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Jean P.O.V Still Same Day

I could not believe that I am engaged. Eren and Levi congratulated us, they were celebrating their 2 year marriage anniversary in Paris. We had a small party at Marc-our house and everyone got a little tipsy. We only had a couple beers and a couple shots of vodka. Nothing too crazy as we all had jobs to go to the next morning.

Marco and I had celebratory sex and it was the best yet. So much love, so much joy. I never wanted it to stop, although 4 rounds will suffice. Man that boy has a good stamina. *clears throat* Anyways... the next day was like an after-glow.

Marco and I ate at McDonalds and played with our toys from our Happy Meals.


The wedding was planned out after 2 months of non stop work. It was a Galaxy theme. Everyone wore galaxy looking outfits and the diner was decorated like a spaceship. It was amazing.

Marco's vows were beautiful. "Jean, you are the love of my life. When I walked my happy ass into room 123, I didn't know that I'd meet you. I did know that I would try and help that patient. But I'm glad that it was you, because Jean Kirschtein, you are the reason I'm alive. Well actually, Jean Bodt. I promise to always be there for you. To love and protect you, to be there for you and keep you some what sane. The amount of stars in the night sky can't even cover how much I love you. You are my entire world Jean, if I ever lost you, I would most likely die. I'm not trying to be dramatic, but it's the truth. I love you to the ends of the universe and I can't believe I can call you my husband." Here comes the water works, he is just so amazing.


"Hey Love?" I looked up at him, "Yes Marco?" He pecked my lips, "I love you." I smiled, "I love you too." I kissed him again, my eyes fluttering closed. He pulled me closer, I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands on my hips, guiding us into our room. We both fell onto the bed, our kiss turning heated. He got up and closed the door, and started taking off his shirt. Oh boy, am I in for a long night. A wide grin on my face as Marco started undoing my tuxedo.


Marco and I sitting by the Ocean in Bora Bora. A waiter came and gave us another beer each. We both clinked our bottles and took a swig. "Ahhh, I'm so happy with you Marco. You make me feel alive." He smiled at me, his eyes closed. "I'm overjoyed at the fact that you are officially mine." I smiled at him and pecked his lips. "I love you..." I love you too Marco..."


Marco and I sitting at the desk at the Humane Society, filling out papers for an adoption. "So Maxon was abused for all his life, he's really skittish." I chuckled without humour, "We have something in common then." The lady gave me a sad look. "Would a Rottweiler be a good choice for us?" Marco nodded, "He seems like a really good dog. You two seem to be a good pair together and he's really protective about us." I nodded as well.

We walked over to Maxon's kennel and he ran up to us. His tail slightly wagging, his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth. "Hi Maxon! How doing?" Marco using his baby voice was the death of me. I had to stop thinking about the other times he used his baby voice before I get a hard on. Maxon laid on his back and Marco rubbed his tummy. I laughed and rubbed Maxon's head. "Hi Bud. Ready to come home with us?" Maxon started wagging his tail, slightly backing away. I sighed, "You're safe Maxon. We won't ever hurt you." Marco kissed my temple, "I love you so much." I blushed, "I love you too." He smiled and we started getting everything ready to bring Maxon home.


Marco and I had Sasha as a surrogate, we were so excited. A baby boy would be a new edition to our family. His name would be Jensen. He was due for the 24th of January. We were also planning to have another kid as well. I was super fucking excited.


The delivery was good. Jensen is Happy and healthy. Sasha however said that she  never wanted to do that again, after a wink. "That was so painful. Conceiving him was great, but birthing him was bad." We all laughed, Marco started to cry, as did I. I was so happy, Marco was as well.


Jensen had a little brother, Jared. Jared was 4 years younger than Jensen. Maxon was the protector of the family. He was great with the kids. Marco was a great therapist and I became one of the head cooks at the diner. Levi and Eren adopted a baby from Asia and named her Karla Kuchel Ackerman. Mikasa and Annie celebrated their 10 year anniversary and are getting married next year.


All in all, life was great. Everything was perfect, at least I think it was. Other people may see it differently, but we all see it as perfect.


Marco got a new tattoo, it means so much to the both of us. It made me cry with joy when I saw it. (See image above.) I hugged him so tightly, Jensen and Jared came running into our room. "Wha's wwong Daddy? Why is Poppop cwying?" I chuckled, ruffling his hair, "Its ok JareBear, Poppop is just really happy right now." He furrowed his brows, "Jensen take Jared to his room and play with him. Poppop and Daddy want to talk. Ok?" Jensen nodded and walked Jared out. "I love it so much!" He kissed me and held me close. "You mean so much to me. I did it for you." I cried more and clung to him.

I'm Still Standing. That's all that matters. Hopefully You're Still Standing as well.

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