That You Are

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Jean P.O.V

It's been a rough 4 years, a whole lot more downs than ups. Marco's parents never came back. They were considered missing 6 weeks after they left. Their bodies were never found, his aunt moved in with us. She is really nice, her husband is kind of nice. Marco never opened up to me about anything, I've noticed the long sleeve has busted out. I am still clean of drugs, it's been a journey. Although Marco grew up into a handsome young adult. His hair is longer all around, he doesn't part it anymore. He usually lets it stay the way he woke up with. I started spiking my hair up and kept it the same colours. I have an entire sleeve on my right arm, it's a forest scene. Pulled from Christopher Robin, I used to love Winnie The Pooh, and it brought me happiness. Marco has angel wings on his back, the right wing more broken than the left. In the middle of both wings it says "Take These Broken Wings and Learn to Fly." It's really amazing.

I was in the hospital for 2 months, I was in a coma. I was driving home one day and some drunk driver hit me. I had to get my memories back, it really hurt Marco. He started going to therapy, started taking Anti-Depressants. He never cut, but he broke his knuckles from punching walls. It really scared me to see someone so strong just breakdown, it made me wonder how long he's been slowly breaking. We've both gotten better over the years, over time, we've fallen deeper in love. We've basically become co-dependent on each other, which isn't really healthy, but we aren't in a self-destructive relationship.

"Hey Love." Marco lightly kissed me on the cheek. "How was work?" I chuckled, "I got yelled at by a customer and started to shake. I flinched away from her and she kept yelling at me. It sent me to flashbacks and I cried for an hour." Marco looked really sad, "Jean... come here." He opened his arms and I hugged him. "Why didn't you call me?" I sighed, "You said that you had 8 patients today and I didn't want to keep you away from the kids." He shook his head, "It's ok if you call me. You wouldn't keep me away from the kids." He smiled at me, such a warm and loving smile. I wanted to kiss him right there. I was tempted, but I wanted to wait it out for a minute.

"So when I was picking up the tables dishes, some girl gave me her number and winked at me. I pretended to gag and walked away." Marco burst out laughing, "You did not!" I nodded with a grin, "Oh but I did." He laughed more, his longer hair falling over his eyes. I pushed it out of the way and he turned bright red. I chuckled and kissed him.

I ran a hand through his hair and tugged on it a bit. Earning a groan from Marco. I smirked into the kiss, tugging on it a bit harder. In the past 4 years, Marco and I have switched every once and a while. But I never knew he had a hair pulling kink. A low moan came from Marco, I pushed him against the wall.

A small gasp came from Marco. I chuckled into the kiss, he flipped us around. Marco was pinning me against the wall, grinding against me. I moaned, my pants tightening. He smirked this time and started guiding me to or bedroom. Excitement surged through me, the backs of my knees hit the bed. I was pushed onto the bed, Marco crawled on top of me. His bulge rubbed up against my leg, I groaned. He nibbled on my lower lip and started to undo my button up flannel. I ran my hands through his hair, I tugged on it and he moaned into the kiss. He tore off my shirt and started placing sloppy kisses down my chest. I moaned a little and he sat up. He started taking off his top and undoing his belt. "Suck." I nodded, undoing his belt buckle and his pants. A big grin plastered on my face.

I took his length into my mouth and started bobbing my head. I hollowed out my cheeks and used my tongue along the vein on the underside of his member. My hands reaching up and fondling his balls. Marco moaned and I took that as a sign to go faster. I sucked a little harder and bobbed my head faster. Taking as much of his length as I can. He started to buck his hips, I hummed around his length and vibrations sent up through him. "I'm about to cum!" I felt him release down the back of my throat, I swallowed every last drop. He pulled me into a deep kiss and started to take off my pants. I helped him out and undressed myself. I went on my hands and knees and jumped a little when I felt his hot tongue pressing at my entrance.

He lapped his tongue around my puckered hole, a small moan came from my lips. I felt him smile, he started eating me out. I was a moaning mess. "Marco please, please, please." I didn't know what I was begging for, maybe for a release, maybe for more. He continued on, until he started adding a finger in with the mix. I gasped loudly and shuddered. He started thrusting his finger in and out, filthy moans spilled out of me.

