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Mid-July - 40 weeks

I'll be forty weeks tomorrow, can you believe that? Nine months. Two hundred and seventy-four days, three quarters of a year. That's a long time.

I'm pretty much ready for this to be over. I've been having this dull backache for the past hour and it won't let up, hope I'll be able to fall asleep. Not even one of Darlene's massages can make it go away. I think my stomach is starting to ache too, it's a like a belt of pain from back to front. It's making me nauseous, I feel like shit. I better go to sleep.

*Next morning*

The pain in my back is still there, I think it may even be stronger than last night. You can ad Braxton Hicks contractions to the mix. Perfect. I woke up around nine o'clock but stayed in bed until ten, I hadn't realized the mattress is wet. I must've dreamed I went to take a piss.


"Morning, Darlene."

"Want anything to eat?"

"No thanks, I'm not hungry." I'll puke if I eat anything.

"Well, that's new. Why are you frowning? Is something wrong?"

"I have awful back pain and I feel nauseous, that's what's wrong. And we'll have to change the mattress I think I peed myself when I was sleeping."

"You sure it's piss?"

"No Inspector Gadget but if I wake up in a pool of wetness that's usually my first thought."

I'm so done with the pain that sarcasm is the only way I could answer that.

Darlene walked over to my bed, she took a look at the bed linens.

"I don't think that's pee, Elliot."

"What, are you an expert now?"

"No doofus, but if you'd actually take a look at it, you'd notice it's clear and there's not a lot of it."

I felt a strong contraction rip through me, this one was different, I think that was a real one. I felt more fluid between my legs. I froze in place.

"Elliot are you okay?" Darlene asked concerned.

I felt the fluid flow down my leg, it pooled on the floor. I looked at the ground, it was clear with a small swirl of blood within it.

"I think my water broke."

I looked at Darlene shocked, her face a mirror image of my own.

"Okay, let's do this calmly alright? You're going to take a shower and change your clothes and I'll clean up and call Layla."

I stood frozen, my hand started shaking. It's actually happening. Darlene walked up to me and held my shaking hand.

"Did you hear me?"


"You're gonna be okay Elliot relax, from what I've heard this is a very slow process so no rush."

She walked me to the bathroom, leaving wet footprints as I went and left me to my own devices. After the initial shock was over I began to undress and walked in the shower. Before I turned the shower on I Heard Darlene talk to Layla.

I turned the shower on and let the water run down my face.

"Hi Layla, yeah I'm good... No, I'm not calling for the appointment. We think Elliot's water broke... No, it was clear and didn't smell, really. Did he have any contractions? Hold on I'll ask him. - Elliot?"


"Did you have any contractions yet? Like real ones, you know?" She half yelled so I'd hear her over the water.

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