31: Escape

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Since there were no guards left with me in this small room, probably because there was a camera hidden somewhere in here, it was much harder for me to tell the time. I left my hands bound so they'd think I wasn't capable of untying them which hopefully made them let their guards down, even if just a little. I laid down on the table, switching from my back to my stomach every so often when one got sore. I kept my mind occupied with songs so that I would be able to roughly tell how long I'd been left in here.

It was seriously annoying having to deal with Mack. He thought he was so clever to leave me in here alone for so long, trying to break my resolve. I hoped that if I played along a little, it'd get him in here faster so we could finish this. I had to say, I was getting bored out of my mind. I missed Landon and it really didn't help that I got horny every time I thought of him because there was no way to relieve myself. The guards only let me out every few hours to go to the bathroom in this blocked out room with no chance for escape.

Mack opened the door and sat down across from me. It was nice to finally see another person's face, although Mack wasn't all that fun to look at under any circumstances. He crossed his arms across his chest and leaned back in the chair. I leaned back in my chair as well to show him I hadn't broken yet.

"Why did you try to rob the store I work at last year? You had the chance to take me then but you didn't," I asked.

"I thought about it, but I decided that I'd need to study you first hand in a tight situation. You killed my brother, so I wasn't going to take you lightly. After all that time researching you and watching your movements and reactions, I knew who I was up against. Once I knew you inside and out, I'd be able to kidnap you and eventually kill you," Mack explained.

"You think you can kill me?"

"I know I can."

There was no way someone like this jackass could actually kill me, but it was cute that he was so confident in himself. Without warning, Mack lifted his foot and pushed the table towards me. The table hit my just below my chest and then I fell backwards since the chair I was in was not meant to move much. I hit my head hard on the concrete floor. Mack pushed the table even more so that I wasn't stuck under it anymore. He stood over me and smirked.

"See? You are powerless here," he mocked.

I did my best to act scared and make him feel like he had won. It wasn't too difficult since my head ached like a bitch and I could feel my eyes welling up due to that, but why not let him think I'm oh so scared? Not harm to me, but great future harm to Mack. Perfect. As Mack made his way for the door, I caught a glimpse of what was most likely the tiny hidden camera left in here to watch me. I stared at it and watched as it flickered right when Mack shut the door. Does that mean that Mack has it turned off while he's in here?

I smiled to myself. I'd have to wait a few more visits to confirm now that I was pretty sure that was the case. This would make it much easier to escape, and I probably wouldn't get noticed too soon if Mack never gave the signal to turn the camera back on.

I waited probably another day before enacting my plan to escape. Mack visited me four other times trying to gauge how I was fairing after being left in this room for so long. I tried to act weak, but it was hard for me to do since I hated the thought of Mack getting off on that. But I endured and watched that little camera as Mack walked into the room and again as he walked out. Each time there was a barely noticeable flicker that happened as Mack gave the signal to turn it off and then turn it on.

As part of my plan, I untied my hands, mostly, and waited for Mack to show up. Once he walked into the room, I'd thrust the table at him, knock him unconscious and then escape. Easy Peasy. Mack came into the room about an hour after I had undone my hands and sat down across from me. I eyed the camera for a split second and watched as it flickered off. Perfect. It was go time.

I pushed the table away from me and watched it hit Mack in the chest. I hadn't pushed it too hard, just enough so that Mack would be surprised and thrown off his game. Mack rubbed his chest and looked around the room for me. I had jumped up on the table and then jumped into the air to land on him. I shoved Mack's head into the concrete floor and then punched him in the throat. He passed out and I ran for the door. There was no one around when I opened the door slightly so I opened it further and peered out even more. Still no one, so I closed the door and made my way down the hallway. It was nice that there was only one way to go from the room I was held in or else I'd be fucked wandering around this place. I heard voices here and there as I walked through the hallway. I hadn't gotten a great look as I was being led to the interrogation room, but I was really hoping there was another way out besides through the door of the lounge room and the abandoned warehouse. And there was.

There was a door next to the lounge room door. I tiptoed my way there and peered through the little window in the door to the lounge room. The same people I'd seen a few days ago as I was led through were there, and in their same spots. The guy at the computer was playing a game. I assume he was the one in charge of the camera, so now that it was turned off he could play games while he waited. Good for him.

When I was sure they wouldn't see me and it looked like they were going to stay where they were, I went over to the other door and looked through. I could see outside and there was not much around. There was a car not far away, but I didn't ha keys, so that's be no use; I'd have to run. I turned the knob and walked through. It was almost too easy. Of course, the sirens went of immediately once the door closed. I wasn't sure if it was because I opened the door or because of something else, but I wasn't going to stick around to find out. I started running when I remembered I could turn into a cat. It's not like anyone would know it's me, so I'd be completely safe in cat form. Before anyone could exit the building, I transformed and ran. Once I was a good distance away, but still able to see the abandoned building, I stopped, sat down, and turned around to watch them squirm.

Mack was the first person out of the building. He started running in my direction but stopped when he saw no sign of me. I started walking a little closer so it wouldn't look suspicious, even if I was a cat. Mack yelled and fired everyone who had gathered around him. I mean, it was mostly his fault. I don't know why he wanted to camera off while he was i there with me, but that was pretty stupid. Especially when he said he knew me inside and out. Did he really not think I could undo the ties on my hands? He overlooked some major details, but that worked out in my favor.

I scampered away before transforming back into a human. Now I'd just have to find my way home, get together with Mom and Dad, and come back to kill Mack. There was no way I was just going to leave him here to do this shit again. Nope. I needed to find JayJay first and foremost before Mack does. I was pretty sure Mom and Dad were keeping an eye on him, and JayJay is smart enough to think about all the outcomes of this situation, but there was that off chance that Mack really would go after JayJay.

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