Bella And 5th Grade

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Since Noah was going to a school in a really new area he was being walked there. I'm not sure he liked it too much.
"Bye Noah."
"Bye." We started walking to my school and I didn't feel nervous anymore. Actually, I felt really confident.
"Mom, I'm gonna have an amazing day today."
"You sure are. I like that confidence. Keep it up. Have a great day, I love you so much babe!" She gave me a kiss and I wiped my face.
"Mom, That was so slobbery!" She rolled her eyes and I went into the building.
"Are you a fifth grader?"
"All fifth graders report to the auditorium, you guys have an important assembly today with Principal Hartworth."
"Okay, I'll go there now." Hopefully Kylie is actually on time today and saved me a seat.
"Bella, come on!" Kayla yelled.
"I'm coming." I sat next to her and gave her a hug.
"Kayla Müller you dyed your hair pink?!"
"Well, basically. It's washable though."
"Oh! I was going to say, I never knew your dad would let you do that!"
"He was so angry when he saw. Mom had to calm him down." I laughed as we talked about our summer.
"I went to Canada. It was really cool."
"Hey guys!" Jana sat next to us, and Kylie came.
"Where's Axel and Jayden and Penelope?"
"They're over there. Something's wrong with Jay."
"Oh no. I know what it is. Tell them to come here before the seats are taken."
"Alright." She went and got them and they came over.
"Attention, Attention!" Our principal said. Everyone got real quiet and we paid close attention.
"You guys are now brilliant 5th graders, who will be going into 6th grade next year. Now, I know everyone here is ready for Frost Valley and all, but this year isn't just all play. This year is to prepare you guys for middle school and high school. You guys are going to meet your new homeroom teachers and they'll go over what they will teach you and transitioning classes. I expect you guys to be very polite."
My Homeroom
It was painted white and a dark olive-like green in the back where the library was.
"You're Bella Benson, am I correct?"
"My name is Ms.Hinds. Your seat, is right over there." I smiled and went to go sit. I liked her already. She actually looked like me! She had braids in like me and we were the same skin tone. Most of my teachers are white, so this was really cool. I was sitting next to this boy named Carter. He seemed really cool too. Ms.Hinds came back over and looked at my work.
"I heard that you're an amazing writer. I want you to show me what you got this year, Ight?"
"Bet." I only speak that way around my Uncle, it's kind of a black person thing so I said it with her.
"What was that?" Carter asked once she went away.
"She wants me to do good this year and I said that I would."
"Oh! I was so confused." I laughed and got back to doing my work. Sometimes, I feel like one of those translators that translate languages that people don't understand. It makes me feel really cool.
"Alright everybody. So my name is Ms.Hinds again if you needed that refresher."
"And it's Mr.Gamory, if ya needed it too." I really liked these teachers. I could actually relate to them quite a bit. We played some icebreakers and by now I was just so chill. I didn't feel left out or anything because there were other people there who just got certain things.
"I really like Popeyes, I make my uncle get it for me when ever I can. But when I'm with my Mom we usually eat McDonald's."
"Drumsticks or chicken breast?" Ms. Hinds asked.
"Drumsticks. I don't like working for chicken."
"You see Mr. Gamory I like her. She knows what she's saying." I laughed and the other kids in class spoke.
"But McDonald's is the best."
"It's good, but Popeyes is better. I like their tenders." This year, was going to be really good and I could tell already. Even though Kylie's in another class this year, I have Kayla. She's my second best friend.
Walking Home (Olivia's Perspective)
"How was school?"
"Good." Bella sipped her water as we walked home. Noah walked home by himself and I met him there. He requested alone time, he wasn't feeling good.
"What do you think of your new class?"
"I love it."
"Why?" I said while unlocking the door.
"Hey Lucy!"
"Hey Bella, how was school?"
"Good. I used my binder today, I felt like a middle schooler. Where's Noah?"
"In his room resting."
"Bella, wanna finish our conversation?"
"Sure. Let me just change and eat something." I watched Bella go upstairs first and then followed, going into my room to relax a bit.
"Mom, I'm ready when you are."
"You just love wearing that shirt, don't you?"
"It's really comfy."
"I can tell." I put my arm around her and she played with my phone.
"What else happened today?"
"Well, my new teachers are really cool."
"How come?"
"The lady, Ms.Hinds looks like me!"
"She does?"
