Chapter 15

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*** Also, my Instagram for this book I'm not on allot, but I do post things still lol :) Enjoy this chapter :)

Chris's POV

"I love you" Paris says turning to me in bed. Her smile was so beautiful, it made me happy just seeing her. "I love you so much baby." I smile at her. I looked up at the ceiling then back at Paris. But it wasn't Paris's face I saw this time. It was May's.

I wake up drenched in sweat. Shit. Did I really have that dream? It felt so real but it wasn't. I didn't want to find out what it meant either. Even though I had a feeling I already knew what it meant. It meant I was going to compare my relationship I had with May a long time ago, like the one I have now with Paris. And that I didn't want to happen. My relationship turned out bad with May because she said she loved me when she really didn't. She would constantly cheat on me, and for some reason she suddenly wanted me back. I couldn't do that to Paris though. I cant give May another chance, it would ruin Paris.

I look at my phone, 7:30. I had my first class at 9, I wonder when Paris's first class was? I get out of bed, careful to not wake her up. I search around for her schedule.

Where is it?

I still look around and I see a piece of paper peak out from under her bag on the chair. I pick it up and look at her first class. Singing, 9:00. The paper reads.

Paris sings?

Well I have the same class as her, so we will see.

* * *

Paris's POV

I walk into the classroom and no one is here yet. Well what do I expect? Im 15 minuets early. I always like to be early. I sit in a chair on the far side of the room. A little melody was playing; A Thousand Years by Christina Perri. I wasn't sure where the sound was coming from, but I started quietly humming the tune. No one else was in the room so, what the heck? I start to sing along to the melody and dancing a little. I get out of my chair so it was easier to dance.

I turn around and 4 boys were watching me.

But I recognized these boys.

They were my all time favorite boy band.

Ashton, Luke, Michael, and Calum were all standing there watching me for who knows how long.

"Your a really good Singer."Ashton smiles at me.

Holly Shit!

"Yeah you are!" Michael smiles at me.

What is the world coming to? First I meet Chris and Crawford Collins and now one of the most famous, girl crazy, boy bands in the world!

"Thanks." I blush. I just cant believe that Ashton Irwin and Michael Clifford just said I was good.

"Whats your name?" Luke asks me coming towards me. "Paris, Paris Cecily." I tell him with confidence. Even though I am a nobody, I don't want them to think I am.

"Well Paris, you are very talented. Do you think you can sing it again for me and my mates, yeh?' Luke asks me nodding in the direction of the boys. "Yeah." I say and start singing again.

"Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave?

How can I love when Im afraid to fall?"

I look up at them wondering if I should keep going.

"Come on girl! Sing to us!!!" Calum cheers and I smile.

"But watching you stand alone, All of my doubt

Suddenly goes away somehow.

One step closer...

I have died everyday waiting for you.

Darling don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years,

Ill love you for a thousand more."

I stop there and pull a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Wow." Ashton says, all the boys staring at me. "You liked it?" I ask them. I didn't really think I was that good. They all nod, at loss for words. "Well you can say something!" I say a little to harshly, I didn't mean it to be I was just nervous. I mean hello? My all time favorite boy band right in front of my eyes.

"Im sorry, I didn't mean to sound mean." I tell them looking down at my feet. "Its ok." Michael laughs. "So your not going to throw yourself at us?" Calum asks, causing Ashton to elbow him in the side. "Ouch!" Calum whines. "Sorry, sorry." Calum puts his hand up at me. "Girl you were amazin!" Luke tells me, coming at me to give me a high-five. I high-five him and I look at Calum. "No, Im not one of those fans." I tell him smiling. "Are you a fan?" Michael asks me, he was sitting on a chair now on the opposite wall. "Of course!" I tell him, sitting back down myself.

"So who's your favorite out of us." Ashton points to everyone of them. I shrug, "I love every single one of you, but If I really had to choose I guess Luke. He's a cutie pie." My eyes widen. Did I seriously just fucking say that to him! Luke laughs. "Thanks babe." He smiles at me, making my heart flutter. "Yup."

"Damn, why does everyone go for Luke!" Michel fake cries. I laugh. "Your cute too Mikey." I tell him and he laughs too.

"There ya go Mikey." Calum teases him, mocking my tone for the 'Mikey' part.

"Class should get started soon, what are you guys doing here anyway?" I ask them out of curiosity.

"Well you see, your teacher thought it would be a great idea for you guys to have real experience on how a song or whatever should be sang." Luke tells me, pulling a chair out next to me sitting in it. "Sweet." I tell them. "So do you wanna go get lunch with us after class?" Ashton asks.

Im amusing he's talking to me.

"Im not all that interesting, ill probably be boring the whole time." I shake my head.

I want to have lunch with them, they are some pretty cool guys.

"Oh Pah-lease! You can dance and sing, your not boring." Michael says in a feminine voice making me laugh. "Ok I guess." I tell them and class begins.

( :p Yay she met the boyz!

So my stupid iPod wont let me see how many reads I have :( This sucks!

Last I knew it was 474... Thanks for that by the way!

Enjoy! :)

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