30: Somewhat Revealed

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The guards went in shifts between guys 1 and 2 and guys 3 and 4. The middle aged man, Mack, would pop his head in every now and then to see how I was doing, but he didn't make any more attempts at small talk. I really wasn't sure what his plan was. They fed me a few times a day, although it was shitty food so I didn't eat much of it, so it wasn't like they were trying to torture me or anything, but they hadn't made any demands or accusations to me. I was just left sitting in the same uncomfortable chair wondering what the hell was going to happen. Maybe that was what Mack wanted. Maybe he thought all the suspense and unanswered questions would drive me insane and I'd beg to know why I was here or something.

That wasn't going to happen. Just like Mack was very much in control of his emotions, so was I. I had the upper hand in this little game of his. If i was ever in serious danger I could always cause a ruckus and safely transform in the chaos.

After about a day of just sitting and watching the guards change shift every four hours, along with some sleeping here and there, Mack finally made his final appearance. He opened the only door I could see to the other room and held it open. The guards who were on duty then, guys 1 and 2, untied me from the chair and hoisted me up so I could stand on my own two feet. My legs were sore but it felt good to finally be out of the chair and standing up again. I was led across the empty floor and into the room. It was nicely lit and furnished. If this wasn't some bastard kidnappers lair, I'd find it nice and comfortable looking.

As I walked through, I looked side to side. There were a few people present. One laying on the couch on her phone, another sitting in front of a computer. None of them seemed to notice me, or they were just so used to people in chains walking through they didn't even bother to look anymore. Taking a nap on that couch didn't seem to bad to me though. My ass hurt like hell after sitting in that chair for so goddamn long. Guys 1 and 2 led me through another door and then sat me down in front of Mack. Mack sat behind a metal table, like the ones you see in cop shows. So this was Mack's remake of an interrogation room?

"How's the arm?" he asked.

I looked at him confused. Did he mean my right arm? How the hell did he know I'd been shot there? Well, I guess that wasn't so far fetched. He had probably been keeping an eye on me for months of not years, and I only just noticed it recently.

"Come now. Don't tell me you don't remember me," he said. He flipped the corner of his jacket open while acting like he was looking for something. He had a gun tucked into his waistband.

"That was you? You look different. Wait, I thought you were in jail?" I said.

"Well, I was for a bit. I have many connections, so it was easy to get my sentence reduced to almost nothing at all."

"Good for you. But I still don't get it. Why come after me? It can't just be because I gave you that scar right?"

"Oh no, that's not it at all. Sure I'd love to damage that pretty face of yours, sweetie, but that's not the main reason I brought you here."

"Would you like to enlighten me? Or are you just going to let me think about until I come up with the wrong answer?"

"As much fun as it would be to watch you suffer, I think you wouldn't think too hard about it anyway, so I'll tell you. But first I have a question. Have you ever killed anyone?"

"I have."

"That's what I thought. Three people right?"

"Yup. Looks like someone did his homework."

"Do you remember their names?"

"I do."

This small chat had convinced me that I was right to think this was all somehow related to that day five years ago. It was obvious that Mack was getting closer and closer to spilling how he was related to that event with each question.

"So, you'll remember Olly?" he finally asked.

"Will you tell me how that relates to you and why you took me if I do?"

"I'll take that as a yes. And I guess it's only fair that I answer your question since you answered mine. I will tell you. Olly was my younger brother. I knew he got himself into some shady business, but I didn't know it'd get him killed. And that's where you come in, sweetie. You kill my baby brother, I kill yours. And eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, right?"

"If you so much as glance in his direction I will not hesitate to take you out right here, right now."

I could feel the blood rushing to my head and I was starting to not think entirely straight. I knew he was doing this on purpose. Of course I knew this. But it always seemed to work on people. I knew Mack was capable of taking JayJay without Mom or Dad realizing right away. JayJay can handle himself, at least that's what I tried to reason with myself to calm down a little. Showing Mack all my emotions outright like this wasn't doing me any good. And if he knew that I'd lose control at the mention of JayJay, then he'd think he had some leverage to use against me.

"Shouldn't you understand my pain? It only seems fair."

"Your brother was a fucking psychopath who enjoyed toying with people and then murdering them, you fucking asshole. If you think you know the whole story, then you have another thing coming for you. You didn't know your brother at all. He was a stranger to you. He put on a nice show around you, but when you were gone, he was himself. A bastard. A murderer. A killer. Inhuman. Unfeeling for others and selfish. I did what I did to protect myself and my brother."

"You took pleasure in it! I saw you that day months ago. When you gave me this scar. And I saw you just over two months ago. You loved bringing pain to that piece of shit in the street. You may tell yourself that it was self defense, that you were protecting your brother, but I know the truth. I know you took immense pleasure in inflicting pain and suffering on all your victims. Don't try to hide it. You can be your real self here. No one but me will see and I'll be the last thing you see."

With that, Mack left the interrogation room after shoving the table away from him in a fit of anger. He was also crazy just like his brother. It must run in the family. I don't ever want to meet their parents, who knows what they're like if their children turned out like this.

At least this time I wasn't left tied to a chair. My hands were still bound, but I could easily undo them. I was cautious though, since I wasn't sure if they put some hidden camera somewhere to watch me while I was left alone. I still didn't know why Mack tried to fake-rob the store six months ago just to get thrown in jail and find me again later. He knew it was me then so why hadn't he made a move? Since I wasn't a psychopath, I guess I wouldn't understand how they think.

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