To Stand

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Jean P.O.V

Armin, Marco and I were jamming out in the garage, playing Green Day songs. Marco on Bass, Armin on drums, and I'm electric guitar and lead vocals. We were killing it, it was so much fun.

After we had our afternoon band time, Marco and I were getting the house tidied up since we usually clean it every other day to just touch it up a little. "Oh hey Jean!" I turned to see my boyfriend grinning from ear to ear, "What is it Marco?" He let out a little scream, "My parents are coming home today!" He jumped around, I laughed and cheered as well. "Wait! YOUR PARENTS!" He nodded excitedly, "YEAH! I HAVEN'T SEEN THEM IN OVER A MONTH!" I smiled a little sadly, "What do they do?" He grinned even more if that was even possible, "They help build schools in Africa. They are coming back today!" I pulled him into a hug, "I'm so happy for you! But, do they know about us?" He laughed, "Duh. I told my mom, which in turn she'd tell my dad. And she's really excited to meet you." He squeezed me tighter and giggled.

I gulped, "Shit. What if she doesn't like me? What if she doesn't want her son seeing a failure like me?" He pulled away with a gasp, "JEAN KIRSCHTEIN! YOU LISTEN TO ME, I DON'T WANT TO YELL AT YOU BUT YOU ARE THE MOST AMAZING PERSON EVER AND SHE WILL LOVE YOU!" I blushed a little, "Y-you really think so?" He nodded, then pulled me into a kiss. "I know so." He grinned at me and skipped off to make himself more tea.


I heard a loud scream and I bolted downstairs. What I saw was not what I was expecting. Marco, pinning someone against the wall with a knife to their throat, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOME!" The figure spluttered, "D-do you n-not recog-recognize me Mar-Mar?" He gasped and pulled the knife away, "Sasha?" He burst into tears and pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry!" She hugged him back, crying as well. "When you moved away I was heartbroken!" I made my presence known, jealousy flaring a little. "Marco? Are you ok?" He jumped and looked at me with a small smile, "I'm perfect." He gestured to the girl, "This is Sasha Braus, she's like a sister to me. She's the first person I ever came out to." I smiled at her and nodded, covering my bare forearms.

I put on a polite stance, "Jean Kirschtein, Marco's boyfriend." She squealed, "Mar-Mar! I'm so proud!" I laughed, "Mar-Mar?" I gave Marco a questioning/amused look. He flushed a bright red, "We've been friends since kindergarten. When she once came over for a play-date, she heard my parents nickname for me, it stuck ever since." I chuckled and started to back up a little, "I'm just gonna get some air, t-today's a hard day for me." Marco nodded, his mood changed. "Ok, just remeber I'm here to talk Jean." I nodded, "Love you Marco." He smiled at me, his eyes shining with happiness, "I love you too Jean." I smiled a little and walked upstairs, tears welling up in my eyes. 8 years ago, my parents were killed in a hit and run accident.

8 years ago, some bastard hit my parents and left them to die. That bastard could be walking free right now. Tears poured down my face and I walked to the park down the street. I took out my phone, dialling Suicide Prevention for the 8th time this week. "Hey, it's Jean. I'm really considering right now Annie." She sighed, "Jean, I'm just going to keep on telling you to keep fighting. I know today is a god awful day. But for the love of Maria, fight for Marco. He needs you as much as you need him." I let out a small sob, "I-i'm tr-try-i-ing An-annie." I grabbed my hair and pulled at it, "I-i ca-can't go-o on mu-much lon-longer." I screamed out in pain, someone came running towards me. Marco...

He ran up to me and held me so tight, I cried into his chest, loud wails coming from my figure. Marco trying to tell me to breathe, he took the phone from me. "Hello? May I ask who this is?" "My name is Annie Leonhart, Jean Kirschtein has called so many times, it breaks my heart much more each time. He's always talked about his boyfriend Marco, and he sounds so lovely and supportive." I sighed, "I am Marco, and I'm so sorry that he came to you." She chuckled sadly, "It's my job hun. No worries. Can you handle him now? Wait, that sounds mean. We have another call coming in, I'm glad you found him in time." I made a hum in agreement and we both hung up. While talking on the phone, I was holding Jean the entire time, rubbing his back. "I got you. Just let it all out." He clung to me, crying really hard.

I picked him up, carrying him back home. My parents sitting on the front steps with Sasha. I smiled sadly at them, shaking my head. Jean started to stop sobbing, but he still shook. "I love you, I love you so much Jean. You can't ever leave me." Tears welled up in my eyes, I let out a shaky breath. He got down from me, he noticed my parents and froze. I cleared my throat, grabbing his hand, his flinching barely noticed save for me. I pulled him along to them, I let out a small squeal as I hugged them. "I'm so glad you guys are home!" My mom and dad pulled away, "You must be Jean, I'm Jackie." She giggled, she held out her hand to shake and Jean flinched away. "S-sorry." He shook her hand lightly and quickly retracted his hand. "And this is my husband Mark" She motioned to a smiling man talking animatedly to Sasha. "Well boys, we best be headed to our 4 o'clock reservation. I love you Mar-Mar." She kissed his cheek, Jackie and Mark walked to their car. "Bye Mama, Bye Dad! Love you!" They waved bye and drove off.

I brought him inside and pushed him against the wall, pulling him into a passionate kiss. He moaned into the kiss, the delicious sound went straight to my downstairs area. "Marco, I want you to make love to me. I want you to make me feel good." I grinned into the kiss, "As you wish." I guided him to my room and closed the door.

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