Chapter one.

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Nancy's Throwback.

When i was young , my mum gave me some advice.
"Don't give them all you have , because they will never give you what you need." She would say,I was young I couldn't understand what she really wanted to say, until i met this man.

He wasn't like anyone else , he was different.
I don't think i will ever meet someone like him again, the way he talked to me made me feel loved, I've always felt confident with him.
Now he's gone and i don't think I'm alive anymore , He had one of those smiles that could cure depression and he would tell you it's okay to be in this world , it's okay to be messed up, "I'm her for you" , he would say.

He was, Jonathan Belfort.

Jonathan, he was one of those rich men in New york , he was my dad's Friend.
He used to come over for tea and he would look at me and smile from far away , and oh my god i liked that man , i really did.
He asked me out then we got married a month after.
It was heaven on earth, he was literally the perfect husband that any woman could have, he would wake me up with kisses, and does nothing but smile at me and tell me how beautiful i was.

It was all fun and games until something happened , I was in the kitchen making some dessert , the door bell rang twice as i ran to see who's it.
I opened the door just to see nothing but a letter on the floor and a small box, i was curious to know what's it , I took the letter with the box to the kitchen to see What's it, i open the box to see few pictures of Jonathan with another woman , my heart ached but I already expected something like that, he's been acting odd the past few weeks.

He's changed and I would always tell myself maybe he's stressed, his job's not easy.
I laugh to myself as a warm tear run down my cheeks, I'm angry and jealous, mostly important i was confused , why would he do that to me ? , I've been the perfect wife ever since we got married.


Nancy's Point of View:

"I tried doctor, I tried but i just couldn't." I tell my therapist as his brows frown.

"You should try and forget him, it's been a year Nancy." He says as tears stream down my cheeks,
"Think about the bad things he done to you, or maybe talk about it." He asked and i looked at him in confusion "why would i do that ? If i wanted to forget him." I asked.
"It may help you take things off your chest." He said, "open up and tell me." He said once again begging me to tell him the story, My mysterious story.


In New York 1940
I was finally 20, my family decided to throw a big party for me, I've always loved parties,
They're so noisy and crowded of celebrating people.
"Dad it's not necessary." I chuckle as he gives me my present.
"Oh sweetie of course it is." He said.
I open the Golden box to see a necklace with my name on it.

I look at my dad , literally shocked,
"Omg dad it's so beautiful." I hug him and kiss his cheeks "thank you." I thanked him.
"You were born just to be appreciated and loved, remember that sweetheart." He told me as he smiled and left me standing alone in my room.
I was so happy today's gonna be awesome, now I'm Just waiting for my friend daisy.

Daisy was one of my dearest friend, Loyal and we're just more than sisters.
She's a young beautiful lady that lives with her Dad next door.
Her Dad is my dad's best friend "Mr.Nathaniel Jordens."
He met my dad years ago , my dad told me that he met him in the war , risked his life to save my dad from someone that tried to kill him.

My dad told me they built this place together , became this successful together.
His wife died a year ago because of cancer, poor daisy couldn't handle the news , but i was  there for her all the time.
We got closer when she became 20.
Yes i'm a year younger than her.
She's now 21 , and I'm only 20.

Daisy opens the door , cutting my Thoughts.
"Don't tell me you're not ready yet, it's your birthday Nancy." She said walking to me as i smiled at her.
"Mmm what a beautiful dress you got there , You should look perfect tonight I heard that Jonathan will arrive soon young lady" she said smirking at me.
"Um so?" I pretended that I didn't care but deep down , I was happy.

"Don't act like you don't care , i know you you do  , now hurry up and get ready, Mathilda!" She called my servant.
"Yes ma'am." Mathilda came in after knocking the door twice politely.
"Get Nancy ready as fast as possible, she'll be late."  Said Daisy.


"Nancy , You should take the chance, He's wealthy and one of New York important men."  daisy said she took a sip from her drink.
"Daisy , he's 30 years old what do you mean take the chance."  I said , yeah he was attractive but no i had a weird feeling.
He always looked like he was hiding something big and i never talked to him too.

"So? I would think about it if he liked me." She said crossing her legs taking another sip.
I rolled my eyes at her and her wild thoughts , Because he's my dad's friend, I can't do that.
"Well , suffer then." I jokingly said to her as she rolled her eyes at me, chuckling.

"Excuse me miss." Deep raspy voice talked as I turned around when i saw daisy looking at me with confusion.
"Yeah?" I said rudely to him I didn't expect him to come and talk with me , "can we talk for a while." He still smiled at me as he looked at Daisy.
"Well I'm gonna get another drink." Said daisy  getting off the Chair. "Be nice." She whispered to me , walking away.

Jonathan sat in her place , looking at me in the eyes , he was so different, his eyes was a mystery , his style screamed perfection, his lips always smiled, he had a little frown and his hair was dark black , he wore too many rings.
"I've been watching you for a while in those parties, i know this may be weird but I think i like you." He said looking at me , his eyes held nothing but god's truth.

"Oh and what you expect from me ? To say yes i do too." I say.
"No miss , I'm not as perfect as you, I'd be so happy if we would be just friend." His pink lips smiled at me, as i smiled back.
"Okay i will think about it." I said as I stood up from my seat.
"Mr.?" I asked , knowing the answer already, yes you're Jonathan belfort, but I wanted to act as I didn't know.

"Belfort, Jonathan Belfort." He smiled getting up , saying this as he leans to kiss my hand.

From that day my life flipped.

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