Chapter 12

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Paris's POV

Chris hasn't bothered to talk to me yet today. I was sitting on the couch watching Hollywood Heights. It was on the last episode right now, Lauren just met Eddie out side.

A light knock on the door catches my attention from the tv. I slowly get up and open the door. I did not expect this happening.

May stands there in a 'OK' grey crop top, black tank, blue skinnys, and boots.

"Hey there, Paris right?" May welcomes herself in, which pisses me off even more. "Um yeah, come on in" I sarcastically say. "So you and Chris have a thing now, right?" she sits down on my couch. I sit on the chair opposite of her. "I guess...well Im not sure." I pick at my fingers. "Well, if you don't want to be anything with him, ill take him off your hands." She smiles at me.


Who the hell does she think she is? Asking me if she can have him!

"Okay?" I just say. Im not sure how to really answer that question.

"Great," she gets up from her spot "Ill text him and let him know he's mine now." She claps her hands together hugging me.

Im completely shocked. Did I seriously let her get away just like that? May lets go and flashes me another smile before walking out of my apartment.

Chris's POV

When I wake up its like 9:35. Crawford walks in my room with a weird expression on his face. "Someones here for you." And he walks out. Okay?

I get up and throw on some jeans and a red T-shirt with a beanie. I walk out of my bedroom and into the living room. "Hey babe!" May screeches running up to me. Babe? "Hi" "Well you look like your not very happy I'm here" May pouts, trying to act disappointed. "No, I'm just a little surprised thats all." I shrug my shoulders. "Well, we can go do something!" She wiggles her eyebrows. Im so confused. "What?" I ask her. I don't know what else to say. "Your mine now silly," she laughs "Paris or whatever, said she wanted nothing to do with you! So your mine now!" She looked so happy. But my heart ached that Paris didn't want anything to do with me. May grabbed my hand and drug me to sit next to her on the couch. "Um, may I don't want to do anything." I tell her. I really don't want to do anything with May, sure I missed her company, but I know she is no good for me and I cant trust her at all. "Well we can watch some movies." She looks so hopeful. But I know its all an act. "I want to go back to bed." I start to get up but she pulls me back down. I was really trying to get rid of her in the nicest way possible. "Chris, I know your upset that your little hoe, doesn't want you, but you have me now. Remember all our good times," she runs her fingers up my arm, trying to sound sudusive. Which she wasn't. "Don't call Paris a hoe," I grit my teeth trying not to blow up on her, " And no I don't have you, I don't want you! Im sorry." I couldn't help it anymore. I got up and headed over to the door.

"Please leave." I tell her in the nicest way possible. She gets up wiping her hands on her pants. " you will see, you want me. You just don't want to believe it." She dramatically says and leaves. I shut the door and walk back into my room. I flop down on my bed and groan. I just wanted to die. Paris hates me now, and May is up to no good.

Crawford's POV

I open the door and May stands there. I groan "What do you want May!" I ask even though I already know what she wants. "Your brother is what I want." she rolls her eyes as a 'duh' moment. "He's sleeping." I dryly state trying to close the door in her face. She puts her hand up, stopping the door. "Don't shut the door on me. Ill wait until he wakes up." She smiles at me and walks on in. She pisses me off just looking at her. Shes a stuck up bitch, that always seems to get her way. "Whatever." I say walking to Chris's room. I want to get him up so May can tell him whatever she wants. I don't feel like her being here until Chris wakes up because who knows? That could be awhile. I open the door and Chris was already awake. Shocker. "Someones here for you." I say and walk out. I decide to go see Jackie, and see how Par is doing. I grab my phone and walk out.

"Hey baby!" Jackie gives me a big hug. "Hey gorgeous" I smile at her actions, even though she cant see me. We pull away and she lets me in. Paris is sitting on the couch looking pissed off. "That May girl came and talked to her earlier." Jackie whispers to me.

Now it all makes sense. I knew May, and she clearly was trying to get Chris back. I knew I shouldn't of let May come into the apartment this morning. "Hey Par." I sit next to her on the couch "Hey" she doesn't look at me. "You ok?" I try to stay as calm as I can, but in reality I want to go over to our apartment and kick May the hell out. "Honesty, no" She looks down from the tv to her fingers. "I just let whats her face get away with stealing Chris from me! Who knows, he probably wants nothing to do with me anymore." She bawls. Jackie sits on the opposite side of her and try's to comfort her. "Hey, Chris wont fall for her games again, trust me. And he really likes you." She looks at me with puffy eyes. "Then why hasn't he bothered to even call last night? Or today? He clearly doesn't like me anymore, he's probably with May right now." I look down because I know he is with her now. "He is, isn't he?" she whispers. I nod, "Im sorry, but I really don't think he's going to date her." I promise her and get up, "Trust me, things will get better." I tell her and I follow Jackie to her room.

(:p hii!! lol so I apologize, in my first authors note it says "Our Universes Collide" and then I said "Our worlds Collide" Well, the name of the book is Our Worlds Collide lol, sorry if I confused you! Oh and, that book will be completed after this one is finished!

I have another awesome story Idea to! Ill give you some sneak peeks on that later on! :)

So for you that do not like the idea of my choice in characters, Go ahead and scratch the idea for them and use whoever you want. But in my eyes, the people I pick are the ones who I pictured. The next book Ill be writing wont have specific people, Promise :)

Anyways, Im super happy with how many reads Im at so far! 261! Thats amazing :) I just want to let you know how happy I am!

Next chapter will be a little bit shorter, I'm sorry :( Update VERY soon :) Vote and Comment :)

ILY all :))

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