Bella's Father Figure Issue

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Pack-up Time
"Alright, I have an announcement guys." Ms.Green said.
"This announcement is for the girls of USC." All the girls giggled and I sat there quietly.
"The Father-Daughter dance is going to be on Valentine's Day. You guys should go home and tell your parents or guardians, you can come with a Dad or even an Uncle." I stopped listening and started to listen again when she said it was time to line up.
"Bella, do you have a dress? Mines is red! Is your dad coming? I've never met him before."
"Yeah, I know."
"Why do you some so sad? Can your Dad not come?"
"Level zero guys." My teacher said. We went downstairs quietly and I put my head down on the cafeteria table.
"I can't wait to go! My Daddy is gonna take me out for dinner and get his nails done with me."
"I have a white dress for the dance!"
"I'm gonna get my hair curled!" Oh, shut up already!
"Bella are you gonna straighten your hair?" I looked at them and didn't reply.
"Maybe she's tired."
"But, I think I'm gonna put my hair in a bun." My friends don't even understand.
"Great job Bella!"
"Thanks coach!"
"I think that you're totally ready to start doing competitions." I'm a level 6 gymnast now and I'm really proud of what I can do. My friends do competitions but I've always stayed away from it.
"I'm not sure if I want to do them."
"What do you mean? You have such an amazing talent. You can do really well."
"My life is kind of crazy already. Doing competitions will make it crazier."
"Well, you can always consider it. I'll be here when you change your mind."
"Alright." She smiled and gave me a pat on the back.
"Go change, and have a good evening, okay Bella?"
"Okay Coach! Have a good night."
"Thank you, you have a good evening as well." I didn't change out of my leotard and just put my clothes over it so I could leave much quicker.
"Hey Uncle Sonny."
"What's up Berry?"
"Nothing much. How come you're picking me up today?"
"Lucy had an emergency, so I thought it'd be the best time to spend some time with my Berry. I don't get to see you very much."
"That's true. Are you going to make dinner?"
"Let's see." He said with a smile.
"But first," he opened the car door for me and I went in like a princess.
"We're going to see your mother and brother at the precinct."
"That sounds great!"
February 11th (Olivia's Perspective)
I realized that Bella has been pretty down this week. I mean not like I've been home to personally witness it, but whenever we call she sounds so dull and done with life. It makes me sad to see my princess unhappy. And I happen to know why. I had just finished reading her letter and closed the book silently.
"My Sweet Bella." I looked at her picture on my desk and sighed once again. Not having an actual father around was hurting her. She has Fin, who is the closest thing to a father for her, but is that satisfactory enough? I mean she did say that she wanted to go and that was all. I looked at my birthday present from Bella from a couple of days ago.
"Hey Liv."
"About Bella, how is she doing?" He closed the door and stood by my desk.
"She's upset that she doesn't have a dad to take her to the dance."
"Poor girl, did you tell her?"
"Nope. It's a surprise."
"I hope it cheers her up."
"It will. I've gotten her a dress already, making some plans for her to get her hair straightened. I want it to be her little special day. Just to forget about the fact that she's different and just have fun."
"Cool. Tell me the colors so we can match."
"Red and black."
"Cool. See ya Thursday."
"Alright, come for at least 6:30 7-ish."
"Will do." Bella called and I answered quickly.
"Hey babe, how's your day?"
"It was okay again."
"Just okay? Nothing at all happened?"
"Yeah, other than people talking about that dumb dance. I don't want to hear another word about it."
"I thought you wanted to go?"
"I do. But I don't wanna hear the word Dad, Daddy, Papa, Dada, or Father. Those words are dumb."
"Bella, express your feelings without using those words."
"I can't, okay?! I'm angry! And I'm sad!" She started to cry and my heart shattered.
"Take a deep breath, and tell me how you feel."
"I feel like hurting something."
"Bella, you know you can't do that."
"Bella, I know what you're about to do. Don't you dare!" I grabbed my jacket and started getting ready to leave because I knew this wouldn't end well.
"I'm going to break it."
"Break what?! Bella, just talk to me." She hung up and I prayed that she wouldn't do something too dangerous.
My Room (Bella's Perspective)
I got that stupid bracelet Dashon gave me and looked at it. I wanted to break it so badly. I jumped on it and fell down. It jabbed me.
"Oww! Ow!" I started to bleed. But I still wanted to break this freaking bracelet do I jumped on it again and it jabbed my other foot.
"LUCY!!" I cried.
"I'm coming baby!" She burst in and saw the blood on the floor.
"What happened?!"
"I hurt myself!"
"How?!" She asked.
"Bella, tell me what happened."
"No!" She picked up the bracelet and saw the blood all over the spikes.
"I want my Mom!" I cried as Lucy cleaned up all of my cuts.
"She's on her way." She bandaged my feet and told me to get ready for bed.
"I don't want to."
"Don't argue with me Bella."
"It isn't my bedtime yet! I want to watch tv." I started changing into my pjs and then went on my bed, limping in pain. I started watching some stuff on my iPad. I heard my mom walk up the stairs but I didn't bother much because my door was locked.
"Bella, are you okay?" She opened the door and sat down on my bed.
"I told you to talk to me baby." She looked at my feet and sighed.
"I know."
"Does it hurt?"
"A little bit."
"It'll heal soon. But what were you doing? You've could've seriously injured yourself!" I bowed my head as she scolded me.
"Yes Mommy."
"Why did you jump on the bracelet?"
"Because I wanted to break it! I hate him." My mother held me and kept rubbing my back.
"Why didn't you just talk to me?"

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