Chapter 40

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"-and that explains why I think Youngjae has big furry energy"

At this point Yugyeom couldn't help the giggles tumbling off his lips, the sound reminding Bambam of a sweet melody, one that he'd never get tired of listening to.

The two were lying on Bambam's bed, legs intertwined and facing each other. The younger had asked previously that day if he could sleep over at Bambam's place again and who was he to deny such a sweet request?

Bambam felt an amused smile tug at the corners of his mouth as he watched his boyfriend whose eyes were glimmering already from giggling so much.

"I don't know how to deal with that, I don't think I can be comrades with a furry you know? That would be just weird"

Yugyeom's giggles turned into full laughter the more he heard, his tummy already hurting a bit. To quiet the sounds he made, the boy hid his face in Bambam's pillow and the room was only filled with muffled laughter. The slightly older male frowned slightly at the action.

Yugyeom noticed Bambam shifting next to him but didn't think much of it till he felt a sudden weight on top of him. Slightly startled he turned his head to face Bambam who had his perched on either side of the other's head to support his weight. When Yugyeom met Bambam's gaze he found himself lost in his eyes. emotions swirling in them, glistening like small constellations in the night sky. The feelings so raw and pure, Yugyeom felt his breath hitch when Bambam smiled down at him.

For Bambam everything else around him was like a blur except for the boy beneath him. Yugyeom seemed to
be shining brightly with a soft glow, making Bambam feel so warm warm warm inside. And when Yugyeom smiled up at him his heart felt like bursting with affection. He leaned down with a small sigh, nuzzling his nose into the crook of Yugyeom's neck.

"I love your laugh, so much," Bambam said ever so softly, his lips brushing against Yugyeom's smooth skin. His voice was barely above a whisper, as if scared the silence the two had created could shatter if it were any louder.

Yugyeom was grateful Bambam couldn't see the blush creeping up his face. Before he could reply with anything he felt Bambam's breath on his skin as he let out a quiet chuckle, making his hair stand up.

"-lucky" Yugyeom couldn't make out more of what Bambam said.


Bambam shifted slightly in order to talk properly, "I said I'm really lucky, lucky to be the one to make you laugh, lucky to be the one to see your smile, lucky that you've decided I was worth the try, lucky that I'm able to call you my love"

After that Bambam's mumbles got quiet again but Yugyeom could still hear the sweet nothings whispered against his skin, feel Bambam's heartbeat against his chest, feel the honesty with every word that left his boyfriend's lips.

He couldn't have fought the tears that were slowly started to curl around his cheeks even if he had tried to. Of course that was the moment Bambam chose to lift himself up again so that he could look at Yugyeom. A sly smirk played on his mouth as he saw the watery eyes of his boyfriend.

"Are those, tears?" He teased.

Yugyeom rolled his eyes at the tone and shoved him slightly but Bambam wouldn't budge so he tried again, this time with a little more force, maybe with a bit too much force now that he thought about it. The other, who was clearly not expecting a second shove so soon, lost his balance and the only thing Yugyeom saw was how Bambam's eyes widened before he fell down the side of the bed with a dull thud.

This time the silence wasn't filled with lightness but there was a slight tension to it, only waiting to be broken. And it was, when Yugyeom toppled over, his body shaking with laughter. He moved closer to the edge of the bed and the sight of Bambam lying on the floor in this belief, looking like he questioned all his life choices up to this point, made him only laugh harder.

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