15: Pancakes

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Landon's POV

I woke up on my back with an arm around my chest and a leg resting over my own legs. I slowly opened my eyes to find the little bit of light coming through the curtains decided to shine right in my eyes. Nice. I squinted and looked down. Marley also had her head resting on the left side of my chest. Her arm was outstretched over the rest of my bare chest and I couldn't help the smile that spread its way across my face. I don't think I've ever woken up in such a good way.

Marley's arm moved as she began to wake up. She slid her arm across my chest and towards her face. It was too bad that's all she did with her hand. Her hand balled up in a loose fist and rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes.

"Morning," she said groggily.

"Morning," I said back.

Marley's eyes opened all the way and she looked around her. When she saw how close our faces were, she made no movements away from me, and it'd be a little weird for me to move since she was on top of me. She looked down at my chest and I'm pretty sure her cheeks turned a little pink, but it was hard to tell if she felt anything because her face didn't change.

"Do you think you've ever been in love?" she asked suddenly.

"Probably not. There have been girls I've liked a lot, but I don't think it was love," I answered honestly. That was a very out of the blue question and I really didn't know what to make of it. Why was she asking me this, now of all times? Could she tell that I liked her? Or was this just something she asked all her friends first thing in the morning when they woke up on the same bed together? This couldn't just be regular small talk with her. But I didn't think I was being that obvious with my feelings.

"Hm. I'm pretty sure that's how it's been with me too. Actually, I don't think I've had many guys that I actually like, we just got together to have fun and that was it," Marley said.

I stayed quiet, not knowing how to reply to that. That definitely wasn't the relationship I wanted to have with her. But I hadn't even confessed or anything, so here I am getting ahead of myself thinking about how I don't want to be Marley's sex-friend when we aren't even sex-friends in the first place. We're just normal friends. Well, as normal as you can get when your friend is from this kind of family.

Marley sat up in the bed and stretched. Her shirt lifted up, revealing ever so slightly her toned stomach. I knew she must work out, but this was proof. Damn, she was fit. I sat up too and got out of the bed and stretched.

"What should we have for breakfast?" Marley asked.

I had almost forgotten that we were at her parent's house. Were they already up. Actually, what time was it? I looked around the room for my phone. I had no idea where I threw it last night before going to bed. It was placed neatly on Marley's desk, next to her own phone and a clock. 7:30 in the morning. It felt much later and I thought I would sleep in a little more than that after all that had happened yesterday.

"Pancakes?" I asked.

"Yum. With some maple syrup and freshly cut strawberries. Nice choice," Marley said as she headed for the door.

She opened the door and we walked out together towards the kitchen. When we walked to the kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Parker were washing dishes I'm assuming they used for their breakfast.

"Morning, kiddo. How did you two sleep?" Mr. Parker asked.

"Fine. We need to set up the guest room for Landon tonight, though," Marley said.

Mr. Parker shot me a glance and looked at Marley with an obvious question on his mind. "Then where did he sleep last night?" he asked.

"In my room. Oh, come on. You can't get mad at me over that," she said when she saw her father's face all scrunched up in disapproval. "You all went to bed before we had even made it out of the car and didn't set the guest room up. Did you really expect me to when I had just been kidnapped? Really?"

"Yes, yes, sorry, kid. We'll get someone to get on that."

"Don't make JayJay do it. I'll do it, don't worry."

Both the Mr. and Mrs. gave Marley a kiss on the head and walked out. Marley sighed and looked at me apologetically. Yesterday her father had been the voice of reason regarding her kidnapping, so I understood where she got her voice of authority and logical brain from. Not only did she make it hard for people to go against her because of her physical ability, she also had a very commanding voice. I could see myself never winning in an argument with her.

Marley wandered around the kitchen opening and closing cupboards and drawers getting all the things she would need to make pancakes. I sat at the island table and watched her work. After a few minutes, I felt really useless, though there wasn't much to do because I'd just be in the way of I tried to help her with the pancakes. So, I helped the best way I could by taking the strawberries she had taken out of the fridge, grabbing a knife and cutting board, and cutting the strawberries.

"Thanks for helping," Marley said. "Now, what shape should I make first?"

"I always just have circular ones, and this is all so sudden, how am I supposed to choose?" I joke.

"Then I'll just surprise you. Go sit down so you can't see them."

I sat back down at the island and watched her back as she poured the pancake batter onto the pan and waited to flip it. I was so mesmerized by her figure that I didn't even realize someone had sat next to me until they spoke.

"You checking out my sister so early in the morning?" JayJay whispered.

I jumped a little from the surprise and looked from Marley's back to JayJay next to me. My mouth opened and shut as I couldn't come up with any excuse as to why I was staring so intensely. I sighed and rested my head in my hands. He had one hundred percent caught me and there was no backing out.

JayJay smirked and let out a little laugh. "I knew it. I had a feeling about you since the moment I saw you. You were just so worried about her," he said.

"Okay, but who wouldn't be worried about their friend getting kidnapped in front of them?" I countered.

"Oh come on. Did you know that your body language just screams 'I love Marley!' Any third party could see it. I wouldn't be surprised if Marley had guessed it already."

"Am I really that obvious?" That was what worried me the most; Marley knowing. Would our relationship change? If it changed for the better, that would be fine, but I would hate for her to be all weird around me. But I also couldn't see her minding it too much. That was just how she was. Very mature and understanding in these kinds of situations.

"Yeah, way obvious. Even Mom and Dad know. That's why he was so worried about you sleeping together when he found out."

"It's not like I would jump her or something."

"And it's not like she would let you."


"But that's not what worried him. He was more worried about you, I guess. Like maybe get too involved in our family affairs and all that shit."

I didn't have time to say anything else because Marley turned around and placed a plate of pancakes in front of me with syrup and the cut up strawberries. She handed me one pancake in the shape of an L and one in the shape of mickey mouse. I smiled and said my thanks. JayJay also got a plate. I didn't think she had seen him come into the kitchen, but I guess I should never underestimate this family.

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