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Jean P.O.V

"Is that so?" My cheeks pink, a small smile on my face. "Yes Jean. It's true." I smiled up at him and his eyes twinkled with happiness. "What grade are you in?" Curiosity clear as day in my voice. "I'm in grade 12. How about you?" I chuckled, "I would be in grade 12, but I failed grade 11 and had to do it over." Marco nodded, "What happened if you don't mind me asking?" I stiffened up, the wall starting to build higher. I put up a mask to hide my emotions, "Oh you know, attempted suicide, getting in with the wrong crowds. The usual." Marco had a sad look on his face. "What about family?" I chuckled, "Don't got any." I looked away, and sighed. "I'm sorry to hear that. It must be hard." I nodded, "You can't be sorry for things you can't control. And besides, it's easier than you think to be alone. I don't have to deal with the foster parents I had. They were real bastards." Marco gave me a sympathetic smile, "At least you have friends that care about you. Hange told me that you had some company yesterday." I nodded, my mask off. "I guess so." Marco chuckled, "I've got to ask you. Are you ok with gay people?" I furrowed my brows, "Yeah... why?" He sighed in relief. "Ok good. Because I'm gay." I laughed, "Bisexual." Marco nodded. We talked more and got to know each other better. I've gotta say, I'm starting to like this guy.

It was around 11 when Marco left. I was watching crap tv. I was bored out of my mind, Ms.Hange came in. "Hello Jean, how are you?" I smiled up at her, "I'm alive." She laughed, "So you can start walking around today. We have a music room, a tv and game room as well." I nodded and smiled, "What's in said music room?" Hange grinned, "Instruments like Bass Guitar, Electric and Acoustic Guitar, Drums." I grinned as well and nodded.

I slowly got up and out of bed and held onto Ms.Hange for support. We got my walking IV system and made our way to the music room. Small talk was made, she told me about her short angry friend, I asked her if his name was Levi, she agreed. I told her about my past, about my foster parents from when I was little, I cried into her shoulder. And when she hugged me, I didn't really flinch.

I grabbed the electric guitar and tuned it. I started playing I'm Not Ok by My Chemical Romance. I was jamming out and didn't hear someone come in, a boy with a blonde bob came in. His neck had a scar around it, bruising around the scar. "H-hi. I heard y-you playing, and wan-wanted to join." I nodded my head and smiled softly at him. "I-I'm Armin Arlert." I waved, "Hi Armin. I'm Jean." He smiled a little and sat at the drums.

We were killing it. It was amazing. It seems like we are going to be good friends. We were playing for a while, it was a lot of fun.


I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face, it was very unlike me. I haven't woken up with a smile on my face in my 18 years of life. I looked to my left and saw a tray of breakfast food. I licked my lips and dug in.

After I finished eating, Eren and Levi came in to visit me. "Hey Jean, how are you?" I smiled softly at Eren, "I'm actually pretty good. I made two friends yesterday. Marco, and Armin." Eren gasped and turned to Levi, "Holy shit! Armin!" I looked confused, "Who is he?" Eren grinned, "He's my best friend. He worked at the diner, but was emitted here after a suicide attempt. He's been here for a week now." I nodded my head.

We talked and talked. A knock on the door and Marco came in. "Oh Hey Freckles." I grinned at him and he smiled back, a light blush to his cheeks. "Hey Jean." He looked over at Levi and Eren, "Hello. I'm Marco Bodt." Levi nodded, Eren waved at him. "Marco, this is Eren and Levi. I worked with them at a diner." Marco nodded, "Oh cool. I-if you wanna keep on talking with them, I-i can go." I quickly shook my head, "No, no. Don't go. They were gonna leave anyways." Eren gave me a sly smirk, "We were? Ya. Levi, I still didn't punish you for earlier. All that back talking calls for spanking." I gagged, "That's hella nasty. Save that for when you are alone." Eren laughed, Levi turned bright red and quickly left. Eren laughed more and left.

Marco and I were both bright red from embarrassment, that was a complete shit show. He burst out laughing, my heart felt really weird. His laugh was really contagious, I started to laugh as well. We laughed until it hurt to breathe, tears streaming down our face, our stomachs being clutched. It felt good. I haven't had a reason to laugh, ever.

Finally having something to be happy about made me stop laughing, tears of happiness poured out of my eyes. Small sobs escaped me as I smiled, Marco gave me a confused look and pulled me in a hug. "Hey, hey, it's ok." I nodded against him, sobs becoming more quiet. "I-I've never had something to la-la-laugh about be-fore." Marco pulled away and smiled at me, "I'm glad I shared your first experience of laughing." I grinned at him, wiping the tears away. I looked him in the eyes, my grin getting the tiniest bit bigger.

Marco P.O.V

It felt good knowing that I was Jean's first real laugh partner. That's an awkward title, I need to come up with something else. His grin made his eyes crinkle at the corners, it was a genuine smile. It made my heart flutter at the sight. "I'm glad that I'm getting to know you Jean. You seem like a great guy." His smile faltered, he brought his knees under his chin. A slight whimper was heard when his thighs hit his middle. "T-thanks Ma-Marco. I'm gl-glad I'm get-getting to know y-y-you as-as well." He smiled at me again, although this time, it didn't reach his eyes.

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