Bella Opens Up Pt.2

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Mommy told me to go talk to her after my shower. But I didn't feel like it for some reason. I just wanted to watch tv in her room.
"I thought you fell asleep on me. Why didn't you come in the living room?" Mommy sat on the bed and turned off the tv. Ugh I was watching Angelina the ballerina.
"Because I was watching tv."
"Mommy wanted to talk to you about something."
"I don't want to talk." I moved away and faced the other way.
"I don't know why you're being like this."
"I want to watch tv."
"You could watch after we talk."
"Don't want to talk! Leave me alone." I got up and left. I don't wanna talk about him anymore. I know that's what she's gonna talk about.
"Bella." Mommy followed me to the beanbag and she saw the tear run down my face.
"I'm guessing you know what I want to talk to you about." I nodded my head and she rubbed my chin.
"I know it hurts."
"Do I have to live with him?"
"No, you don't. You're living with me."
"So then what?"
"He wants to see you."
"I don't wanna see him!" I cried and mommy gave me a hug.
"I know you don't."
"I don't like him! He left me with my mommy! He said he'd come back one time. And he didn't! He didn't come back!" I yelled.
"Aww, I'm so sorry honey. I'm sorry."
"I don't want to see him! I don't!"
September 14th
I sat in my room quietly. It was my bedtime and I had school tomorrow but I didn't want to go to sleep.
"Baby girl it's time to go to sleep."
"But why?"
"Because, you have school."
"Why can't I stay home?"
"Because nothings wrong with you."
"My throat hurts. Can I stay home?"
"Why are you so interested in staying home?"
"I just don't want to go to school. Just like how I don't want to see that guy called my dad." Mommy made a really shocked face when I said that.
"Bella. I can't believe you just said that." My mom sighed and tucked me in.
"We'll talk more in the morning. Good night sweet pea. Sweet dreams."
"You're mad with me?"
"No, I just didn't think you'd say something like that."
"It's okay, I'm not upset."
My Office (Olivia's Perspective)
"How in the world am I supposed to tell my daughter, that she has to see the last person she wants to see."
"Maybe you can take her out on a little date and then break it to her."
"So she can react in public?!"
"That's true. Would you like me to help? I could always help."
"That'd be great, thanks."
"Tell me a plan and I'll help you as much as I possibly can."
"She loves doing arts and crafts. How about we take her to an arts and craft place? Then we go to the park and have lunch there. We could talk to her about it there."
"Let's try that. Hopefully she won't get too upset."
"Mommy! Look at me paint it!"
"That's really pretty." Amanda and I watched her color away and I guess we were both thinking about how upset she'd be when she would hear the news very soon.
"Aunty Amanda! Look at it, that's you. I give you blonde hair."
"Who's that other person?"
"Me, I wanted blonde hair too."
"What's wrong with you're brown hair?" She said while playing with Bella's.
"Nothing, I just wanted to be silly!" She gave her a kiss and helped her with her drawing. I just hope she can stay this happy after lunch.
"Mommy, I'm hungry. Can we have lunch?"
"Of course. Let's finish up and then we'll go buy lunch."
"I want fast food."
"I don't think that's the way we ask for things." Amanda said.
"Can we please have fast food?"
"Sure sweetie. Now come on let's go."
"Aunty Amanda?"
"How did the baby get in your tummy?" She asked innocently.
"Did it hurt?" I could tell Amanda didn't know to answer her question.
"Aunty Amanda drank a magic potion that only adults can have."
"The potion makes babies?"
"Did it taste good? What color was it? Was it white?" I couldn't help but laugh. Bella sat there confused as I laughed away.
"What's so funny? I wanna know the color."
"Yes it was white baby. It was indeed white."
My daughter sat quiet, still on the blanket while looking at the water near us. She smiled and ate a chicken tender still looking at the water.
"Hey Bella?"
"Can Mommy and Aunty Amanda talk to you about something?"
"Sure mommy!"
"I just want you to know that it's okay to be scared, and angry about what we're about to tell you."
"And it's okay to cry." I said chiming in.
"Okay." I sat my daughter in between my legs and held her there gently.
"Remember how we talked about your dad?"
"Yeah." I could see the fear in her eyes.
"Well, he wants to see you and-"
"I don't want to go see him! Please don't make me."
"You have to. I'm so sorry my sweet pea." She got up and went to Amanda.
"I know, I know honey."
"Mommy will be there the whole time, and if you don't feel comfortable we don't have to go see anymore."
"You promise?"
"Yes, just once. Just once my love." She kept holding onto Amanda as I reassured her over and over.
"Want my bunny! I want her." Oh my goodness! The bunny! That's the only thing that'll calm her down right now.
"It's at home love bug. Mommy forgot to bring it. What about a big cuddle and a kiss?"
"Mommy will give you a big cuddle. Bigger then I could give you." She crawled over to me sadly. I picked her up and walked around in a circle.
"It's okay. It's okay."

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