37: The Wedding

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It was my wedding day. The day had finally come. Emrys and Clara had stayed in town the past few months in preparation for my wedding, and I also helped them plan theirs. Landon and I were having a pretty small wedding. It was just our immediate family and a few friends from college. We had all been busy these past two months with planning, booking, paying, and working at our actual jobs. I had surprised even myself with how well I was handling everything I had to do. I was hardly stressed at all. Landon helped out a lot with my morning sickness, and the people at work were very accommodating and understanding when I'd call in sick or come in and have to take breaks every now and then to stretch or go to the bathroom constantly.

Emrys and Taylor helped me get into my dress and fixed my hair and makeup. Everyone was waiting for me to walk down the aisle and I was ready.

"You look beautiful, Marley," Emrys said and patted my shoulder.

"Yeah, and the dress hides your bump pretty well," Taylor commented.

"Fuck off," I laughed. "I can't believe the others haven't said anything, especially Mom."

"For real! She had three kids herself, you'd think she knows the signs," Emrys said with a chuckle.

I looked at myself one last time in the mirror before heading for the aisle. My dress was long and flowy made with silky material. The bodice stopped just above my stomach and below my boobs. It was a creamy color covered in a light lavender flowery lace, all the way down the dress. The dress was also strapless. I didn't wear a veil because I think they are stupid and unnecessary.

When the doors opened and I walked through and down the aisle, I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear when I saw Landon. He looked at me like every person in the world dreams of being looked at. It was a look I recognized, one he'd given me time and time again, but it felt so special in this moment. I made my way towards the love of my life and held his hand in mine. I barely heard the words being said by whoever was marrying us; my eyes and mind were fixed on Landon.

We finally got to saying our vows, then placed our rings on each other, kissed and were married. Everyone made their way towards the reception area for an early dinner. I figured this would be the best time to let everyone who didn't already know that I was pregnant. When everyone was seated and had gotten their food, I stood up.

"Attention, everyone. The bride is about to speak," I said loudly. There weren't that many people anyway so it was easy to get their attention. "I have an announcement. I'm pregnant. Five months pregnant to be exact. I didn't tell you because I wanted to see if anyone would notice, but I guess if you did, maybe you didn't want to mention it just in case I wasn't. But I am. Now let's get this party started!"

"Congratulations Marley, and Landon!" everyone shouted at the same time.

After everyone had finished eating we had a dance party. It reminded me of the one I was never able to find at that Halloween party my roommates dragged me to. Who knows what would have happened to our lives if Landon and I hadn't talked at that party. Now that I was thinking of it, we'd have to tell Grams and Gramps about my family's ability to turn into cats. My baby was definitely going to be able to, so I'd have to explain this sooner rather than later. But that was a conversation for another time. Right now it was time for Landon and I to have fun and enjoy our wedding and the lives we'll live together in the future.


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