6: The Hospital Take 2

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I had a very uneventful weekend. Mom and Dad called saying they took care of everything related to the shooting for me, so there's that. I didn't ask what they meant by took care of it, but I haven't heard anything on the news or around school about that man dying mysteriously, so maybe my parents just scared him or something. My right arm has been sore lately so I've been in cat form as much as possible. That's mostly how I spent the weekend. JayJay called me and we talked for a while, though he could have just come over and talked to me in person since we live fairly close to one another. I miss my little JayJay Boo even though I saw him just a few days ago.

When I arrived at work on Monday evening, everyone was a little surprised. Even my boss, and I told him that I'd be back this week, too. Bri was very concerned and spent most of her freetime fussing about my arm and making sure I didn't lift anything heavy. I was always the one to help her out when it came to restocking and inventory duties, so it was odd for me to wait around and be the one to receive help.

"Are you sure you're okay to go home alone?" Bri asked before we parted ways at her place.

"Yes, like I've said a thousand times already, I'm doing just fine and it's not like I'm completely unable to use my right arm. I'll be perfectly safe on my way home," I reassured her. In fact, I was planning on transforming into a cat, so unless there was a cat murderer running around, I shouldn't run into trouble.

"Fine. Please text me when you get home. I won't be able to calm down until then."

"You wish is my command."

I waved goodbye to Bri and turned around to walk home. I glanced back towards Bri's place and made sure she was all the way inside, as well as around me so that no one else was around, and turned into a cat. Now in cat form, I pranced around and shook my body. It was nice not having to think about the constant ache in my arm.

As I was walking, I saw someone hunched over. As a cat, I'm naturally curious and there was no chance I'd get raped while in this form so I didn't hesitate to see what was happening with the hunched over figure. Turns out, it was an old man. He didn't look too good so I meowed to get his attention. The old man's head shot up and his eyes wandered to my own. He really did not look good. It almost looked like he was having a heart attack or stroke or something. I quickly ran behind him and back aways so he couldn't turn around to see me and changed back into my human form.

"Sir! Are you okay?" I asked.

He made a grunting noise. That seemed like all he could manage at the moment.

"Okay, no problem. I'll call an ambulance. For now let's just lay you down and relax. Everything's going to be alright."

I helped the old man sit down and then lay down on his side. I let him use my purse as a makeshift pillow so his head wasn't uncomfortably on the concrete sidewalk.

"Take a deep breath and try to relax. Don't try to overwork yourself with my requests okay, Gramps? Just do whatever makes you comfortable right now," I said to the old man. "Hello? Yeah, hi. I need an ambulance ASAP. I found an old man collapsed on the sidewalk on my way home. Okay. I'm right on the corner of 18th and Alder. Thanks."

I hung up with the lady on the phone and waited for the ambulance to come. The old man seemed to be doing a little better than when I found him, but he was still in a lot of pain. A lot of shit is happening recently. First Landon gets pissed at me when we ran into each other; I get shot and go to the hospital; Landon and I become sort of friends; now this.

"Thank... you... young lady," Gramps whispered.

"Of course. No need to try and talk right now if it hurts. Just relax right there. An ambulance is on its way," I replied.

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