Bella And The Final Move

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"Alright. Pack those final boxes." Mom said. I looked around my bedroom sadly. I loved this room. I walked over to my beanbag corner and sighed. Over here, I'd have conversations with my Mom and friends.
"Mommy, you're so silly!"
"What's wrong?"
"You have a red nose!" I giggled and pulled it off.
"Hey, that's my nose!" She gave me a kiss on the forehead and hugged me.
"That tickles! Mommy, wait! I have to pee!"
"Alright, go hun." She tapped my back and I went to go use the bathroom.
"Mommy, let's go eat ice cream and cookies. Right now."
"That's quite the demand."
"No it isn't! Let's go eat, I'm really hungry."
"Okay, let's postmate it."
"It's food ordering."
"Surprise me with like a random order!" My stomach grumbled and she smiled.
"Go grab a snack."
A tear fell out of my right eye and I looked outside at the snowy ground. It was nice, pretty. I remembered playing in the snow with Noah during the wintertime, and spraying him down with water in the summer.
"Bella? You alright?"
"Yes, I'm just gonna miss this place." She gave me a pat on the back and started to talk.
"It's good to move around babe. New experiences, new memories. We're not moving that far, it'll be okay."
"Alright." She left my room and I taped up the boxes and let out a huge sigh. Good bye home.
My New House
I came inside and I looked straight down.
"Where's the kitchen?"
"Right here babe, take a look if you want guys." I opened the door and there was a really pretty kitchen with a nook and our fridge and stove.
"I like it." We walked straight down the gallery to the living room and saw some couches, chairs, my guitar and keyboard, no tv yet obviously, and some stairs.
"That's the dining room isn't it?" Mommy nodded and I smiled.
"That's kinda cool actually."
"This place feels bigger." Noah said.
"Because it is." The movers moved stuff around and we went to the dining room.
"Our dining table is being delivered, along with the chairs..But do you guys wanna see something cool?"
"We have a dumbwaiter."
"That's so cool!"
"What's that?"
"Something that takes the food from the kitchen and takes it up to the dining room."
"Fancy! I'm gonna tell you to send up my chick Fil-A all the time."
"You're so lazy."
"So are you Noah."
"Alright, let's go upstairs to my floor."
"Your floor?!"
"Mhm." We went into her bedroom and it looked really nice.
"Woah! Your bathroom is so big."
" leads into the spare room." It was so cool! It was like a library, hangout room, and sleepover room.
"I like to call this the multi-purpose room, everything in one basically."
"Cool." We then went to my room and it was just so amazing! The walls were a greenish-blue (not quite mint green to be honest) with a lavender wall where I think my comfy area will be. My bathroom was all blue, towels and all.
"I love it!" Blue is my new favorite color and it made me so happy to see it in my room. I was getting some new furniture for my room, so it could feel all "grown up" and I was stoked.
"Alright, wanna check out Noah's?"
"Totally." His room was an olive green and his bed and dressers were already in, his room had a dark cool vibe, I loved it!
"You have your own bathroom Noah, but you're sharing it with any guests that happen to come here, so I want you to keep your bathroom clean. Understand?"
"Same for you Bella, you'll start to do more cleaning this year."
"What are things that I can do for money?" I really wanted to buy myself an iPod touch or something. Kylie got a phone the other day and I'm gonna look like a loser if I start middle school without a phone...or at least something that looks like a phone.
"You can dust the spare room. Pull some weeds when it gets warm out, I'll keep you busy."
"I can't tell if it's paid labor or just pure abuse." I joked. Mom always tells me that I have a good sense of humor. I'm not sure about that, but it's nice to see her smile. Since Mommy is a bit older than some of the Moms in my school when she smiles she has this little wrinkle, and I think it's really gorgeous.
Day One (Olivia's Perspective)
"Get up, time for school!" I clapped loudly and Bella groaned.
"I don't want to go, I'm tired." She placed her pillow over her head and I pulled the covers off:
"Let's go, let's go!" She looked straight up at me and sighed. She started to make her bed and look outside.
"I'm going to shower, can you give me some privacy?" I nodded and left her room quietly. Noah was downstairs making a bagel for himself.
"Morning Love. Sleep well?"
"That's great. You have basketball today right?"
"Yeah, we have a competition Saturday. Can you come?"
"I'm coming." He smiled and I made myself a smoothie. Bella walked into the kitchen and sat at the dining nook. Her hair was done in a bun like style with her hair drooping down and she looked quite like a preteen.
"What's for breakfast Mom?"
"Well, there's bagels. I have to go grocery shopping."
"Is there turkey?"
"Yep." She made herself a little bagel sandwich and ate happily.
"You know what I was thinking?"
"For vacation this year, we should go somewhere cool. Or, we can have a big family trip with Kylie's family. We're all friends!"
"That doesn't sound too bad." A vacation would be amazing! Things have been so stressful lately.
"Oh, and we'll be having a house party next week or so hopefully."
"Did you invite people already?" My youngest asked.
"Yep. The Ashcrofts, Müllers, the Mayers, Amanda, and some other people."
"I hope Ms Hinds is coming. She's been on vacation lately."
"I invited her babe."
School (Bella's Perspective)
There was a note in my desk today. I didn't know who it was from, or why they wrote it, and I was scared to open it. Just gotta do it and get it over with.
"You smell like cheese." The person wrote with a funny face. I giggled and took out a post-it note.
"Really funny dude! Who are you? Lol."
"Bella can you read the next passage for us?"
"Okay." I sighed and read it quickly. Class was almost over, and I was going to go have lunch with my friends.
"Bella, step outside with me for a second." I just want to go to lunch!
"Why were you in my class giggling, and writing on a post it while I was teaching?"
"No reason." I walked away and went downstairs to lunch, ignoring the yells from down the hallway.
"Hey guys!" I ate my sandwich and smiled.
"A bagel sandwich?!"
"That's all we had. We need to go shopping."
"Yeah, Bella moved. She didn't tell you?"
"I meant to tell you today Jayden. I promise, Ms.Hinds was just bugging me."
"I thought you really liked her?"
"I do but she keeps minding my business right now. Like ever since she came to my house and talked to my mom she's been really weird."
"Bella, I can't wait for our trio this weekend it's gonna be so lit."
"I kind of forgot we had a whole competition this week. But, I really need to go home and talk to my Mom. I'm getting sick and tired of people treating me weird."
Front Gallery (Olivia's Perspective)
"Mom." Bella was standing at the end of the gallery in her dance clothes and I couldn't tell if she was happy or angry with me.
"We need to talk." She said abruptly. She wasn't angry, but she want happy either.
"Hey Lucy."
"Hey. She's been standing there waiting for you for an hour now."
"What do you need to get off your chest Bella?"
"What were you and Ms. Hinds talking about the other day?" I panicked in my head and wondered what to say.
"Why do you ask?"
"Because you guys have been a bit weird. What's going on?"
"Bella, when the time is right we'll tell you. Not right now."
"You're so unfair! You always say that I shouldn't keep things from you and yet you're the one keeping things from me." She stomped up the stairs and I didn't say anything. She wasn't wrong at all, and I knew that her somewhat raging hormones were making her exaggerate this whole thing to a greater extent.
"You see what I have to deal with?" Lucy joked. We both chuckled and then let out a quiet sigh.
"Oh, Bella."

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