I Procrastinate Too Much And Now I'm Dumping All The Tags In One Chapter

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i've been tagged quite a few times and i prolly forgot like half of it now, i'm such a bad person omg i'm so so sorry if anyone reading this tagged me somewhere and i didn't do it. i'm not trying to be mean but i'm really just stupid for not doing them directly,,, i'm so sorry hhhh!!

Also! i'm only tagging twenty people for all the tags at the end and you don't have to do them all but just choose one, or you don't have to do it at all tbh


tagged by: @LiteralKpop

[tagging them all at the end]

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[tagging them all at the end]



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1. tagged by: wanderingsilverangel

2. Do it in less than three days

*starts sweating nervously*

3. say ten things about you

this will be a mess- letz get itttt

• i'm 15 years old

•spring and summer are my favorite seasons (but especially spring hihi)

•im not that cool that i could just put ten things here without it getting boring

•im trying my best at drawing and at bullet journaling

•i've started taking dance lessons but i look like an eel wiggling around but hey! it's fun and i'm trying real hard ^•^

•i get so happy from small things,,, it's unreal like i was walking home and i saw some chickens and i got so giddy and excited bc they looked super cool

•i love songs that have an easy vibe and make you feel calm and soft and light the most

•i feel the lightest when i'm with my friends

•i love the time of the day when the sun sets and everting gets drowned in such a beautiful glow especially during summer

•fairtlights and candles are the best thing

4. [tagging at the end]

5. i don't have a joke so take this instead

 i don't have a joke so take this instead

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6. not really a spoiler bUT the next fanfic i'm going to write will be a jaebri one!! with witch! jae


tagged by: weird_anton

tagged by: weird_anton

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1. Sexuality:
i think i'll fall in love with the person and not the gender

2. Gender:
i'm a girl

3. Happy?

4. Last Song?
'overthinking' by offonoff

5. Hair Color:

6. Zodiac:

7. last person you kissed:
i've never kissed

8. fav colors:
kinda depends on how i feel but i really love beige and brown tones and also pastels!

9. fav food:
omggg there's too much to choose from

10. battery:
12% (don't judge agxjhs)

11. celebrity crush?
??? how could i choose ???

12. fav vegetable:
hmm i love peppers

13. eye color:
some weird blue i guess?

14. shoe size?
well aren't those questions getting personal now? it's 36

15. dream job:
id love to be a doctor one day

16. tag 20 people:
i just picked some random ones i hope that's okay



i hope you're all taking care!! love you lots ♥️♥️

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