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Marco P.O.V

Jean and I laid on my bed, panting, feeling on cloud 9. That was the best thing to ever happen. The feeling of him, the scratching up my back, the hickies I planted all over him, it was all amazing. His moans filled the room while we made love, oh my maria those sounds were so beautiful. If I could stay in that moment forever, I would.

"Hey Marco, I love you so much." I chuckled and pulled him closer, "I love you so much more." He giggled and his eyes started to droop, I kissed his forehead and we both fell asleep.


I woke up to a loud squeal, "OH MY GOSHHHH! MARK! GET YER BUTT OVER HERE! LOOK HOW CUTE OUR SON IS WITH HIS BOYFREIND!" I laughed and cuddled up to Jean more, "Mark, look at them, they are so fookin cute. Remember when we used t'be like that?" My dad laughed, "Jackie, leave the boys alone." I sighed and shook Jean awake, "Hey Love, I'm getting food, do you want any?" He grumbled something and gave me a look of annoyance, "Yes, now let me sleep." I chuckled and threw the blankets off. "Nope, you can get up and get your own food." He let out a small growl, I laughed. I got dressed into some sweats and walked to the kitchen and saw my parents laughing about something. I wasn't paying attention and walked into a big box that was in the way. I groaned, clutching my left side. "Dang it, who put that there?" I hissed in pain and saw that the stitches broke, blood started to leak out the cut. "JEAN! GET THE FIRST AID KIT!" I heard running around and Jean sprinted to me. "WHAT HAPPENED?" He took out an alcohol wipe and cleaned the wound before putting some gauze over top of it. I winced, "There was a box in the hall, I didn't see it and fell." My mom and Dad rushed in once they heard me fall and watched in horror at what happened. "Do we need to get you to the hospital? Are you in pain?" I shook my head, "Just take me to the clinic and they will fix the stitches. For now, just help me stand up." I was holding my side, pain shot through me.

I laid on the little bed while my stitches were fixed, Jean holding my hand. "Why did that happen? Who left the box there?" Jean looked at my parents, anger clear on his face, "Did you just leave the box there? Do you not remember that your son was shot a while ago? Do you not remember how you leave him for weeks on end, helping other kids when your own child is struggling by himself? He needs a tutor because you guys can't do your own fucking job as his parents!" He clenched his fists, "I don't have a mom or dad. But if you were my parents, I'd rather have nothing compared to you guys." He gave them one last venomous look, "You shouldn't have the right to call yourselves parents." He left the room, my mom started crying and my dad tried to console her. After the doctor finished my stitches, I followed after Jean. "Jean..." I pulled him into a hug and he flinched back. "Hey, hey it's just me." He smiled a little and kissed me softly. "I'm sorry for the things I said, I was just so angry! They just stood there and watched while you were hurt. Your mom and dad - They didn't come home when they were informed you were in the hospital. It's just, that makes me so mad!" I held his hands, "I'm not upset you did that Jean, not in the slightest." He looked down, gave my hands a squeeze.

We walked out of the clinic and went back home. "I love you Jean, I'm glad I met you." He smiled, it made his eyes crinkle at the corners. "I love you too Marco." We continued our walk back home in a comfortable silence, His hands in his pockets, my hands hanging freely by my side, our shoulders brushing occasionally. "So Jean, how come you never compliment me on how I look? Almost everyday I tell you how amazing you look." I heard Jean take a sharp inhale, "W-what?" I had to suppress my laughter, "You never compliment me. Am I not good looking enough?" He stopped in his tracks, grabbing my face, "Marco Bodt, I better not hear that from you every again! You are so beautiful and elegant! I don't know why I've never told you, but you better fucking believe me when I tell you that you are so attractive that it should be illegal." I grinned from ear to ear, my cheeks, ears, and neck red. "What?" I laughed, "Jean, I was joking earlier. But I'm glad that you said that. So thank you." I pulled him into a loving kiss and felt the world stop.

The sound of people around us faded away, only the sound of my heartbeat could be heard. Every kiss we've shared always felt like our very first. It was the most amazing thing, just Jean and I being together.


A Couple Days Later

Jean got his first tattoo, while I got my second. *Gasp* I have a tattoo, it's a little smiley face on my left wrist that was drawn by my little sister, it was in her last letter she gave me when she was in the hospital. It means a lot to me because she said that I should always have a smile on my face even when I'm sad. She meant the world to me, I watched her grow into a beautiful teenage girl, the brightest blue eyes that anyone had ever seen. But she was taken away by leukaemia. Her girlfriend was devastated, so was I.

But anyways, Jean got a semicolon on his wrist, the black ink contrasting with his slightly paler skin and all the scars on his arms. I however got a quote from a character from Marvel. Loki is my favourite and a quote from Infinity War really stuck out to me. It's "The Sun Will Shine On Us Again." I got it tattooed over my heart. It serves as a constant reminder that it gets better with time.

Jean and I were on our way back to my house, walking and talking. We stopped to pet two dogs that were absolutely adorable. We got Ice Cream, ate at the park. And had fun just goofing off. When we got home, I was kind of surprised to see no car there. "I guess my parents are out." Jean made a "Hmm" noise and we went inside.

I saw a note on the table, I read it.

Dear Mar-Mar,

Your father and I really sorry about earlier today. We wanted to see you again before we left, but your aunt called. She's not doing so well as of late and we had to leave again.

We aren't sure how long we'll be gone. But money for food is in the usual place it is in.

We are so sorry for earlier and we love you lots.


I let out a sigh, Jean read the note as well. "Im sorry Marco."

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