"Yeah, were alike Mommy."
"That's great my love."
"I really, really like them." I smiled at my daughter and I felt elated for her. There isn't much diversity in her school so when something like this happens it really brightens up her day. The diversity issue has made me consider taking her out of the school, but she loves her friends so much and I don't want to take her away from that.
"I'm glad you're happy. You got people to relate to now."
"Yeah. I'm gonna go do some homework. See ya."
"Have fun."
"How the heck am I supposed to have fun doing homework Mom?" I laughed as she left the room.
Reading Class (Bella's Perspective)
So...we were reading this new book. I actually think it's pretty interesting. It's called "The Wastons Go To Birmingham." I couldn't wait to read it.
"I know you're anxious to read it Bella, just give me one minute." I put the book down and tracked my teacher. She laughed and sipped one of her smoothies.
"Ima say this right now, and I'm not going to say this again. There's going to be some parts of this book that may offend you in some way, or even upset you. If you need a break you can always ask. If something happens in the book, I don't want you guys to stare at people a certain way and make them uncomfortable. Y'all understand?"
"Yes, Ms.Hinds." She could be super duper strict when you're disrespectful to her. I always listened though.
"We're going to popcorn read." She said. Carter looked at me and I knew exactly what he wanted to do.
"Ms.Hinds, may I go first?" Carter said.
"Of course honey."
"Wait, Ms.Hinds. Can I read it?"
"Hmm, looks like you both are eager to read. How about Carter goes first and then Bella you can go after?" He laughed and I rolled my eyes at him.
"Okay." As he read I kind of stared into space and thought about my dog.
"Bella, have I lost you already?"
"Oh, no. Sorry." I read the rest of the page and called Kayla to continue reading. For some weird reason I was feeling a bit tired, and a bit warm.
"Bella, wake up." I opened my eyes and she was standing over me.
"You fell asleep in my class. You alright?"
"Yeah. Totally. Where is everybody?"
"Downstairs at lunch. You really blacked out." Mr.Gamory said.
"You sure you alright?" Ms.Hinds sat down next to me and started eating. I nodded and looked at the food.
"Curry chicken?"
"Mhm. The best."
"I've only had it twice."
"Twice? You need to eat some more of it booboo." I looked at my lunch and sighed.
"What's up?"
"I have to eat this or my Mom'll get mad at me."
"Why don't you wanna eat it?"
"Because I'm tired."
"You sure you alright? Do you feel sick?"
"Did you sleep last night?"
"I have to tell the truth, don't I?" She nodded and I drank some juice.
"A bit."
"Had a bad dream?"
"What does that mean?"
"That's very vague Bella."
"I know. My Mom tells me that all the time." I bit my pastrami sandwich and looked at Ms.Hinds.
"Do you and your Mom argue?"
"Not really. She just gets sad and stuff."
"Why?" I didn't answer and continued to eat.
"Bella, when I'm speaking to you, I'd like you to answer me. It isn't respectful to not respond."
"I don't want to answer the question."
"Why don't you?"
"Because I don't like those type of questions."
Two Little Red Hens (Olivia's Perspective)
"So, tell me about your week guys."
"It was okay."
"I liked my week." Bella said as she dug into one of her cupcakes.
"How come you didn't have the best week sweet boy?"
"I miss my old school, and my old friends."
"It takes some time but, soon you'll learn to eventually love your school." I slid some cheesecake into my mouth and smiled at him. He smiled back and Bella wrinkled her nose cutely.
"Is that marble cupcake good?"
"Yes, try some." I took a forkful and smiled delightfully.
"That's really nice."
"I really like those." I'll make a mental mot of that.
"Mom, in school at recess the boys were being so weird."
"Weird how?"
"They we're trying to like, act like girls and they were twerking and shaking their butts. It made me cringe so hard."
"The kids in your grade are actually weird." Noah said.
"I've told you that like ten times already and you haven't been paying attention."
"Well, I know now." I played with her hair as she ate and smiled.
"Your cute little freckles."
"Mommy!" She whispered. She gets embarrassed when I coddle her in public.
"You're so embarrassing!"
"Now you see how I feel."
"Hey! I'm such a cool Mom, aren't I?"
"You're not." The kids laughed and I ate my cheesecake.
"You just can't see it."
"We totally are, and it's the opposite." We all shares a laugh and continued to eat our treats happily.

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