Round Two Aftermath/All Roles

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Foxstar - TytowarriorLeader all roundsLoses last two lives to greencough and a tree shortly after

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Foxstar - Tytowarrior
Leader all rounds
Loses last two lives to greencough and a tree shortly after

Foxstar - TytowarriorLeader all roundsLoses last two lives to greencough and a tree shortly after

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Whitetail - Crazylilly733
Deputy all rounds
Becomes Whitestar and makes Blossomspring deputy

Brownface - sugarpie71Medicine Cat all roundsStays medicine cat and takes Graykit(paw) as her apprentice

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Brownface - sugarpie71
Medicine Cat all rounds
Stays medicine cat and takes Graykit(paw) as her apprentice

Brownface - sugarpie71Medicine Cat all roundsStays medicine cat and takes Graykit(paw) as her apprentice

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Leopardmist - Anime_Marionette
Round one - accused
Round two and three - exiled
Returns to clan

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