He started adding finger after finger, he then pulled out. I whimpered and he kissed me back. "Do you want to turn over? Or do you want to stay like that?" I turned around and laid on my back, my erection hitting my stomach. "You are so fucking beautiful." I blushed and looked away from him, "No, no. Don't look away. I want to see those gorgeous Taupe eyes." I looked up at him, a small smile on my face. He grinned at me and kissed my lips softly.

He started to spread my legs and position himself, anticipation coursing through me. "Can I?" I nodded vigorously. I felt something prod at my entrance, he started pressing in. I whimpered a bit and he stopped. "Are you ok?" I nodded, "J-just go a little slower. It's been a while." He nodded, and slowly started thrusting it. I let out a small moan when he started thrusting in and out, he went slow and steady. He was half way in, thrusting in and out a a slightly fast speed. He started going in deeper. My moans became louder the deeper he went. I screamed with delight when he hit my prostate. "You are so amazing Jean. I love you so fucking much." I moaned, "I love you too Marco." He kept on hitting my prostate, I was shaking. Moans filled the air, the sound of skin against skin.

Marco started panting, his thrusts getting sloppy. "Holy crap Jean, I'm gonna cum." I nodded, "Same here." He took my member in his hands and started jerking me off and matching the pace with his thrusts. I moaned, I started clenching down on him. He howled with pleasure, I felt hot strings fill me up and that sent me over the edge. I came all over Marco's hand. He slowly stopped thrusting, riding out both of our highs. He pulled out, Pulling me into his lap. He took my arms in his hands, flipping them over to show all my scars. "W-what are you doing?" He placed kisses all over them, the same thing for my thighs. "I love you, and your scars. You are so amazing, and they show how strong you are."  Tears welled up in my eyes, I sniffled. "You are the most amazing person in the entire world Jean Kirschtein. I am so glad that I met you." I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek, "I'm so glad that you saved me."


Marco P.O.V A Few Days Later

Jean and I were at Disneyland for the weekend. I was hoping to propose in front of the Fountain. I was super nervous, this was basically life and death. I can't live without Jean. We were walking around Toon Town and enjoying ourselves. (I don't know anything about Disneyland as I've only been to Disney World in Florida.) I started up a random conversation, fiddling with the ring box in my pocket. "Well, I've always wanted to go to somewhere across the ocean, but I don't know." I shrugged, "I've always wanted to go to Scotland, it would be really cool." Jean chuckled, "Well you do have a pretty good Scottish accent." I laughed, "Thank You Lad." I said with a Scottish accent. Jean burst out laughing, "That was great!" I chuckled, "You're too kind." I waved it off and we started making our way to the fountain.

Jean and I took a selfie in front of the fountain, and I paled a little. "Babe, what's wrong?" I took a shaky breath, "Th-this has been in the w-wor-works for a while." I gulped. "Jean, when I walked into your room at the hospital all those years ago... I didn't know what I was getting myself into." Jean looked really nervous, "What do you me-" "Just listen, I ca-can't do this when you talk. Sorry. I didn't know what I had signed myself up for, I didn't know that..." I ran a hand through my hair, "I didn't know that I would meet the most amazing person in the world. I didn't know that you would be the one for me." Passerby's started watching, Mikasa and Annie came out of their hiding spot and recorded everything since we got to the fountain. "I never knew that the next patient I visited would be the love of my life." I pulled out the box and got down on one knee. "Jean Kirschtein, meeting you was the best thing to ever happen. You make me happy, you keep me sane. Even if you snore at night, or you annoy the heck out of me at some points, I love you with all of my heart." Tears welled up in his eyes, I was worried. "Wo-would you do me a sol-solid and Marry Me?" He covered his mouth a small sob escaping him, "Oh Marco." I got up and I felt my eyes sting. "I'm sorry, but... You'll have to spend the rest of your life with me." I pulled him into a big hug, a few tears shedding. People all around us clapped, cheered. Mikasa and Annie wolf whistled and came even closer with the cameras. We pulled away and I put the ring  on his finger (See image at top). He kissed me, so much love radiated off of us.

All  can say about today is that it was one of the best day of my life.

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