12: Meet the Parkers

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Landon's POV

Marley hadn't even screamed or anything. She flailed around a little, but I could see from the look on her face that she wasn't trying too hard. I didn't like to think about it, but Marley had probably been through this before, or at least something like it. She had hinted at it when I asked her about her scars, but since she never outright said how she got them, I tried not to think too much about it. It's not something you'd like to think about the woman you have a cru- the woman you are good friends with. I don't know why I was thinking about the possibility that I had a crush on Marley at a time like this. Moving on.

I memorized the six digit code Marley shouted at me for her phone and punched it in. Her lock screen was a picture of her and a kid who looked slightly younger than her. I assume that's JayJay. It was a really cute picture. Her and JayJay were making funny faces, but Marley just looked cute. Okay, back to the task at hand; calling her parents. I went to her contacts and looked for Dad and Mom. When I found Dad first, I pressed dial quickly.

"Hello? Marley, what's up?" a man's voice sang on the other end of the line.

"Hello, sir, um, I'm Landon, Marley's friend. I don't really know how to explain this, but someone just took Marley," I said a little frantically. I guess I didn't realize how much this event had affected me. My voice was a little shaky for my liking.

"Alright, son. Thanks for calling so quickly. Where are you? I'm coming to pick you up so we can figure this out together," the man said calmly.

"Alright. Are you sure you need to pick me up, though? I can probably tell you all I know right now on the phone."

"You said you were Marley's friend?"

"Yes, sir."

"And you know about are family?"

"Yeah, Marley's been pretty honest when I ask questions."

"Then it's fine. I'm sure you want to be kept in the loop of this, anyway, and if Marley is being honest with you, then we will be too."

With that I told Mr. Parker where I was and he picked me up ten minute later. We drove to Mr. Parker's house in silence. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to try and start a small conversation, so I didn't and just waited to see if he did. He didn't. To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement. Not only had I never met this man before, but here I was meeting him without his daughter who was supposed to be the one to introduce us, and I met him because that same daughter had been kidnapped right before my eyes. I felt uncomfortable and pathetic. How could I have just stood there?

"No need to beat yourself up about this, kid. I'm sure whoever took her are good at their job. You probably weren't even supposed to see them at all. Marley can take care of herself. Her self-preservation instincts are amazing," Mr. Parker boasted as we rounded a corner and began to slow down; we were probably getting close to their home.

It was hard not to laugh a little when here Mr. Parker bragging about Marley in this situation. My mood lightened a little until we got out of the car and went through the front door. A boy who looked like JayJay came bounding towards us with concern written all over his face.

"What the fuck happened to Marley?" he asked.

"Jayvion, calm down. She'll be fine. I've brought her friend..." Mr. Parker said, clearly forgetting my name, although I did introduce myself over the phone.

"Landon," I finished for him.

"Yes, that's it. Landon. He was there with her."

JayJay eyed me before softening his expression.

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