13: Breaking Free

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I'd say we drove for a little over forty five minutes to get to wherever it was these bastards were taking me. The longer we drove the more pissed off I was getting. Not only had I been kidnapped, it was when I was having fun hanging out with Landon. Like, what the fuck you assholes? At least take me when I'm not having a good time or something so I don't have to be extra frustrated about missing out of friend time. And these fuckfaces were listening to terrible music the whole drive. With such terrible taste in music it's hard for me to believe they are so good at their job. It was pretty ballsy to take me in the middle of campus and while I was with someone.

One of the guys sitting next to me shifted and I could hear the clinking of a necklace or something against a zipper as he turned towards me. The guy took the cloth off my eyes and I opened them slowly so that I'd adjust to the light. But it was dark outside and inside, so there was no light that I needed to adjust to.

These idiots were smart enough to bind my hands and legs so that I couldn't kick or punch my way out, at least not right now. I knew Landon had called Dad and they were probably making a plan on how to get me. I still wasn't sure who took me, but I figured Dad would have an idea since this was related to his business and I wasn't a part of that.

"Fucking asswipes getting me involved in their bullshit," I whispered.

"What was that bitch?" the guy who took the cloth from my eyes asked. It was almost cute how he was trying to sound harsh and mean to scare me.

"You really want me to repeat it?" I challenged. "You guys are a bunch of cowardly shitfaces who are pissing me the fuck off by getting me involved in your petty business with my family."

FuckFace number 1 next to me gritted his teeth and pulled his fist back. Before he could do anything with that fist of his I whipped my head back a little and then brought it forwards until it collided with his. Sure headbutts were painful and all, but it was satisfying to hear the crack of FuckFace's nose after my forehead made contact with it. Blood gushed out of his nose and he screamed in pain. The other two guys who were sitting in the back of the van with me gasped and pinned me to the side of the van. Mr. Driver got out of the front seat and finally opened the door. He didn't seem all that phased by my actions, nor was he at all worried about FuckFace. I smirked as they pulled me out of the van and towards a small shack.

Either these guys didn't have a lot of money to work with or they had no idea how to find cool hideouts. This was a real shack that looked like it hadn't been used for over fifty years. It wasn't made well so I'm sure even in its prime it was a piece of shit. But, hey, maybe this was all part of their plan. It's not the first place you'd look, or the second or third, unless you were my mother and father and had incredible connections. It was like they knew everything.

"Set'er down right'ere," Mr. Driver said. I wasn't sure if it was just me, but he had poor enunciation and didn't pronounce his 'h's.

I sat cross-legged for a good two hours just doing nothing. I had tried to lay down a few times because my butt was aching, but they yelled at me to stay sitting up. I wasn't exactly sure what they thought I'd be able to do while laying down, but I guess I just can't understand how idiots think. Hopefully Dad and them were on their way to get me. It's not like I couldn't knock these four bastards out by myself, it's just that I had no idea where we were so that made it hard to get home. I guess I could always just take the van and drive around until I see civilization and then find a map or something. But that seemed like a lot of work on top of freeing myself.

Mr. Driver and FuckFace number 1 started whispering in the corner. I wasn't all that interested in trying to listen in, but that was my only source of entertainment right now. FuckFace was complaining about his nose and how Mr. Driver should go and get him something for it since they had nothing here. Now I was getting hungry, too. This was just adding to my anger towards these assholes.

"Hey, do you mind letting me go pee?" I asked as innocently as I could. If I could get one of them to come close to me, I'd be free.

Mr. Driver made his way towards me. He didn't say anything and kept safe distance while inspecting me. I actually did have to pee, but no that bad so I had to play it up a bit. I shook my knee and scrunched up a little trying to make it look like my bladder was dying. It seems my acting was good because Mr. Driver came closer. I wasn't sure if he was going to undo my arms or something, but it would make this a lot easier if he was stupid enough to do so. He made his way behind me and bent down. I waited a few seconds. He wasn't undoing the bindings on my arms. Okay, fine, let's do this the hard way.

I pushed myself backwards so that I was now laying on Mr. Driver's back while his head was uncomfortably near my ass. I pushed my legs up so my feet were planted on the ground and then jumped. My bound arms looped their way around Mr. Driver's neck so that as I did a backflip, he was forced to stand up. The next thing Mr. Driver knew he was up in the air doing a backflip as I brought my arms behind me again with his neck in tow. I was pretty sure he was still alive, but I didn't have the time to check. My arms were still bound and the other three were on their way to me.

FuckFace and his broken nose came at me first. He was already inside the shack with me so he saw everything happen. The other two were standing guard outside. I fiddled with my hands and got the binding loose, but not completely off, so I jumped up in the air and brought my arms under my legs and then out in front of me. FuckFace charged at me and I dodged his advances.

"Spin move," I commented to myself as I ducked under his sloppy punch, spun around so I was facing his back and then kicked. He fell to the ground. That gave me enough time to finally undo my hands all the way. I dropped the binding to the ground and put my hands up in front of my face and waited for FuckFace to get up. He wobbled a little, but found his ground again. I got a little distracted when I heard car tires coming to a stop on the gravel outside. FuckFace took this as a sign that he could get a punch in. Wrong. I moved out of the way easily and brought my own punch into his face. I went right for the nose again. He screamed out in pain, again, and brought his hands to his face, cradling his nose. I kneed him in the stomach and then brought my elbow down onto his upper back once he hunched over in response to the kneed stomach. He was out.

I opened the door to the shack and peered outside. There was a familiar navy blue SUV parked behind the van. I smiled to myself and came all the way out of the shack. The two guys who were supposed to be guarding this door were gone. I looked along the ground and found them at Dad and JayJay's feet.

"Nice work, guys. Sorry I couldn't wait any longer," I said and walked over to hug JayJay.

"Oh my God, Marley! Are you okay? Where are you hurt? Where's the blood coming from?" I heard a frantic voice ask.

"I'm fine Landon. What do you mean blood?"

"On your face! What the fuck!? Who did it?"

I wiped my hand across my face and looked at my palm. Sure enough there was some blood. I went to the side view mirrors on the van and looked at my reflection. Little drops of blood splattered my right cheek and went down my neck.

"Oh, this must have been from FuckFace. I broke his nose pretty good," I explained.

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