26: I Have

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I sniffled myself awake. It had been a long time since I had been sick, but I was feeling much better now that Landon was beside me. I woke up early and turned around to face him. He exhaled and tightened his grip on my waist and I wrapped my arms around his torso. It was nice to finally have Landon back. I hadn't even realized how much it hurt to have him gone until he called saying he wanted to talk. I had been able to keep my mind off him for the most part through school, work, and JayJay. Emrys and Clara had only stayed for a week, but we talked on the phone more often. That vague feeling I had after they left vanished once I said goodbye and watched them go through airport security.

Landon moved around and woke up. He smiled and kissed me when our eyes met, then he squeezed me tighter to hi body. I pushed him down into the bed and climbed on top of him so that I was straddling him. A shy smirk made its way on his lips and I bent down and kissed him. Both our hands explored the other's body and simultaneously lifted our shirts over our heads for better access. Make up sex was good too.

Landon had class and had to go back to his dorm to change and get his things so we parted at my front door. He leaned down slightly and gave me a quick peck on the lips before turning and leaving. I went back to me room and finished some homework.

After a hour or so, that vague feeling crept its way back into my body. All of the sudden I felt panic arise in my chest and before I knew it I had transformed into a cat. That had never happened before. I had no control over my transformation at the moment so I climbed out the window in my room and ran to my parents' house. If anyone was to know what was happening to me, it was them.

"Sorry, kiddo. I don't know why that happened," Dad said with a worried expression.

"Honey, you've always had this special ability to feel things before they happen. That's not something most of us have," Mom said. Even though she wasn't able to transform herself, after living with my father and having children with him, she knew just about all there was to know.

I had transformed back to a human when I came inside and explained to the best of my ability what had happened. If they had no idea what was going on, then things weren't looking so good for me. I knew something bad was going to happen, I just hoped it wouldn't kill me this time.

Mom and Dad tried to reassure me, but I went home still feeling anxious and panicked. I pushed it deeper into my mind and focused on preparing for my class in fifteen minutes. As i was about to leave the house, Landon texted me asking me to dinner with him and his grandparents. I said yes, of course. It had been too long since I'd been able to see Grams and Gramps. Now I had something to look forward to that could keep my mind off this feeling deep in my gut.

After my class, I met up with Landon and we headed over to Grams and Gramps' house. It wasn't quite time for dinner yet, but that didn't matter. I wanted to see them after so long. Landon reached for my hand and we laced our fingers together. I sighed with relief and relaxation. It was nice to finally be able to be with someone other than my family who accepts me, though I never thought that was something I wanted or needed.

"Hey," I said quietly. "I'm sorry that you had to see me like that, Landon. I swear it doesn't happen often and it's not like I go around killing people because I enjoy it or anything."

"No, I get it. I'm sure there was a reason for it, I just happened to see the worst part," he said reassuring me. There was a moment of silence before he broke it. "Wait, does that mean you have killed someone?"

I stared at him and watched his face as I paused before saying anything. I didn't think he really wanted to hear the answer to that question, but at the same time, I knew he'd find out eventually and he wouldn't like it that I never said anything, especially when he's gone and directly asked me.

"I have," I said and stared ahead. His reaction to my words was not something I needed to see.

"Okay," Landon said quietly.

"Are we okay to go to dinner? There's still time to back out, you know."

"No. I want us to go. Grams misses you. Even Grandpa has asked what you've been doing lately that you can't come to visit."

"Yeah, I have that effect on people. They just love me so much they miss me every second I'm away."

We laughed and the mood lightened significantly. I knew Landon knew I'd never dream of hurting him or his family, but I could tell it bothered him a lot when I answered his question. I could hear him hold his break as I spoke and only exhale after taking it all in. My family and I were hard to accept for outsiders, but I was happy he was trying.

"Marley! It's been too long, dear," Grams said as we walked through their front door and took off our shoes. She pulled me into a hug which I returned.

"It has, sorry about that," I said.

"Oh, Landon should have brought you over instead of hogging you all to himself."

"We were sorta having a fight, so that was probably why I didn't come around."

"A fight? So that explains why Landon has been acting so weird lately. You noticed it too right, honey?"

"Yeah, even I noticed it," Gramps chimed in. He looked like he hadn't been paying too much attention to our conversation and was just trying to please his wife, so whether or not he actually noticed a change in Landon's attitude was unknown.

"Well, come on in. I have some snacks ready while you wait for dinner," Grams said.

I followed her with Landon in tow to the dining room and sat down at the table where there were crackers and dip. I promptly took a cracker and scooped up some dip. It was garlic spinach dip. One of the few cracker and chip dips that I actually liked. I didn't understand why they never had this at any parties I had ever been to; fancy or not. It was so good, people were missing out. Gramps joined us at the table and we all talked; Grams joined in every now and then when she wasn't in the kitchen.

"Dinner was great, thanks for having me over," I said as I put my shoes on by the door. Landon hugged Grams and waited for me to finish.

"Any time dear, we love your company," Grams said and gave me a hug.

Landon and I clasped our hands together and headed out into the cold air. Spring was coming around the corner, but all that really meant here was that it rained all the time and didn't get much warmer. I was just glad it was a clear sky at the moment. It was no fun to walk home in the cold rain at night. Landon and I parted ways at my house. I gave him a kiss and we said goodbye.

As I turned to go inside, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Not wanting to alarm whatever, or whoever, it was that was watching me, I stopped momentarily and fiddled with the key and looked out the corner of my eye and stared until the mysterious figure moved out of sight. I went inside and locked the door then ran to my room and looked out the window. Nothing out of the ordinary in sight. Either I was just being paranoid, which was a slim chance, or that was related to whatever is giving me this feeling.

"Hey, you better be careful and on the lookout for anything suspicious, alright?" I said over the phone to my dad.

"What happened, kiddo?" he asked.

"I'm pretty sure someone was just watching me go inside my house, and I had that same feeling I've been getting this past month. Whoever that was was definitely related. So if they've finally come looking for me, whatevers gonna happen will likely happen soon."

"Okay, baby, we'll keep an eye out."

I knew I really worried my father with this phone call. He only ever calls be "baby" when he's trying to calm me down, which indirectly means he's trying to keep himself calm too. I heave a heavy sigh and change into pajamas to try and relax so I can get some actual sleep.

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