise!" He laughed and hugged me, "You did this?" I nodded and hugged him back, "I did, but I couldn't do it without Eren, Levi, Armin, or your doctor." He gave me a confused look, "I had him to ~tests~ before you came back." Adding finger quotations to Tests. "He was along with this Welcome Home party." He grinned at me and turned to our friends, "Thank you guys so much. It really means a lot." They all smiled and we began our fun party.


Marco and I were cuddling together in a big comfy chair in the rec room downstairs. Marco and Eren were chatting, while Armin, Levi, and I were watching the movie. We were watching Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back, I love this movie.

Marco and Eren started arguing about what they ship from Supernatural. "Ew you ship Wincest?" Marco scoffed, "Can't you see the subtext from them?" Eren growled, "Destiel!" Marco snarled, "Wincest!" I jumped in, "I ship Wincest as well." Eren shook his head at us, "Levi, what do you ship?" Levi looked at the three of us, "Wincest. There's a lot more subtext about it." Eren face palmed, "You guys suck." Armin laughed, "I am so glad that I don't ship either of those ships. I prefer Debriel and Sastiel." I looked at Armin, "Get out." Armin laughed, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." I chuckled and turned back to the movie.

At some point I fell asleep against Marco. I felt my shoulder being shook, I flinched away from the touch, my breath shaky. "Jean, it's just me." I nodded, "S-sorry." He pulled me into a hug, I relaxed in his arms. "Everyone else fell asleep. We should go to bed." I made a hum of approval and we laid blankets over everyone before going upstairs.

I was about to walk into the guest room, "Hey love, you don't need to sleep in the guest room anymore." I made a confused face, "What do you mean?" Marco's cheeks flushed pink, "You can sleep in my room... with me." I flushed a bright red and nodded, following him to his room. We walked in and I hugged him, "I just want to let you know that I love you. This isn't a goodbye or a see you later, I just want you to know." Marco nodded, hugging me back "I love you too Jean. Thank you for coming into my life. I'm so glad I met you." I pulled away and kissed him.

The kiss was really sweet, a short and sweet kiss. "I've just gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be back." He nodded and I went to the bathroom. I locked the door, grabbed my phone and dialled the number that I know by heart. "Hey... It's Jean again."

Marco P.O.V

I was really confused, Jean never locks the door. He just keeps the door closed. I was about to knock but I heard him talking, so I listened. "Hey... It's Jean again." I was trying to listen but he was talking really quiet. I felt really bad for snooping, but I'm slightly worried and curious. Who is he talking to? "Ok, thank you. Bye." I quickly scampered away and was changing when he came out. "Sorry Babe." I chuckled, acting innocent, "It's ok Love, when you got to go you got to go." He laughed, "Yeah, I guess." I placed a small kiss on his lips, our foreheads touching, "Just know that I'm here for you, and you can come talk to me. Jean, I love you, nothing will change that." He kissed me, "I love you too. Thank you Marco, it means a lot." I grinned at him and we laid down on my bed. He curled up beside me, clinging to me like a Koala. It was actually really cute. I kissed the top of his head and fell asleep with the most amazing person beside me.


I woke up the sound of screaming, and "LEVI KILL IT!" "NO YOU BRAT! SAVE THE SPIDER! DON'T KILL IT!" and lots of laughter. I recognized Jean and Armin's voices laughing, while Eren is shrieking and Levi is getting mad at his boyfriend. There was a girls voice that I've never heard before. "Eren. Calm down. Let Levi handle it." I heard a whine, "But Mika, he's gotta kill it!" Levi tched, and I heard the patio door open. I walked down the stairs and went to the kitchen. Seeing Eren being carried over the girl's shoulder. "MIKASA! PUT ME DOWN, I'M NOT YOUR LITTLE BROTHER OR CHILD!" I laughed, Jean turned to me and grinned. "Hey babe, how was your sleep?" I gave him a thumbs up and went to go make myself some tea. I felt someone wrap their arms around me and I tensed a little, a smile playing on my lips when I found out it was Jean. "Hey Love." He kissed my cheek and nuzzled his face into my neck. A chorus of Awes could be heard behind us. I laughed and Jean placed a kiss on the base of my neck, my breath caught in my throat. I giggled and turned around, Jean still wrapped his arms around me. "Morning guys, and gal." They all smiled and were started having our own conversations. Today will be very good.

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