Chapter 28

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With a plan in his mind, Jinyoung waited for the next chance he got to talk to Yugyeom at school. It wasn't easy by any means since either Jungkook or Yoongi were by his side but about two days after he had the discussion with Mark he saw Yugyeom standing in front of his locker, putting some of his books in with little care.

It was now or never.

With a deep breath and more confidence in his steps than he was actually feeling, he approached the younger. As the boy didn't seem to notice him he coughed awkwardly which caught his attention immediately. Yugyeom jumped a little in surprise, obviously having been way too immersed in his own thoughts before his eyes squinted ever so slightly at Jinyoung.

The older felt extremely self conscious under the other's gaze but he hoped Yugyeom wouldn't notice just how nervous he was. He had this whole speech planned out in his mind, what he wanted to tell Yugyeom, how he wanted to tell him but now his brain decided to spontaneously go blank and he just kept staring at Yugyeom.

As the silence stretched out into more embarrassing than comfortable Yugyeom broke it with a voice so sharp and clear, it immediately made Jinyoung feel small.

"Listen, if this is about Bambam then fucking save it" His eyes glistened dangerously but at this point Jinyoung didn't have much to lose anymore anyway so he disregarded what Yugyeom had said.

"Yugyeom, can't you see how he's hurting? How everyone is hurting? I'm not saying you have to forgive any of us but please just ta-"

A sharp sound echoed through the busy hallways as Yugyeom slammed his locker shut, making a few students turn to them with irritation and Jinyoung flinched back.

„I said I don't want to hear it" Yugyeom hissed angrily but Jinyoung could have sworn he saw his eyes getting teary, betraying his steady voice. If the tears were from the anger he felt or something else he didn't know.

„Yugyeom just please-", Jinyoung tried again, not backing down so easily.

"No! No, he has no right to be hurting!" Yugyeom yelled out and his eyes widened at his own words. "I-I'm, class is starting soon"

With that he rushed past Jinyoung, quickly disappearing in the mass of people and only then did the older allow himself to let out a cry of desperation. He should have known it wouldn't be so easy, he knew it wouldn't be but... he had had hopes.


Startled by his own name he froze in his place, the familiarity of how the name rolled off the newcomer's tongue sent shivers down his spine and he slowly turned around. He nodded in acknowledgment as he locked eyes with Jaebum, not trusting his voice not to break as he saw the miserable look on his boyfriend. Were they even boyfriends anymore at this point?

Jaebum ran a hand through his already messy hair, it had gotten longer on the back and even if Jinyoung used to make fun of his mullet in progress he wouldn't stop playing with it.

Jinyoung's fingers were itching to take a strand of his hair between them.

The boys face stretched into an expression of sadness and fear as he stumbled over his next words. "I- Can we- Do you think we could talk?"

Jinyoung's chest squeezed painfully as his mind went over the possibility that Jaebum just wanted to talk to him in order to break off their remaining relationship. At the end he could do nothing more than nod and the older let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders loosing some of their stiffness.

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